
Last Chance

Chapter 211

Lake Vizima was covered in a blanket of fog. A few boats broke through the fog like little monsters swimming toward the center of the lake, and the sun shone on the silhouette of a barren and remote island.

"Black Tern Island." The witchers stood side by side at the bow. It had been two months since the battle with Dagon. Blood was spilled, and the fallen were killed. The evil god, Dagon, was evicted from this dimension, while the fallen vodyanoi were eradicated. I wonder how the goddess is going to deal with this army. They're armed to the teeth.

The knights switched out their chain mail for leather armor to ease movement on the lake. They had a sword strapped to their side and a crossbow that looked like Gabriel. All of them copied Verden crossbows.

Rudolf sent these knights here on the pretext of converting to the faith of Vivienne. He said they were here with Adda to witness a divine miracle. Rudolf and his trusted lieutenants were on the other boat, and they had a black pendant hanging from their necks. It looked like an unassuming pebble that could be found anywhere.

"Dimeritium." Letho stood behind Roy. "Anti-witchcraft metal. Those necklaces can ward off magical hypnosis."

"Well, that's one way to show who the enemies are." Roy looked through the fog and scanned the group of knights on the boats. About three quarters of them were wearing the same necklace. The remaining ones were either on Adda's side, or they did not trust Rudolf. The coincidence was that they were all survivors of the battle of Dagon last time. Azar did not appear, but Roy knew that he could show up anytime if he wanted to. He kept an eye out for the sorcerer.

The boats finally came near the island's shore. Everyone dragged the boats into the grass and followed Adda slowly to the center of the island. All of a sudden, Adda dropped the priestess act, taking her shoes and socks off to walk on the sands barefoot. She left a pair of footprints behind as she traversed the sands. Her bare calves were revealed, and the robe hung on to her tightly, accentuating all her curves. She swayed like a pendulum, her dazzling figure attracting the eyes of the knights.

They quickly averted their gazes and stared down. Rudolf, however, was starting to feel suspicious about the whole matter. However, none of them noticed that bubbles were appearing on the lake's surface behind them.


Black Tern Island used to have a great forest covering it, but a certain knight burned it to the ground during the last battle. The burn marks were still visible even after two months. Charred wooden stakes stood where trees used to. Sticks and leaves that had turned to ash were strewn throughout the land, and beastly remains were scattered among the ashes.

A statue of Vivienne stood deep in the ruins. She looked as lifelike as the one back in the temple area, but there was a difference. This statue was holding a slender flask with vines and seaweed protruding from the flask's mouth. Fish, crustaceans, and mollusks stuck to the flask's outside, and dewdrops hung from them.

The leaves rustled as Adda made her way to the altar. She turned around and smiled at the knights. "Guardians of Vizima, if you wish to be graced by the goddess, you must cleanse yourself by drinking the holy water in the altar. You must be cleansed of your putrid sins. Those who come with malice in their hearts must drink more."

Adda held the cracked bowl beside the altar and scooped up the 'holy water' in it with her hands. The holy water looked just like clear water. It was colorless and odorless. "Which of you will come forth and show an example for your fellow knights?" Adda held the bowl and looked around her. Most of the knights she looked at hesitated, and they stared down in shame.

Even Rudolf was the same. He stared down and avoided meeting her gaze.

"No volunteers?" Adda's smile faded, and she finished the bowl of holy water herself. The liquid moisturized her lips and flowed down her chin. It traveled down her neck and drenched her chest, almost revealing the skin underneath.

Roy had no idea if the holy water tasted like wine, but he did see Adda turn red after a while. She wiped the water from her mouth with her finger, and a mark of her lips was imprinted on the edge of the bowl. The knights looked at the bowl with passion. "Who's going to go second? Don't tell me the order has even less courage than a woman." Adda gave them a challenging-yet-encouraging look.

"I'll do it!" The young witcher accepted the challenge. He accepted the bowl of holy water and downed it in one gulp. He showed the clean bowl to everyone, and the mark Adda left on the edge of it had blurred. Much to Roy's surprise, the holy water was not as tasteless as it looked. It was slightly bitter at first, but then Roy could taste the sweet scent of blood in it, though he was sure it was not human blood. He felt a surge of warmth coursing through his veins, and he checked his character sheet.

'Constitution: 11.6 → 11.8.'

Not bad. Got a 0.2 point increase in Constitution.

