

while the ministry is discussing about this, in Hogwarts another scene is going to happen Alex remembered Malfoy will call Hermoine as a mudblood when they arrived at the quidditch pitch and is now redy to make a move if Slytherin team tried anything funny, as for why he isn't entering the chamber, when Alex is going towards the bathroom he saw prefects like Penelope and Percy there and even sensing some gaze on him by Dumbledore. he tried enter the bathroom at night and filch's cat is chasing him with filch sensing his presence, he is now regretting why he didn't asked his father about the invisibility cloak seriously. he tried it for the previous week and gave up.

today when he is talking with Hermoine about transfiguration, he noticed Griffindor team arguing with Slytherin and Hermione who is stopped by him rushed towards there, Alex is now feeling why he couldn't deviate this trio from certain events, he tried to stop them on troll incident, 3rd floor corrider, Snape suspicion, and even philosopher's stone confrontation between quirell but these 3 always somehow didn't deviate and approached the events and Alex gave up on deviating them.

when he also approached them he heard malfoy's voice," good isn't it? my father donated them to the team, how about it Weasley , I bet you have to sell your home and everything to even buy one like this , aren't you?". Hermoine interrupted by saying," atleast not all Griffindor's pay to be in team like someone?".

Malfoy turned pale and angry then said," nobody asked your opinion, you filthy mudblood". Alex who heard this immediately released his magic before anyone can say anything and said," care to repeat that again Malfoy?", he said it in a murderous tone and gaze , Marcus flint took out his wand but Alex waved his wand and flint knocked away crashed into a pillar and slid on the floor with a mouth full of blood.

the Slytherin team all took their wands out and Malfoy is warning," you all will be finished today, I'll tell my father about this" in a smug look after seeing Alex's actions, but Alex didn't even care about his words, seeing this Slytherin team fired spells at Alex but Alex stopped them in midair and waved his hand the curses all flew back to the Slytherin's in double speed and hit them.

some dropped on the ground with their teeth so big that they dug into their chin and lost consciousness while some are dancing nonstop nd some are on the ground crying," my legs". Malfoy turned pale after watching this and tried to run.

Alex stopped him with a spell and lifted him in air, while Malfoy is saying," pl- please let me go, or my father will hear about this and I'll make you pay the prize, I - I - I'll make my father expel you for this, let me go". but Alex didn't even care and looked at Hermoine with a gentle gaze and asked," what punishment will I assign to this brat? tell me Hermoine , anything on your mind?". Hermoine shook her head while smiling at Alex for defending her and the Griffindor team flinched at Alex's words, they didn't think a boy who is smiling and gentle all the time is now looking at the opponents with a murderous gaze making them flinch from it, even Ron and Harry are trembling from the sight and Ron said," from now don't call me when he is near you Harry, I'll be gone crazy just from the gaze, he is giving me chills, it's not an exaggeration if I say I have nightmares about Alex duelling me from now". Harry also nodded and looked at Alex who is smiling at Malfoy with a sadistic expression.

then he remembered transfiguration and continue talking to Hermoine," do you remember the lessons on transfiguration I gave you Hermoine, I'll demonstrate now, watch carefully". the Alex waved his hand slowly transforming Malfoy into a guinea pig while saying," remember the most important thing in transfiguration is image in your mind, you have to build a clear image with all details if you wish to transform something, then calculate it's density and mass at the same time imagine the shape to contract or expand the size of object we are using, then the next step is internal structure you don't have think much about it as it'll transform as long as you have enough magic, if you want to change the properties of the object along with behaviour, you have to imagine them and pour your magic to change it completely like our Malfoy test subject her, which I transformed into a guinea pig".

the others who watched this is terrified of Alex while Hermoine is listening attentively, wood on the other hand is thinking," what type of monster is this? he is applying transfiguration and giving a lecture on it while punishing a fellow student, I know the word he said is too much but isn't this going too far". the twins then asked," Alex , let us try that too, it's interesting especially on a Slytherin student". the others dropped a jaw when they heard the Weasley twins, all the Griffindor team shrunk back behind wood while peeping on Alex even Ron hid behind Harry.

then Alex asked," Hermoine, what will you do to a overweight guinea pig in muggle world". Hermoine replied," we will put it in a round cage to make it run and lose weight ".Alex said," oh! nice idea". then he transformed the ground into a cage that has a wheel type mini cage and put Malfoy who is a guinea pig into it while firing a spell to accelerate the wheel.

Griffindor team along with Ron and even Hermoine is shocked by this, and Alex said," what happened here? well the Slytherin's have conflict and duel between themselves, while someone transformed Malfoy into this guinea pig and put him here with a spell, right? you'll tell the professors what I said don't you?" .

then Alex turn towards Slytherin team and said," oh! ,if you're thinking about complaining to professors and your parents go on and tell them a normal student who isn't even a pure blood or Slytherin beat them until you pissed your pants, I bet they will give you a gaze that will make you regret very much when they know about this, won't you agree?".

Griffindor team shivered and nodded their heads, Alex who observed movements from a distance walked away with the Griffindor team and Hermione leaving the Slytherin students who is now regretting provoking Alex, they can't tell professors about this nor can't told told their families or friends as they will get ridiculed when they heard 7 pure bloods can't even make scratch on some normal student and even turned into this state, they can't even lift their heads and look at them into the eyes of friends and family, they can only be silent and not disturb Alex again until they are confident in beating him.

Next chapter