
When Aarohi on a Mission.

When everyone starts searching for viruses But no one knows from where the virus is being spread.After that again everyone gets disappointed and goes back to the lab.But when everyone reaches back to the lab, but Aarohi and Gad 30 have not yet reached the lab. Then Mr. Alien says that today both of them are going to be late again.

But Aarohi had thought today that no matter how late it may be, today she will go after knowing from where the virus is being spread.Due to which Aarohi and GD 30 were still doing less due to which both were late.

GD 30= Let's stay for today, will come again tomorrow to find.It was too late, everyone must be waiting for us.

Aarohi = No wait just a little longer.Give me some thought.As Dr. Sharma said that the virus is spreading to more people through nose and hands. That's why you know about anything that has direct contact with people's noses and hands.

GD 30= There are so many things here that it is difficult to mention any one.

Aarohi = No, something that becomes very normal, everyone knows heresy, everyone is easily found everywhere.in which no one has any doubt about the virus

GD 30= I can't remember anything like that right now.

Aarohi = Never mind, let's find out.

After that both again start searching.After going some distance, Aarohi sees that at one place an alien woman is sitting with a bouquet of many flowers. All the flowers were the same but their colours were different. But those flowers were so good to look at, so good that on seeing them, they thought of taking them in their hands. Aarohi saw that many people were buying those flowers.

Aarohi = GD 30 Are these flowers the famous flowers here that so many people are stand to buy them?

GD 30= These flowers are the most beautiful flowers of our planet.You see how beautiful their colors are and all are of different colors but all the flowers are the same just the color is different.that's what makes it special You will not find these flowers anywhere other than this planet.And the fragrance of those flowers is also very good which makes those flowers more special. Everyone buys these flowers here.Whether to give a gift to someone or to decorate your home or for any other purpose, there can be no better option than those flowers. That's why this flower is so famous here.

Aarohi= Really these flowers are very nice.

GD 30 = This morning I had bought these flowers to keep in my room.I will bring it for you too, wait here.

Aarohi doesn't say anything after that GD 30 starts leaving for baught flowers for Aarohi.

That's why Aarohi's mind remembers what Dr. Sharna said about how the virus is being spread.

Who thinks that these flowers are famous flowers here and all the people here also know heresy.And most people use this flower for a lot of things too.And the most important thing is that its smell is very good due to which people come to smell it. You must be taking those flowers near your nose so that the flowers will be in contact with the nose. And flowers are getting in contact with hands.So there may be virus in it.I am pretty sure that the virus is being spread through these flowers.

Whoever is doing this is very clever and knows very well that by putting virus on these flowers and spreading it among the people, no one will have the slightest doubt.

After that Aarohi sees that GDl 30 is just about to touch Flowers.Then Aarohi shouts loudly and said GD 30 to stay there and move away from those flowers.

GD 30= What happened to Aarohi all of a sudden who is telling me to stay away from these flowers.

After that Aarohi comes away from there and said everyone to move away from those flowers.

GD 30= Aarohi what are you doing if you do this people will get scared What do you want to do after all?

Aarohi = I tell you everything first remove all these from here Because there is danger here.I am doing this only for the safety of all of them.

After that in verse 30, he asks everyone to move away, so that everyone stands at a distance from those flowers.

GD 30 = now tell me what's the matter

Then Aarohi quickly takes out a virus detection spray from her bag without wasting time. And sprays that spray on those flowers.h Immediately after spraying the color of those flowers changes as Dr. Sharma said Everyone gets shocked seeing this with GD 30.

Aarohi = The virus is being spread through these flowers and not from anywhere else.

GD 30 = Yes, I am watching, wait, I inform everyone now and said them to come here.

Aarohi = Ok .

After that, GD 30 starts informing everyone in the lab, but then Aarohi sees that at a distance, an alien who cover his face with wearing a mask and Was spying on both of them.

And he was reporting everything that happened to someone through the device.Aarohi thinks that he definitely belongs to the group of people who are spreading this virus. So Aarohi starts running towards him to catch him. But when the alien sees Aarohi coming towards him, he starts running but Aarohi starts running after him.

