
Chapter Fifteen_ Release Her!

Valerie's POV

This is beyond my expectations, how can Aunt Selena be the mother of the victim? I didn't break eye contact with her, neither did she. After a long pause, she walked up to me and hugged me while stroking my hair.

"Dear Valerie, you're nothing different from your mom, you both are the same, she took away the love of my life, and you took away my only son's life." She broke the hug and wiped her teary cheeks with the back of her palm.

"You will rot in hell!" She exclaimed like a psychopath, and before I knew it, she removed her heels and began to hit me with it.

Murderer! Murderer!'' she shouted at the top of her voice as the policeman dragged her to a corner.

She was led outside the empty room, and the policemen made me sit, then sat opposite me.

"Miss, do you by chance know Mr. Jason?" He inquired with squinted eyes.

"No sir, I don't," I replied firmly.

"Why then did you poison his drink?" They inquired further.

"You should investigate this matter well, yes I served a glass of vodka, but did you investigate if he dropped the glass for a second? If he was surrounded by friends? If he perhaps ate something else before coming to the bar? With all due respect, sir, you have to investigate this matter thoroughly before concluding." I was almost on the edge of losing it, but thankfully I didn't.

"Madam, all the evidence points to you, and the rest of the footage was deleted, so perhaps you conspired with someone to delete the footage; we need the truth, after all, you can do anything for money, can't you?" This policeman is trying to get on my nerves, he's intentionally pushing me to the walls to see my reaction.

"With all due respect sir, I might have a sick mom, yes! I might be poor, yes! But that doesn't…" I was about to give him a damn piece of my mind, but then the door suddenly opened and Christine walked in with another policeman behind him.

"Release her, she's been billed." The policeman behind him said, and I could see the shock in his colleague's eyes. Everyone knows that I'm to be billed after twenty-four hours but what the hell?

They concealed their puzzlement and walked to me, then unlocked the handcuff on my wrist. I stood up, still baffled by the sudden release. Christine held my hands, and we walked out of the police station without saying a word to each other.

"Thank you." I simply said to him when we entered the car, before turning towards the window.

I haven't even been here for a while, but it seems each hour comes with bitter surprises. Not only that, but I'm beginning to wonder how my life will be for the next six months in Christine's house. Furthermore, I signed deeply before closing my eyes.

Christine's POV

Back then in my restaurant, I had to act as though Valerie were a stranger to me because if I didn't then the policemen might as well interrogate the both of us. I couldn't let her stay in the cell for even a minute. That's why I pleaded with the police inspector to take her to the questioning room upon her arrival.

I pulled over at my house and I turned to her side and observed she was sleeping soundly. After packing my car properly, I opened the door which she was leaning on and shook her lightly to wake her up, but to no avail.

Furthermore, I signed and carried her upstairs to her room, which is beside mine. I dropped her on her bed and helped her out of her shoes before covering her up with a duvet. Today was nothing like I expected.

I was about to walk out of the room when I noticed the wound on her forehead. "How on earth did she get an injury?" I said out loud before strolling downstairs to get a first aid box.

After taking the first aid from my room, I strode off to her room and applied some spirit before dressing the wound. I saw another wound on her shoulder and I did the same to it. I put on the heater in her room before turning off the light, then walked out of her room.

My phone rang, and I picked up the call, "Spill it." I ordered my private investigator on the other line.

"According to our findings and the retrieved CCTV footage, Mr. James had another glass of vodka on the terrace of the building where he was seen partying with his friends and the waitress who served him the drink had fled from the country." He said to me as fast as he could.

"Bring her back here in the next twenty-four hours." They should know better than to think for a split second that I requested that because I ordered.

Likewise, I disconnected the line before he could say a word, but Immediately, my phone rang again, and this time I had to scratch my neck before picking up the call.

"Hello, Mr. Hector," I said with a cold and icy tone.

"Christine, I didn't see you today as you promised." There was a bit of anger in his tone, but I didn't mind that.

"I said if I agree to your TERMS." I emphasized the word 'term'.

"I hope you didn't get me wrong, do you? You should understand that my not showing up simply means that I didn't agree to your term, you don't give me a condition to marry your daughter." I walked down a stair before I continued,

"You don't force your daughter on me, nor should you try forcing me to do things. I will come to your office when I've decided on what to do." With that, I hung up, I'm in no mood to please anyone.

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