
Chapter 51___ Kill For Her

Dorothy didn't even get her turn to complete her words. In a flash of a moment, Fredrick stuck out the knife from the wall behind and aimed it straight into Cannon's throat. Alpha Cannon stood there frozen for a while before falling to the ground with a thud.

A cry came out from Dorothy's lips. She stared down at the body of Alpha Cannon with terror in her eyes. Even Everett was startled since she didn't expect him to go so violent. Fredrick's face was full of rage and anger. He replied calmly and coldly, looking down at Alpha Cannon's body,

" I don't need a man in my castle who uses his dirty hands on women, Dorothy."

Everett stared at the king with an awestruck face. Did he mean that he believed her words?

Axel was pleased with the result. He bowed to Fredrick and replied politely,

" You have my admiration, Your Highness! At least..you didn't punish the princess without a reason."

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