Adda promised the knights, "I guarantee that the holy water contains the goddess' blessing. It grants vitality and strength to those who drink it. Nothing bad will happen! I had to pay a heavy price just to get this gift for everyone!" Adda said coldly, "I'll ask you one last time! Any takers?"

Finally, a knight stepped forth. He was a burly man with brown hair and brown eyes. The man gazed at the princess with fiery fanaticism, and he downed the holy water in one go. Roy knew who he was. He was Cleveland, who used to be stationed in Ellander. Looks like he's Adda's ardent supporter now.

With Cleveland taking the lead, the knights had nothing to fear. In the end, nine more knights came to Adda's side. All of them, including Cleveland, were involved in the battle with Dagon last time. The other knights were with Rudolf. They had dimeritium necklaces hanging from their necks, and they remained silent. Rudolf Valaris stood in the center of that group, crushing the knights who even tried to take a step forward.

Adda heaved a sigh. She went to that group of knights, holding the bowl of holy water in her hands. The princess gave them a look, but they were unfazed. Most of the knights were nearly thirty years old. They had great resolve in their eyes, and their hands were filled with calluses from all the years of training and battles they were involved in. However, one of the knights was slightly shorter than his peers. He looked nervous, and he was breathing heavily. The knight seemed to be shivering from being too nervous.

A smile curled Adda's lips, and she turned her attention to that knight. She went up to him, and the knight could taste a sweet scent lingering in the air. He tensed up.

"What is your name?"

"Wa-Waldo, Y-Your Highness."

"You don't look like you're eighteen. How long have you been training under Rudolf?" Adda glanced at Rudolf calmly, but the look on his face was hidden behind his beard. He noticed her looking at him, and he bowed at her.

"I-I've been taking care of his horse since I was tw-twelve. I-It's been five years," Waldo stammered.

"I can see why he trusts you, but…" Adda offered him the holy water. "Rudolf has a lot of capable lieutenants. He can do without you. Now, accept this gift and serve me."

"Your Highness, I must apologize!" Waldo shouted and buried his head in his chest.

"You refuse this gift?" Adda's eyes turned into slits, and she chortled. "Stubborn fools. Very well then." She let go of the bowl, and it fell to the ground, shattering into little shards.

She managed to get everyone's attention. Waldo quickly went down and picked the shards up. He presented them to the princess, and she caressed his head. She made him look up, and his neck was revealed. The princess took one shard from him, and she said, "Waldo, take a good look around you. This might be your last chance…"

"Wh-What do you mean, Your Highness?" Waldo blushed. The princess was being awfully friendly, and he was about to say something, but his life came to an abrupt halt before he could say his last words.

Adda cruelly slashed the young knight's neck with the shard, and blood spurted from the gash like a fountain. It drenched her robe in red, but she was unfazed. The priestess raised her hands and opened her arms as she held her head high to face everyone.

The poor knight held his throat, but it was too late to save himself. His eyes were as big as saucepans, and he was gurgling. He eventually fell back down to the ground, all the life snuffed out of him.

The princess acted too swiftly for the other knights to save him. Even if they reacted in time, they still could not do anything to her. They were her knights, and they would never attack the princess. Foltest specifically asked them to protect her at all costs.

"Wh-What is the meaning of this, Your Highness?" Rudolf's beard was trembling. He was enraged, but he held it down, though he was already reaching for his sword.

"Rudolf, you traitorous villain! You conspired with the royal consultant and attempted to attack the goddess! I put my faith in you, but you trampled on it! This is unforgivable!"

"She knows! Knights, to your positions!" Rudolf held his hand up, and the knights formed a square-shaped formation.

"You have committed an act of transgression against the goddess! All of you shall pay for it in blood!" Adda snapped her fingers, and something screeched in the air.

A gale swept through the island, and a terrifying sight overwhelmed everyone. More than a dozen vodyanoi broke through the soil and leapt out of the ground. They held harpoons and bats in their hands, screeching at the air as though they were prepared to kill. Their dorsal fins stood straight up, and their gills were puffed.

It was a fearful sight by itself, but that was not the end of it. A strange gurgling was heard coming from the lake, and then dozens of drowners sprang from the lake. They charged toward the knights, as if goaded by an unseen force.

The knights standing with Adda were in shock, but Adda assured them, "Calm down. You're one of us now that you've drunk the holy water. The goddess' herald will only take the lives of heretics."

Next chapter