
Information for Public Disclosure: The Vampire Race

The vampires are a Demi-human race greatly associated with their consumption of blood as sustenance and their affinity for blood magic, a branch of the darkness attribute that is emphasized to specialize in assassination and regeneration. Their defining features include pale skin and sharp fangs akin to beasts. It is widely believed that vampires are nocturnal creatures for they burn at the slightest touch of sunlight. In addition to their magical aptitude, most vampires have at least thrice the strength of a normal grown man, making them extremely effective on hand-to-hand combat and mid-range attacks due to their mastery of blood magic. In addition, one characteristic which all vampires possess is the ability– at least only temporary because it apparently cost both mana and stamina– to transform themselves into a swarm of bats which is often employed to evade capture or surprise their enemies.

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