
The Giant Bee Hive

After officially filling LinLin up so much that she couldn't even hold the rest of it in I had become the last and Final husband of the Pirate Queen along with making all of her daughters, which were both her strongest and best looking daughters from what I heard from her, as my women.

This solidified the creation of the Pirate Cove and the making of a small shrine dedicated to Terra which would make it possible to travel between my village and here quickly.

I didn't care what they did to the other nations here on Terra so long as they don't attack the monster range that the alliance was made from which LinLin was fine with as my home was also her home as well.

So I returned back home with a smile on my face after that very very long night of intense nonstop sex, and as a result of her wanting it all and enjoying it very much I had gone up over 130 levels from 120 to 250 making me one of the strongest here in the Monster Range as a result.



Race: Goblin Progenitor

LVL: 120 -> 250

STR: 270 -> 375

PER: 145 -> 200

END: 265 -> 400

CHA: 70 -> 200

INT: 45 -> 75

AGL: 145 -> 200

LCK: 40 -> 100

MAG: 45/45 -> 75/75

STA: 2650/2650 -> 4050/4050

HP: 26,000 -> 40,000


Magic: Cleanse Corruption

Skills: Bulk Up, Peak Strength, Giants Punch, Iron Body(NEW) Night Vision, Blink Step, Hard Negotiator, Kings Banner, Kings Charge, Kings Call, Kings Territory.

*New Skills*

Kings Decree: Your Word is Law, when activated boost or weaken your enemies/allies with what you decree, only works on those of a lower level than yourself, the closer to your level they are the less these effects will have on them.

Kings Gambit: Throw the dice and see if Lady Luck Favors you, the more precarious the situation you are in the more your luck increases and the more your enemies luck decreases, results will vary depending upon what enemy you are faced up against as the higher the luck they have compared to you, the less effective this skill will work against them.

Kings Lineage(Futa): Cursed to never have a son in this life this skill has been edited to include your Herm/Futa/Gynomorph children will have heavy charactistics of women with all the necessary parts to give birth while also making it possible to make others pregnant, this skill sharply increases the base stats of those children being born, and when they have children, from themselves or others, you as their father and King will passively gain more stat points as a result, the stronger they are and the higher level they are the more stat points you will get as a result.

Lucky Clover: More Good fortune will befall you and those around you

Lucky Children: Your Children have a higher chance of being born with even higher base stats from birth

Blink Step -> Short Distance Teleportation

Mana Recovery: 50% increase in speed of recovering your mana

Silver Tongue: very likely that you will convince those that don't outright hate you to hear what you have to say and ultimately agree with you

Devils Charm: Your Charm is more effective on those that are not the same race as you

Linguistic: You can speak any of the world's languages fluently, even allowing you to communicate to the monsters that don't have known languages as they will understand you and you will understand them.

Iron Body -> Titanium body

Night Vision -> Life Detection

Bulk up -> King of Beasts


These were really good skills, and though I was slightly conflicted with the Kings Lineage Skill that boosted my stats with more of my futa children having children of their own, which I didn't really have an issue with it, it's just I would need to have a lot of them to be born to make that possible and that in itself is hard with only a 5% chance that might not happen even if I impregnated every single woman in my tribe currently.

And I don't exactly feel completely comfortable just letting any from outside my tribe come in to make families with my currently free daughters of mine, I'll think on it more after the first futa daughter of mine is born and how she handles it to begin with.

But besides that thanks to the Linguistic skill I got from increasing my Charm stat so high I can now talk to any race and they will understand me and I will understand them.

This meant I could finally talk with the Ant and Bee Races here in the great forest, for the most part their territory was off limits as the natural language barrier along with them becoming hostile to us.

Though you could always see the random Bee Girl here and there throughout the great woods as they scoured in search of Giant Flowers to gather pollen from to create the honey in their hives, alone they don't attack people on sight it's only when approach their hive is when they attack, unless your either strong enough to deal with the entire hive, but that will make them hate you, or be able to negotiate with them to gain their honey the safe way.

Though ants are different, they live in the hills to the north, near the area where we met the Gnolls awhile back, they dig and have a enormous collection of minerals and other rare materials that are very hard to come by just from mining alone.

But just like the Bees the ants are the same in that regard, beat them and steal their materials but gain their hatred or in my case, go and negotiate with them and see what you can get from forming a relationship with them.

So first stop was the Giant Beehive that is located a bit to the West of the Valley of Terra as I decided to go their alone this time as I have the strength to protect myself if things go wrong with me being the strongest in my tribe now.

As it was early morning it didn't take me long to reach the hive just by running with my immense speed I had now.

By this time the Beegirls were starting to leave the hive to collect their daily pollen for the day though as an insect kid race their looks varied.

Some leaned more to looking like a anthropomorphic bee girls to the other end where you might assume it's a human woman wearing a bee girl outfit, some have bee like heads with human like mouths while others are just human faces with some bee characteristics and everything in between, and the ants are similar to bees in this way to.

(N) Basically this give me free reign to use whatever kind of artwork that exists of sexy bee/ant girls and not be wrong at all.

"Well then, guess I should go introduce myself." I say as I began to make my way closer and closer to the Giant BeeHive.

Next chapter