
Chapter 1 - Meeting a girl in the woods


I was ridding my bike down the road entering forks by the sign.

I've been transmigrated to this world for sixteen years with my wishes as I entered through the town coming from Seattle.

I wished to be rich with a huge house on the neutral part outside of forks but then I get this feeling coming from the woods as I slowed down then stopped my bike.

I took my helmet off to put in on my seat to sped through the forest as I found the one person I can't believe I would see now, Bella Swan.

"Hey, hey, are you alright?" (El)

I see she's sleep or unconscious as I picked her up bridal style as I sped to my bike to put her on infront of me to ride slow to my house where my pack resides.

I pulled up to the house as the doors to the front opened as I see Liam.

"Who's she?" (Liam)

"Found her in the woods unconscious" (El)

I got off to carry her inside as Liam followed behind.

"Where is everyone?" (El)

"In there rooms" (Liam)

"What's going on?" (?)

I look to see Clara, Liam's mate walking downstairs.

"Found her in the woods, can you give her a look over?" (El)

"Sure" (Clara)

Clara examined Bella as me and Liam watched.

"Well, she's fine just sleep deprived and lack of substance" (Clara)

"Oh good, I'm taking her to my room" (El)

I picked Bella off the couch to walk her upstairs to my room to which I put her in my bed, damn I have a giant bed.

I walked to change my clothes to T-Shirt and shorts so I can comfortable.

I sat on the couch in my room to turn the TV on as I heard Bella start to wake up as I walked to her as she shot up scared.

"Hey Hey, easy there" (El)

"W-Who are you? Where am I?" (Bella)

"I'm Ellie Carter but I prefer El and your at my house, your still in forks" (El)

"Um Isabella Swan but I prefer Bella" (Bella)

"Good but you should probably call your parents to let them know you are alright" (El)

"R-Right" (Bell)

She got up to pull out her phone to call while I left the room to give her privacy.

I came back to Bella got off the phone.

"You good?" (El)

"Yeah and thanks for helping me" (Bell)

"No problem" (El)

"So?" (Bell)

"Alright, I'm gonna cut to the chase, Bella I know you were with a vampire in the woods cause I could smell him on you" (El)

Bella eyes widened.

"H-How?" (Bell)

"We're werewolves" (El)

"Seriously?" (Bell)

"Yeah, so why were in the woods passed out in the feedle position?" (El)

Bella told me what Edward said to which I'm pissed more than when I watched the scene but in this world there's more, another girl.

"Wow but Bella it sounds like he said something or lied to get his family to leave so you can't blame all of them" (El)

Bella had a look then a realization then her stomach growled which Bella blushed.

"You must be hungry, come on it's dinner time plus you get to meet the rest of the pack" (El)

We walked out the room as Bella looked at the house but it's an Estate really.

"Woah" (Bella)

"Yeah I know" (El)

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