
wandlore for dummies: chapter 2

I looked at ollivander incredulously. I wanted to say:'are you fucking dumb. That fell down from my little magic tantrum. It was a collosal level fuck up. It was a mistake. '

But I held it all in and simply said:"but sir. It was an accident. It fell from the tremor."

Ollivander shook his head his eyes still fixed on the wand box and replied:"there are no accidents."

What's he fucking oogway now?

I sighed and said:"sir. Don't you thi-"

Oogway-ander cut me off as he replied:"Mr potter. magic has a way of bringing things exactly where they need to be at exactly the right time. That burst of accidental magic may seem just like that to you. An accident. But a wand chooses it's wizard Mr potter. And that-"

He took out the wand and inspected it. He frowned as though he didn't like what he saw. But he shook his head and passed the wand over to me.

"-is why I believe that this wand chose your magic Mr potter."

He extended the wand at a sceptical me. Though reluctantly I still accepted the wand from the old man. I looked at the piece of wood. A pure black cylinder of death greeted my eyes. I could feel an ominous energy wafting off of it. It was disturbing. But also promising.

I nervously held it in my hand. I took a deep breath to calm my nerv-


I instantly turned around and pointed my wand at that damn clock. My anger burned as red sparks blossomed from its tip. A huge red Torret came out blasting that clock to smithereens.

I sat down on the ground gasping for breath. God magic was exhausting. I slowly controlled my breathing and closed my eyes and smiled. God that felt good.

Suddenly I looked down at the wand. That was the moment I knew. This was my wand. This was going to be my companion through the hurdles of Hogwarts and my ticket to surviving the wizarding war. This was my wand.

"that.... was my grandfathers' clock." said ollivander shaking me back to reality."it was probably his favorite clock."

I blushed and replied:"I am sorry???"

He lightly chuckled:"my boy. Today has been one the best day of my career. I think I can forgive you for breaking a little furniture."

Suddenly his smile dimmed. I asked him with a sigh:"this is about my wand core isn't it."

Ollivander looked conflicted:"all wands are the same my boy. A wand is only what a wizard allows it to be. So there's no way of distingui-"

"Mr ollivander"i cut him off:"look. This wand is going to be my companion for probably my lifetime. If I can bring out my full potential I need to know I will be able to trust my wand. I need to know that no matter what it will have my back. So I need to know if it's cursed or if its-"

"whoa, whoa, whoa my boy." ollivander said with a chuckle:"no need to get ahead of yourselves. It's just... Haah. Your core is a dark pheonix."

He said as though revealing I have blood cancer. I blinked in confusion.

He continued:"a dark pheonix is exactly the same as a regular pheonix. Except or one thing. It's truly and completely alone. Only one of it exists. It is a lone creature unseen by anyone. Many cultures of wizards believe it symbolizes death and loneliness. But it truly symbolises... Loneliness."

I held in a deep breath listening intently.

"it has experienced time and then some. It has seen the beginning and will see the end... alone. Time itself has no value to it. It is something that exists in this world and yet has no part in it. A being outside of time.... Eternity itself. "

I walked outside of the store with a heavy heart.

'child... These are all myths from ancient times'

Is this the way of the world itself saying I don't belong here.

'legends forgotten by time itself'

Is this wand core magics way of saying I'm an outsider? Someone not meant to be here?

'so you shouldn't give it much thought! It's just like any other wand. '

What exactly does this mean for me?


Is this world even real.


Is anything rea-

"HARRY!!! "

I snapped out of it from hagrid's shout bringing me back to reality.

"what happened Harry? You look down! "

I masked my expression trying to hide my uneasiness with a smile."it's....it's nothing hagrid. C'mon we- we... gotta complete the shopping. We gotta- we gotta-"

Hagrid placed his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me sternly and said :"Harry... talk to me. "

Wand core were an extremely personal matter. I had no reason to tell him. So initially I hesitated. But ultimately I sighed and decided to tell him.:"my wand core.. It's a dark pheonix!"

