
Chapter Sixty Nine_ I Want To Speak With You.

Valerie's POV

The harsh rays of the sun struck the window frame and its lightning saturated the whole room, making it impossible for me to sleep in peace. I closed my eyes tight but to no avail, then I had to abide by its bidding and opened my eyes slowly.

I was still in Christine's embrace, so the first sight I met was that of his toned chest. Furthermore, I adjusted a little so that I can feel it with my palm. 

"Wow…this is beautiful.'' I said out loud while stroking his chest slowly and fondling his nipples, I moved my hand to his face.

His eyelashes, which are longer than that of a lady's, embellished his handsome features the most. His chiseled jaw toned up the shape of his face. I trace my hand to his nose, which looks as though it was carved with silicon or even from porcelain.

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