
The Great Battle for the Plains Pt. 1

Dark clouds began to move out from the mountains to the north, at this point a lone Oni was sitting on look out of the mountains in her mobile camp.

"Yeah that doesn't look good." She says before she pulls out her personal scope that lets her see off into the distance much closer to the mountains from where she was currently at well over several Kilometers from the mountains in her small camp as she looked at the mountains.

She then pulled her scope as she grinned, "Here they come!" She says to herself with a massive toothy grin before she grabs her bow as she pulls out the flare arrow and lighting it before aiming to the sky and sending it flying to signal that war is coming.

Soon enough another flare flew in the sky, and another and another, more and more flares leading all the way back to the FOB as a result where the messengers of each tribe were waiting for the signal, which they saw leading them all to head back to their homes.


"!!! It's time! Everyone! Grab your gear and begin teleportation!" I shout out after I holster my sword to my back before I jumped onto Cleo's back as she, and the Lynels, were my lovers but also my steeds in war when needed.

Soon enough everyone of the fighters of the village got themselves prepared to head off to war while the 100 youngest and No fighters were to stay behind and hold the fort here at home.

Everyone was prepared for war, and we were all prepared to die in this war as all the villagers were connected to the Shrine of Terra which will lead any of us that fall to our revival from death and to be brought here, but that doesn't mean we go in expecting to die as the pain of death in war is not something anyone of us wish so we will do whatever we can to survive.

So soon enough a mass teleportation of our tribe was instantly transported long distance from here all the way to the FOB where everyone else began to appear there as well and soon enough an army of a thousand strong with all tribes gathered together.

As we had discussed leading up to this we began our divisions, Me, Shuten, Ibaraki, Ibuki, Yamato, Lynels, Gnolls, Bokoblins, Orcs, Oni and Giants would be heading north and to the east to attack the encroaching army from their right flank while Regina, Midna, Sonia, Arcahne, Goblins, Wood Elves and Witches would join all together and head south and eastward before turning northwards and joining up with the Zora Army to back them up in their fighting with the major Lizalfo force besieging their city.

My group would be focusing more on the upper command and tougher monsters along with the main army but the focus is on the upper command first and foremost, any that don't have a tough opponent they would focus back on the massive army of Lizalfos.

And with that said the two groups split up with 650 being in our group and 350 being in their group as we set out for war.


"It's time." Dorephon said as he saw the flares light up in the distance from his open throne before he turns to his son and daughter along with her best friend.

"Sidon, Mipha, Asui, today is a great turning point for our people, our home is under threat from a major force of demonic monsters from the north, the survival of our kingdom is in your hands now." He says as he slowly stands up and towers well and above all those in his presence as his giant stature was for all to see as he grabs his massive trident in hand.

"You three shall be the leaders of our armies that I shall leave under your command, our Allie's from the Great Forest will begin to make their moves to the battlefield, we shall stand our ground here and with their aid we shall push them back and send them back from whence they came!" He says with heavy impact as he slams the butt of his spear into the ground as he looks upon those three and the many Zora commanders behind them.

"Yes Sir!" The soldiers all shouted out while Sidon, Mipha and Asui stood up and nodded as they grab their weapons before Dorphon pointed forward with his Trident.

"Then go forth my soldiers! Protect your home as the lives of all you love depend upon it!"

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" They all shout out as they raise their weapons to the sky as they give it all to protect there home before they all turned and headed outside the city to form up their army into proper formations.

As soon as they do the King stands in front of the gates to his Kingdom with a stern look in his eyes, "I shall be the final line of defense between us and our enemies, they shall not pass unless I fall on this day! Now go my warriors! Show them the night of the Zora!" He shouts out as they cheer back before taking their positions and began there March north with Sidon, Mipha and Asui followed right behind them.

"Hmmm, looks like they will catch up soon enough." The king turned to the south as he could see the outline of the incoming reinforcements as he prepared to defend his home to his last breath.


"I can see them in the distance!" Yamato shouted out as she along with everyone else was easily keeping up with the leading Lynel forces with the Oni, Orcs, Bokoblins, Gnolls and Giants with Gaylee taking the rear of our army.

"We all already know what we need to do! Take down the strongest ones and fuck up the Lizalfos after! Shuten, Ibaraki, Ibuki, Yamato! You four will fight their leaders and that big ass Gleeok their riding while we will deal with those Darknuts, Hinoxes and Lynels in the meantime." I say after puttting my scope away after seeing the army in detail in the distance.

"I call the Gleeok! Ibuki has been fighting all the Dragons in the mountains and not giving me a chance to take one down myself!" Yamato shouts out to us as what she was gonna do.

"Have it your way, just makes sure that thing doesn't get in the way of our fights! We don't need that thing raining down attacks from the skies on us!" I shout back to her which makes her grin in excitement.

"Look! A third of them are turning towards us!" Ibuki shouts out as we notice that a third of the army, so about 5000 Lizalfos and all the elites making it 5100 of them turning to face us.

"Good! This will lessen the threat on the Zora! Let's get this done! CHARGE!" I shout out and point forward as everyone goes into a full on sprint.

"OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH" they shout out as they began there charge as I summon my Kings Banner and activate it alongside my Kings Charge.

A Clash that will shake the foundations of the continent of Terra has begun, this is the true start of the infamy of the Goblin King and the beginning of a War without end between Monsters and the rest of the world.

This is the beginning of the first step in the Monsters rise to take the world back in their hands.


Monster Queen Ants and Bees will pop up in the next arc along with the aliens, not coming together mind you but they move in from a different areas of the continent.

Along with Pokemon though only one which is also an 'alien' Pokémon so she pops up with the other aliens though she appears from what looks like a meteorite falling into the Great Woods, hint she looks like a type of bug if you know what I mean :3

There are so many different people who will end up with him, though maybe it will be a bit weird as I'm thinking of Slug women to be his, specifically the model of Slug Women made by a guy named Wattchewant so you guys can go look it up to see what I mean.

On top of that I'm also thinking about adding other aliens and supernatural monster girls from Zaddy Ball with his plethora of hot OC characters he made, they may look weird but you can't deny that the women he makes are hot so yeah their popping up, look him up on twitter or rule34 so you know what I'm talking about for his characters.

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