
the best defense is more offense

In an office room you could see a half goblin sitting behind a bench looking at a human. The human, that is me, looked nervous as the half goblin flitwick's eyes seemed to bore into me.

"Mr potter I think you and I both know why we are here." flitwick said breaking the ice.

I clenched my fists as I replied:"I know. But you can't do this to me. I wouldn't have done it if I knew THIS would happen."

Flitwick frowned as he said:"it doesn't matter what you thought would happen Mr potter-"

I interrupted him hurriedly:"It- it was an accident. It was a mistake."

Flitwick's sighed as he replied:"Mr potter you and I both know it wasn't an accident. You knew exactly what you were doing."

"oh c'mon! this isn't fair."

Flitwick finally lost his patience and shouted:"Mr potter, you are acting like I'm asking you to go to the forbidden forest, when I'm offering you the position of Ravenclaw chaser! It's an honor."

I groaned as I replied:"so I flew a few meters on my first try. I'm sure lots of people have."

Flitwick took a deep sigh and replied:"they have, but they are all either purebloods or halfbloods with prior training. You are a natural. You father's talent flows through your veins. Quiditch is literally in your blood. Besides, this is quiditch team chaser I'm taking about. You will be the youngest chaser in Hogwarts, ever. You will go down in history."

"but quiditch is fuc-, ahem! fricking boring is what it is. I find magic to be much more interesting. And I have... Things.... To do and not waste time on menial things like quiditch."

Flitwick looked at me like I had grown a second head. But I stayed resolute to my stance. We stayed in that deadlock for a few seconds, neither willing to back off. But finally He sighed:"how about this. You come in as a sub. You will only have to play when there is an absolute emergency. And in exchange I will give access to... Senior section of the library."

I gasped out:"you will give me permit to enter the forbidden section of the library?? "

Flitwick's looked at me with a deadpan.:"in your dreams potter. I was talking about the senior section. For sixth and seventh years. You will get complete access to NEWT and higher level magical material. What do you say" flitwick's offered Luke a sleazy car salesman.

I frowned but I calculated the pros and cons. The ravenclaw quiditch team didn't actually need me to play. They just needed a mascot. The youngest quiditch chaser to boost morale. So I Prolly won't even play this year unless cannon follows even here and somehow NEVILLE becomes the gryffindor chaser. Therefore, In case I ever get caught with the NEWT level potion I was 'not brewing' (*wink*, *wink*) I can always pull out my permission slip for senior years as an excuse.

I smiled back:"you drive a hard bargain professor. I can see goblin blood runs deeply in you. But fine. I accept. "

I extended my hand at the half goblin smiling. The goblin also gave a smile and extended his own. We shook our hands, signifying the deal being formed. Bells tolled in the background setting the ambiance.

I chuckled like those villains do in movies when making a deal. Flitwick without missing a beat smirked.:"see you in our next class, professor!"


5 minutes later

"well this is awkward." flitwick said as I sat in front of him... For my next class.

I fumbled: "you see, when I said, see you in our next class, I was kind of expecting, to see you, the next day or something...."

"mmhm.... "flitwick replied nodding trying to reduce the awkwardness and failing miserably.

"I didn't expect that the next class will be with you...."


"If I knew that I would have said, a different quip...."


"it's only awkward if you make it awkward??!!" I said hopefully.

Flitwick nodded:"yup. Let's go with that!"

Flitwick rushed back to the center of the class and forced a smile on his face:"dear children."

"today's class is going to be different from your usual classes. Til today you have learned various spells that can aid you with your day to day needs. But that's not all there is to being a wizard. Just like everything there is a dark aspect to wizards as well."

The students suddenly leaned in interested.

"many of you might be familiar with the uprising of the... 'one-who-must-not-be-named'. But what none of you are aware of, is just horrifying that incident truly was. Many good witches and wizards met their ends at the hands of you-know-who and his goons. Much blood and tears were shed by those who lived through the horrifics of the war. Right now we may be living through a civil time, but you should never forget that this wand that you hold in your hand is more than capable of destroying entire countries if wielded properly. Which is why every witch and wizard should be able to defend himself or herself. So today I will be teaching you, your first offensive spell."

The eyes of the entire classroom sparkled at that announcement... Including mine. Screw you. This was exciting.

Flitwick extended his wand and uttered clearly:"incendio."

His wand tip brightened and burst out. A stream of flames came bursting out causing us all to step back in reflex. Then they disappeared into thin air leaving Flitwick with an amused smile.

"now why don't you try."

All of us excitedly took out our wands. I cleared all of that from my mind and extended my wand in front of me and summoned the arcane. I sighed and uttered:"incendio."




Nothing happened.

Terry looked at me flabbergasted. Micheal rose an eyebrow and even Padma looked intrigued:"you didn't get it on the first try."

I myself was surprised at this. But they didn't need to know that! I scrunched up my face in mock surprise and exclaimed:"huh! So this is how the other half lives."

Padma rolled her eyes and replied:"keep trying. Cause If you don't get it. We are doomed! "


Half hour later

I shook my wand annoyed while the entire class was shooting fireballs. It has been thirty minutes and I still haven't performed a single successful incendio. Padma looked at me with an amused smile and asked:"you still haven't done it? "

I kept trying various variations of wand movements without results and sighed:"no!"

Terry shot a fireball out of his own wand and asked:"is this helping? "

I asked confused:"how is you shooting a fireball helping? "

Terry smiled and replied :"it really wasn't. I just wanted to showoff at you for once."

I rolled my eyes and continued trying. With each try my annoyance grew by another margin but it still was of no use. I still could not even produce a flicker of flame no matter how much magic I used.

"I think I have figured out the problem, my boy." said flitwick suddenly.

I turned around instantly hopefully. :"well what is it? "

Flitwick replied thoughtfully:"incendio is powered by anger. You see there's a reason why such a dangerous spell is taught to first years. They usually have very little control over their emotions and multiple failures can rile them up enough to power this spell. But you my boy. Even after a thousand failures you are still hopeful of success."

It finally dawned on me.:"so what you are saying is-"

"your self control is exceptional my boy." said flitwick cutting me off.:"but this is the wrong spell for such self control."

Next chapter