Tense silence filled between us. I nervously looked at hagrid. Suddenly his hands started shaking, his face followed suit and soon...

He was bellowing with laughter. He took his hands off and laughed even harder holding his stomach.

I scowled at him. I retorted angrily:"yes! Funny innit. I am so glad my entire life falling apart is amusing to you. "

Hagrid controlled his laughter. He wiped tears from his eyes and replued:"Harry, you.... Haaahahahahaaa.... Hoo-hoo ... Harry your life's not falling apart. "

I looked at him completely confused. He then stopped his laughter and looked at me with an amused smile:"lemme guess Harry. Dark pheonix. Symbol of death, eternity, loneliness, outsider, etc.. That's what he told you isn't it?"

I blinked. How did he...? Right! He's the care of magical creatures teacher!

"Harry let me ask you a simple question. If a dark pheonix is unseen by everyone then how did HE get a feather to useas wand core???? "

I stared at the giant dumbly. My mouth slightly agape. I scowled suddenly gaining my composure and asked:"what exactly are you implying?"

He let out a chuckle and replied:"I am IMPLYING that he's full of crap. Every year he does this to kids to make their wands sound special. In simple terms it's a marketing strategy. "

My entire world shattered as I stared at the giant with my mouth hanging open. How could I be SO STUPID. Of course it was a fucking marketing strategy. There were hundreds of wands in Harry potter and the only ones that were even REMOTELY special were Harry's and Voldemort's and even that's because they were twin cores and Harry was his horcrux. Wand cores only existed in Potterverse to make wands sound cool.

Suddenly hagrid's bellow resumed.


I scowled. OK. I made a mistake. A rather stupid one. But hey. I was eleven. (technically)

"all right. All right. That was funny. REALLY funny. But we got shopping to do. And we already wasted so much time in the wand shop-"

"because you were too busy listening to your wands tragic backstory? Haaaaahahahahahahaha!!!! "

I smiled sarcastically and replied:"oh you must feel so great about yourself now. You made an eleven year old, MUGGLE-RAISED, kid feel stupid. Congratulations. Can we move on now? "

Hagrid shrugged and smiled. He then slowly started moving to the next shop. I followed suit in silence to hide my embarrassment. We both moved in short steps, both in silence.

"harry If you ever buy a dragon skin pouch there's no need to -"

"oh shut up! "

Hagrid bellowed in laughter. I looked at the laughing giant and a small smile cracked in my own face. My magical journey was off to a great start.


Ollivander's pov

The wandmaker sent away the child with a rather glum expression. The poor child looked disheartened. He let out a sigh. No matter how sad the child becomes it was still his job to ensure the wand owner was aware of the wand and it's properties.

It was not a task he enjoyed but still had to endure. His duty to perform.

He then turned his attention at the wreck the child had caused. The clock had been blown to smithereens. As he looked at the the broken pieces a smile escaped his face. The child had caused this destruction Without even knowing a proper spell. He didn't need to be a seer to know that great things awaited the boy. He had witnessed the birth of Another monster. One who will bring forth greatness or destruction to the magical world. But only time will tell that.

He then shook his hand. A wand came bursting from it's holster into his hands. It was darker than the blackest night, intricate carvings slithering down it's sides. He pointed the cylinder at the broken wreckage of the clock. Arcane rushed to it's tips as he uttered the two syllable command.


Time seemed to flown in reverse. Every single broken fragment floated from its initial position to where clock used to. A mystical sight unfolded as the clocks destruction happened in reverse. The gears fell into place and the fragments came back together, fitting each other like a jigsaw.

Soon the clock stood tall. All its parts intact. Ollivander smiled until he noticed it....

Tick... Tick... Tick...

"what in the...."

Tick... Tick.... Tick....

The clock was completely repaired all its parts functioning and yet....

Tick... Tick... Tick...

The clock was ticking in reverse.

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