
Suppressed power

Elliana looked at the beautiful vampire in front of her, who had been gazing at her for the past twenty minutes, and didn't know what to say or do.

It's been twenty minutes since lunch started, and just like the previous day, she was about to open her lunch and eat in comfort, when out of nowhere, this vampire girl from the morning arrived and pulled her onto the terrace with her.

From what she has found out about this girl, her name was Samantha Clair, and she was probably madly in love with Alcinder, or that's what Melony told her.

During the entire lecture, Melony couldn't stop talking about how famous Elliana was becoming in the student forum and how it crashed again because of her presence.

When Elliana mentioned the name of Samantha, Melony couldn't stop talking about how strong and influential that female vampire was. Elliana felt like she pretty much knew everything about this vampire now after hearing so many things from Melony.

"Would you like to eat something or just stare at me? I am hungry and would like to eat my lunch now," Elliana scowled after a long time before she brought out her bento box, and Samantha looked at the human girl in front of her with raised brows.

It's not always that she has to fight any female roaming around Alcinder for his attention, much less a human.

When Samantha heard about a new mysterious girl who was seen with Alcinder, she knew she would deal with her easily, but now that she was looking at Elliana, she didn't know how to describe this uneasy feeling in her heart.

For the first time, she wanted to teach a human a lesson and not hurt them at the same time.

The girl looked nothing worth the hype. She was beautiful, no doubt, but Samantha had seen many other beautiful girls in the university alone. So what was it about this girl that was gaining so much attention?

Not only was this human ordinary, she even acted like a fool. Who brings a lunch box to the university? And what human is stupid enough to eat lunch in front of an angry vampire? Wasn't this girl testing her luck a bit too much?

"You are making me uncomfortable by staring for so long. Have you fallen for my looks?" Elliana raised her brows at Samantha, and the latter narrowed her eyes.

'Innocent, my a*s. She has a sharp mouth,' Samantha wondered.

"I am just trying to figure you out. I wanted to see what kind of human it was that had captured Alcinder's gaze. This person hates females, especially humans, with a passion," Samantha stared at Elliana, and seeing her stuffing her mouth like this conversation didn't matter, she couldn't help but feel infuriated.

"If it makes you feel better, I am not interested in Mr. Alcinder," Elliana paused before stuffing her mouth again.

Mr. Alcinder? Is this what she has been calling him that intrigued him? Samantha wondered.

"And why should I believe you?" Samantha asked.

"Because my heart beats for someone else," Elliana casually said as if this wasn't the most romantic line ever, and Samantha wanted to applaud this girl's speaking skills. She must be really good at flirting to say such things so casually.

"Who is it?" She asked, and Elliana drank the chocolate shake she had asked the chef to prepare since she didn't want to waste money there.

She placed the glass down before wiping her lips.

"It shouldn't bother you. What you should know is that I am not interested in Mr. Alcinder at all. I try to stay away from boys like him the most. These boys are nothing but trouble," Elliana said, and Samantha looked behind the girl where Alcinder, Daniel, and their friends were walking towards them in long strides.

"What do you not like about Alcinder?" Samantha asked cunningly.

"Is there anything to like about Mr. Alcinder? He is a gentleman. I would give him that. He has good looks too. Girls would fall for them," Elliana paused, and Alcinder, who was walking to them and heard her saying this, felt his heart skip a beat.

"However, his nature is downright rude. He doesn't care about your personal space and will insult you anywhere and just everywhere. He is broke as hell. Yesterday, he ate my lunch and promised to buy me food if I was still hungry, and guess what? He didn't. He is a liar. I hate boys like him," Elliana said mindlessly, and Daniel looked at his friend, who had a dark look.

In her eyes, Alcinder was really broke now.

Samantha looked at the frozen expression on Alcinder's face and smirked inwardly.

Well, now that this girl had openly insulted him in front of his friends, she was sure Alcinder would hate this human even more and probably throw her out of his life and mind forever.

"What did you say?" Alcinder's words made Elliana freeze in her place.

A weird shiver ran down her spine, and she cleared her throat. Elliana didn't even know why she bothered to speak so much.

Was it the fact that this vampire accused her of stealing her man when she wasn't even interested? Or was it because her heart felt wrong that it was being associated with another man when it was falling for Mr. Marino only?

Elliana blushed at the thought of Mr. Marino and took a deep breath.

"I only speak the truth. Do you disagree with me?" Elliana turned to look at Alcinder, and he narrowed his eyes at her.

There was no way she was the same innocent girl from yesterday. It was almost like her personality did a 180° turn in one night. If this personality was real, was yesterday's scared and innocent one a fake?

