
[Bonus Chapter for ohecoupons] ohecoupons

After Tuss confirmed that Ender and the others received the message and were rushing to the spaceport, he took off in his lev, also heading there.

As for the hundred soldiers, Tuss had assigned them to assist the residents of Planet 132 with evacuation.

Yuri busied himself on the interstellarnet, seeking information about Planet 132.

Located near the border of the Alliance, Planet 132 was a medium-small planet, with a population of just 1.5 billion. The recent insectoid invasion had taken many lives, though the exact number was still being tallied. Many had fled as well, especially those who had the resources and means to do so.

Minus those who died or fled, there were still probably a billion people left on Planet 132. Evacuating all of them was going to be a mammoth task.

"It's not as difficult as you might think," Tuss offered. "We can transfer the population to nearby planets, with starships making round trips in a single day."

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