

Yoriichi P.O.V

I walked to the training grounds and for the first time I summoned my katana Tsumukari Muramasa. I pulled it out of my scabbard and looked at it , it looked deadly but it felt like it was another part of me . I could feel that I can extend it anytime I want with just a command. I tried extending it for 10 meters and it did . I decreased it's size back to normal. I also got the hand signs for the teleportation ability of my katana. The last thing I check was my scabbard , I can feel that I can take chakra from it anytime I want .

' What if my parents ask me where did I find a sword , oh well I will just say I found it on the mountain buried under the ground. I hope they don't take it , well I can just call it back to me but that would be such a troublesome situation , what a drag. '

Moving on back to my weapon

Both the katana and scabbard felt like they have no weight, I tried dropping them on ground and that left a deep impression on it . Looks like I won't feel their weight . Pretty handy I must say. With a Weightless sword doing my dream of slashing 100 times or even more in a second will become easily possible . But before that I had to train .

And with that I wanted to start my training with total concentration breathing. Although I could do it but I had to do it constantly without much concentration . It will help me increase my physical attributes required to do the breathing techniques. First I will focus on the water breathing techniques and learn all 11 forms and then I will try to master some of them.

Training total concentration breathing accelerates blood circulation and heart rate making you as strong as demon while still being a human. So it was a necessary step . But there was even one more stage after this an improved version of total concentration: Constant breathing.

Total Concentration: Improved Maintained Constant breathing is an art in which the user maintains Total Concentration breathing as a natural, making them sick with a lack of oxygen if they intentionally change their breathing pattern. With this level of mastery, Total Concentration: Constant is a natural and no longer takes effort to maintain. Not to mention, this also even more so greatly improves the speed, reflexes, thought process, and other attributes of its users. Being so fast as to be almost invisible and increasing their general strength so much so that one slash is enough to kill even the strongest of demons (by traditional, no holds barred, means of course) within a fraction of a second. The force of a single slash is great enough to split a row of boulders the size of small trees. According to myth, the great crack mountain was formed by a demon slayer who unleashed the strongest form while using Total Concentration: Improved Maintained Constant breathing that was forceful enough to split the mountain into two equal halves with ease.

If I master this stage of breathing , I would be a sword cultivator in the world of Naruto fighting young masters and then I will have to find myself a young jade beauty Kekekekeke

But It won't be easy to master this stage . Because it's very tough and I am still a kid . It will take me more than a decade to master it.

With that I started to train total concentration: constant breathing first [ A/N: I know too much total concentration breathing even I am getting tied of it]

I climbed and descended mountains while running every day at my fastest Speed while maintaining my breathing pattern .

I maintained my breathing pattern during my day to day activities even while I was taking a dump and boy I tell you when you put pressure to take out your shit , maintaining your breathing pattern is very hard.

I swing my sword 1000 times before breakfast before lunch before dinner.

I cut bamboo trees every day while maintaining my breathing.

I had to pound the breathing pattern to the marrow of my bones so I can do it constantly.

Day after day I continued doing it until 6 months passed and I was finally able to maintain total concentration breathing constantly without much effort. My physical strength and speed increased by a lot. It would have taken me much more time to master this technique if not for my Uzumaki physique and my improved regeneration. Even after training day in and day out , after a night 's sleep all minor injuries would be healed and there would be no fatigue .

During this time I continued my lessons with grandpa and you would be proud to know that the shinobi academy was finally build and it started taking admission two months ago. I couldn't go to the academy until I was 5 so I have a lot of time before it. But when I am going to be 5 , I will have my own academy arc .

As for my fuinjutsu training , well it turns out you need good calligraphy skills and handwriting to start learning fuinjutsu and as you have guessed I suck at it. They didn't teach calligraphy in army.

So I have been practicing my handwriting and calligraphy during these 6 months.

Now that I have mastered total concentration breathing it was time for me to learn different water breathing forms. Time for training part -2

I stood under a waterfall to become one with water.

I observed fishes and watched how they moved in water.

I swung my sword towards the waterfall hoping to cut it in half but failing miserable in it but I kept on trying.

I would try different movements for the different water breathing forms.

I practiced these forms one by one.

If I would run out of chakra, I would use my backup chakra from my scabbard

Day after day I followed the same routine and another 6 months passed .

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