"I have been looking all over for you. What are you sitting here?" Daniel cut off the conversation, knowing all too well, it won't lead anywhere and create more difference between them.

"Mr. Alcinder's girlfriend practically pulled me here because she thinks I am interested in him. So I politely told her I am not into boys like him," Elliana stuffed her mouth again as if she wasn't just insulting the vampires who could suck her dry.

When Alcinder heard what Elliana said, his gaze immediately turned cold, and he looked at Samantha, who had a cold smile on her face.

She wasn't ashamed of what she did. This wasn't the first time she threatened a girl, and it definitely won't be the last.

"I told you everything in the morning, Samantha. Was it necessary to associate me with just anyone?" Alcinder pinched the bridge of his nose, and Samantha rolled her eyes.

"You tell me why I am doing this, Alcinder? You are supposed to be my boyfriend, but rather than enjoying my youth with the man I like, here I am, scaring humans to stay away from him. Who is the one to blame for this?" Samantha asked, and Alcinder looked at his friends before sighing.

"This isn't the place, Samantha," Alcinder suppressed a growl.

"Why? Why is this place not right? They are your friends and know everything about us. This new girl, however -"

"Don't bring me into this, please," Elliana said with her mouth full, and Samantha pursed her lips at this uncultured human before looking at Alcinder.

"Why are you doing this, Alcinder? I thought we had something between us. Weren't you the one who initiated it? Why the hell am I the one who is trying so hard to keep you with me now?" Samantha's eyes softened, and Elliana noticed that Alcinder was hiding back.

It was as if he had too many things to say but didn't want to hurt Samantha. It was evident from his eyes and the way he ground his feet, plastering his hands on his side as if he was using all his powers to control himself from doing something he might regret.

"Who cooks this food? Do you prepare it? This is delicious," Elliana heard George stuffing his mouth, and she scowled at him.

"Hey! That's mine! Do you guys think I will share my food daily? Why don't you guys bring yours if you love home-cooked food so much," Elliana picked the cutlets.

"Hey! Don't be so mean. Aren't humans supposed to be the caring ones? You are at least one of those caring ones, right? Give me!" George scowled harder.

He practically jumped on the bench to get to the cutlets, but before his hand could touch her, she instinctively raised her leg, and it kicked George so hard that he landed a few meters away from her.

Her eyes widened slightly when she noticed George on the ground. She has raised her leg instinctively because of all the training she took in prison to save her from a sudden attack.

To say everyone was shocked by Elliana's sudden change in behavior would be an understatement. No one had expected her to kick George like this. She herself was shocked by this force and gulped.

Alcinder and Samantha forgot about their conversation and openly gawked at the girl who kicked their friend down.

Daniel saw the scowl on Elliana's face and remembered their conversation from yesterday. He thought it was her instinct because she might've felt danger when George jumped so close to her with that angry look and sighed loudly.

"Did she- did she just kick me because I was trying to get her cutlets?" George was in disbelief like everyone else.

They looked at Elliana, who was looking down with knitted brows as if contemplating something.

"Elliana -" Daniel placed his hand on her shoulders comfortingly, and Elliana looked up with tears brimming her eyes.

She was afraid. She was afraid because she had been feeling this weird sensation in her body since the previous night after that dream. It's like something is inside her that wants her to be rough and rogue.

She had been trying to suppress this feeling, but the more she tried to push it down, the more it resurfaced. Elliana knows that she isn't like this. Her older self will never talk back to a vampire so casually, especially powerful ones like these.

Something was definitely wrong with her. And the more she thought about it, the more weird she felt.

She can't help but wonder if this is because of what that voice was asking her to do. To accept her. Even if it was for a minuscule second she -

"Elliana, are you okay?" Daniel asked again, and Elliana bit her lower lip.

"I am not the violent type," Elliana said, and Daniel looked into her innocent eyes filled with fear of the unknown and sighed.

"I know you are not. You were just startled and nothing else. No one is blaming you for it. George should've known better," Daniel said, and George openly gawked at him.

"Dude, did you just -"

"I am sorry, George. Would you like to drink this chocolate shake as compensation?" Elliana asked, and George looked at her for a few seconds before sighing.

"Only if you give me those cutlets too," George said.

"Only three are negotiable," Elliana scowled with that innocent look.

"Works fine with me," George hummed before he sat beside her and ate her lunch as if nothing happened.

Daniel- "..."

Alex -"..."

Alcinder - "..."

Samantha -"..."

Everyone was left speechless with their negotiation and seriously didn't know what to say to these people anymore.

Meanwhile, the person who was observing Elliana from the other building smirked.

It was finally happening.

A/N- If you like this story then please share and gift. This will really motivate me to write more.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

AngelinaBhardawajcreators' thoughts
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