But GD 30 has not seen Aarohi to doing this because he was trying to inform everyone by facing the other side.He was not able to contact other people due to poor network, so he was trying to contact by going some distance away.

then GD 30 looks back, then he does not see Aarohi. Then he moves his eyes here and there to see Aarohi , then he sees that . Aarohi went far ahead chasing one another.He gives voice to the Aarohi . Aarohi wait don't go after him alone you may be in danger.But Aarohi tells him not to worry about me, you inform everyone quickly.And quickly call everyone here.After that the Aarohi goes far ahead.

And everyone here in the lab was talking about the fact that both of them haven't come yet.

AG 35 = Shall we contact them once that where are both.If they are in trouble somewhere.

IG 20 = Leave them when they have to come, then they will come.

jin = Let us contact once and find out, if everything is fine, we will go back, we will not wait for them from here.

IG 20 = Ok do whatever you want to do.

After that, as soon as AG 35 tries to contact GD 30. Then he gets a call from GD 30.And he says all of you come quickly to my location, Aarohi has found it.From where the virus is being spread. But I is still unable to find Aarohi , she ran after someone to catch him.But don't know where she has gone while chasing him.If she is in trouble.You all come here soon.

On hearing all this, Mr. Alien left from there without delay and sat in the car. And told AG 35 that you should reach there quickly with all the preparations. That's why Jin says wait, I will also come with you. Saying this she sits in the car.

After that Mr. Alien directly reaches the same location where GD 30 takes place. As soon as he reaches, Mr. Alien asks Gd 30 where is Aarohi.

GD 30= I don't know where I went all of a sudden, I went a little far away from here to inform you, because the network was not coming right here.Within no time, while chasing someone, Aarohi went far ahead.I also said her to stop but she did not stop and went far ahead chasing him. After that I looked for her here and there but could not find her.

Mr alien= Okay, stay here with whom I go to find Aarohi.AG 35 must have come here along with other people.

jin = Wait, I am also walking with you to find Aarohi.

mr Alien = No, you stay here, I go.

After that Mr. Alien goes to find Aarohi.He goes too far even while searching . After going some distance, he calls Aarohi.

Aarohi, can you hear me? Aarohi where are you?Having said this, he started searching for Aarohi everywhere.

That's then his eyes go to Aarohi at some distance.Mr. Alien saw that she chased the alien and caught him. But the alien was trying his best to escape But Aarohi held her tightly and was trying to see the alien's face. On seeing Aarohi, Mr. Alien ran towards Aarohi.

Mr alien= Aarohi leave him, he will hurt you.

Aarohi looked back as soon as she heard Mr. Alien's voice. And said don't worry about me and come here quickly and help me catch him.

Mr alien = I am coming .

The alien saw that if Mr. Alien also came here, he would be caught And here Aarohi removed his mask due to which Aarohi saw the face of that alien. But acha that alien sprays something in Aarohi's eyes to avoid Aarohi . After that Aarohi kept both her hands on her eyes as to what she sprayed on my eyes.In the same way Mr. Alien also reaches when Alien escapes from there.

As soon as he reaches, Mr. Alien asks Aarohi are you fine.

Aarohi = I'm fine you go catch that alien first.

Mr. Alien goes to chase him only then he sees that suddenly a car came and took that alien away.

After that Mr. Alien quickly comes to Aarohi and gets up from below and says are you alright

Aarohi = i'm fine but did you catch that alien

mr Alien= No he ran away.And what was the need for you to follow him alone if something happened to you?

Having said this, he hugs Aarohi strongly.Never do this in future.Then Aarohi screams loudly.And says my eye.

Mr Alien= What happened Aarohi?

Aarohi = I don't know he had sprayed something in my eyes maybe because of that my eyes started burning now.And I can't even see anything clearly.

mr Alien= What are you saying, in fact you are not able to see now.

Aarohi = Yes, I can't see anything clearly, everything is visible in blur.

Then Mister Alien wakes up Aarohi in his lap.And says, come on, I will take you to Dr. Sharma now.

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