
Chapter XXX: The Second Seat [1]

LADY CZAFIRA WALLACH Bloodfallen, Rightful Ruler of Leuzburg Viscounty,

Greetings and salutations. As the newly proclaimed overlord of all Estveine, regardless of my interim status, I am extending my invitation for you to attend the banquet in my domain, which I would host in honor of my own ascension that is to be held in the early days of autumn. My dutiful subjects are about to commence the harvest of crops in the coming days, so expect a generous feast as part of Regalia's hospitality that would greet you upon your visit. To boot, I wanted to discuss the grain trade between Regalia and Leuzburg per detail, personally, as well as other sensitive matters. I hope you have received my gifts along with this letter.

Interim Duke of Regalia and Overlord of Estveine,

Lord Velmund Grimuleth Walruse

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