
Wood Elves are ShoutaCons?

"S-S-SASSY CHILD?! Who you calling a sassy child you brat!" The pink haired kid elf said as she stomped her foot on the door in anger.

"Well of course I mean you, I don't know why are you here? Are you standing in for your master who is away or something? I don't think a shorty like you should be in the throne room if your going to question my own ability to talk to 'My' mother like that." I said as I argued back as I noticed the guards look away as Sonia covered her eyes as she muttered something under her breath as she shook her head.

"Your even shorter than me!"

"Yes, but I'm a goblin, being three and a half feet tall is the normal height for my kind, if you are an adult then you really do look like a child with you being half a foot taller than me."

*)( )(* x marked shaped veins popped up on her head before she couldn't hold herself back and dropped her staff before attacking me by painfully stretching out my cheeks, which I also did in return for her.

"Yah shwod nah sum mahnahers!" (Norn)

"Lock yah are anuhy buttah!" (Me)

We both said in a back in forth as we fell and rolled around on the ground as we were making a small dust cloud from our fight.

Meanwhile Queen Sonia and most of the guards and even Maria were holding their stomachs or there mouths trying to hold back their laughter at the dumb fight that was going on right in front of them as it really showed how much both she and I were still kids in a way.

But she was way, way older than me but everyone knew this is just how she is so this was very much in character with her personality.

Though the fight calmed down as I was laying on the ground taking some deep breaths as I was a bit tired from that, while Norn was to as she was laying down next to me.

"I'm not….. a kid….. I'm already several hundred years old you brat!" She said to me with a stern look.

"Then….. act your age….. you Loli baba!" I said back in response which pissed her off again and she was about to attack but-

"Alright that's enough you two! I let you both have your fun, now let's get back to the important stuff, Norn, Wolbet." Sonia said to end our childish fight of ours.

"Tch!" (x2)

We both click our tongues as we both got up as I patted the dust off my pants and fixed my long hair while she did the same thing before walking back over and picking up her staff before taking her position next to the queen once more.

"Now then, as we were talking about before I hope to start a long standing relationship between your tribe and my kingdom for the foreseeable future." She said with a slight smile on her face.

I knew that this was mainly because I am Mother Terra's favored child and was physically made from the very earth of the Valley of Terra, the place where most of her power resides in, and through that power created me, my wife Regina and my future wife to be Midna, making the three of us specifically all her favored children and thus in the eyes of the Wood elves makes us important to have good relations with as it helps the Wood Elves in the long run when mother is still in favor of them specifically.

Mother is both the mother of all monsters but the great spirit of Earth and Nature, and the magics wood elves are proficient in are Earth and Nature magic and being in her blessing strengthens the many sorceresses within the Wood Elf kingdom as a result.

"Good, would you be interested in signing an agreement of nonaggression between our people?" It was best to make things official after all.

"Of course we would gladly sign an agreement." She actually had one prepared in case I asked for something official.

It was too early to sign an alliance agreement after all, so a nonaggression pact is the best that could be done at this time.

Soon enough the scroll was brought out for me to look over, and the system basically translated it to me as well…. I can't read Elvish, so it made the words on the scroll readable to me.

(N) The system speaks in the common tongue of the world, which is English, but Elvish writing is like really really old English, something that would be really hard for normal people to understand even in our world, so the system was basically translating it for him so he could understand it, though they talk in the common tongue, they don't write in the common tongue as they themselves have a hard time of changing their ways, they are elves after all.

I gave it a look over, and I didn't see anything wrong with it in particular so I wrote my name underneath the Queens Signature before handing it back to them.

"Then I thank you once again King Wolbet for cooperating with us, and I hope you enjoy your time here within my kingdom, you are free to walk around the grove and see the sights of my kingdom." She said with a serene smile on her face.

"Well Queen Sonia I'll take you right up on that offer then, but this is farewell for now then." I said with a nod before I turned to leave the throne room to explore the wood elf kingdom.

As soon as I left Norn turned to Maria and asked her, "Are you positive that this must be done? Letting this man child to-"

"Lady Terra told me herself when I went to his village that it is best to let him do as he pleases with any of the women who become interested in him, besides you know what most of the women living here have that certain fetish after all." Maria cut her off with what she said before pointing out that one thing that most of the elves here dream about.

"They all want a young cute boy that can please them in bed as their lover, and he fits that bill to the letter, he's only a few weeks old so extremely young by our standards, he looks like a little kid, and most of all he's cute looking and can satisfy well over 50 women on his own, and that number is growing by the day, and with Lady Terra's help we will start to see an increase in our dwindling population soon enough." Maria went onto explained everything that more than 90% of the current population of Wood Elves find extremely attractive to them.

Plus do to their races state of close to near extinction their normally low libidos have now skyrocketed compared to the past, him fitting most of their preferences in a man along with making it possible to impregnate them made him the ideal lover for the rather desperate Wood Elves.

The only exceptions were Sonia, Norn, Maria and Sonia's two daughters, they didn't have those specific fetishes and weren't sexually attracted to him currently, but that may change in the future.

"Hmph! Let him do as he pleases, but if he goes out of line I'll break his balls personally!" Norn said with a fire in her eye as she was looking for anyway to get back at jerk that made fun of her.


"Hoooo.... Someone really doesn't like me." I say to myself as a feel a chill run down my spine and towards my family jewels making me cover my crotch reflexively before turning back in the direction of the throne room before turning away as I tried to walk that feeling off.

"I'll see what their is to see around here before I go-"


"Kyaaaa!" A woman says as she loses balance as she bumps into something as she falls forward, specifically onto the thing as she fell to the ground with whatever was between her cushioning her fall.

"Ow….. I should really watch where I'm- Eeep!" She shouts out in surprise as the thing beneath her begins to move between her breasts before it pops out in between and looks up at her.

"You really should watch where your walking." I say as I look at the beautiful blonde elf with huge breasts as I look at her from between them.


She looks at me for a moment before she gets up, but not without grabbing me and burying me between her massive mounds, "Kyaaa! How Cute!" She said as she begins to shake me back and forth in her arms.

'What is up with this lady…. Oh, oh I know that look.' I say as I look up at her and see her eyes have an aching need, and I fit the bill in her eyes.

"Hold on tight, big sis is going to bring you some place safe to make sure everything is okay." She said as she held me tightly in an iron grip as I feel her body heat up.

'Haha I'm in danger….'

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