
Tiffany's Move

Few noises were being picked up nearby but there were far more distinct noises coming from further away.

It allowed the large-eared man to pick up on them and know where the fighting was taking place. "Nobody is nearby but if we move for another minute or so, we should come across a small number of the enemy who are still putting up a fight."

"Got it."

"Then let us hurry to support them!"

They were eager to go into battle so they readied themselves for what was to come and they increased the speed that they were moving.

With someone with such a keen hearing on their side, it made everything so much easier.

As they were discussing such things, they were unaware that they had passed something that was positioned nearby.

It was just a small toy that seemed like it had been discarded like trash but unknown to them, it was just one among many of the tools Tiffany had at her disposal.

Tiffany saw what was happening and overheard everything and her consciousness returned to her main body within the safe room for a moment.

She remained seated on a large couch with her legs crossed and her chin resting on her fist. "I see... that big-eared fellow will prove to be an obstacle if left alone. Something needs to be done about him quickly."

Tiffany was not a great strategist or fighter.

She was quite young too so her experience was lacking but that did not stop her from being able to make use of the information she gathered.

Traps and ambushes would prove to be useless once the big-eared man joined the fight and that would cause problems for how Butch would be able to manage the battle.

Tiffany had to look out for his safety and ensure that nothing bad would happen so she was looking for anything alarming.

The big-eared man seemed to have the type of ability that would be able to detect her from a certain distance if she tried to make use of her dolls and toys.

He could warn others if she tried to move them within their range of detection.

If his hearing was that good then he could even pick up on the most subtle of sounds that would be triggered by some of the things inside of her dolls and toys that had been modified.

The only option for her was to target them first if she wanted to be able to weaken those who were approaching. "I guess I can give it a try. I do not know how far they can hear but that just means that I have to go as far as possible and predict their route."

She already knew the general direction where they were heading so that was not too difficult.

All that was required would be to intercept that route without being detected.

Her consciousness slipped away quickly as she took control of one of her toys.

The toy started to get up onto its feet and moved with small steps.

There was a slight clanking sound as it moved its body and as the soles of its feet touched down on the ground each time.

It kept moving despite the sounds it made and the slow pace at which it moved.

It was quite small in size and the speed it moved was quite slow so it took a little time for it to cover a certain amount of ground.

Tiffany thought to herself. 'How bothersome... luckily this little guy was close by and will play a vital role. I just need to move into place and hope that my plan will not be detected ahead of time.'

Meanwhile, back where the enemy group was moving, the big-eared man paused for a moment. "How strange. This sounds very odd. It is not an enemy but there is something unusual. Be careful."

Those around him became quite vigilant as they moved forward looking for anything suspicious.

The big-eared man spoke again after some time. "The sounds seem to have stopped ahead. It might have been nothing but remain vigilant."

"Yeah yeah, I got it."

"Quit trying to spook us already. Gyahaha."

"Just keep us informed about the locations of others... not any random strange noises you pick up on."

Some took his words to heart while some others dismissed it as being nothing.

The big-eared man did pick up on something ahead for a short moment so he could faintly guess the general location but he could not know exactly what it was and where it was.

When the noises stopped so suddenly, it made it even more difficult to keep track of whatever it was.

Any of it could just be explained away as being something small that was moving around and it could easily be mistaken as being a rodent or something else that was moving among certain environments that could create such noises.

Others could not hear what he did so they did not take it as seriously as he did.

The group kept moving forward after the noises disappeared and they were getting closer to their destination.

The big-eared man could hear the fighting taking place even more the closer that he was getting. "We will be there soon. Be prepared to fight. Quirks and weapons at the ready."

There were a lot of random things scattered all around whether it was random pieces of trash, previous things related to the building, or random things people had discarded when passing through.

Anything could have been left there so it was not something that needed to be paid too much attention to.

They never would have believed that such a tiny detail could lead to their downfall if they overlooked it for even a single moment.

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