
Chapter XXVIII: Raiders and Emissaries [4]

"... I vow to not wallow in booze and womanly flesh again, milord, milady. I beg of you!" 

"Enough!" Velmund spitted the words out. "I demand silence. Give me a moment to ponder my verdict."

And thus, silence permeated the audience hall.

The decision I make here today will mark my trait as the ruler of Regalia. It will decide whether I be feared, respected or loved. Or perhaps be cast down aside if I were to display incompetence. What would brother, the true heir to the ducal throne, would opt to do? What would father decide? And what about him, the greatest patriarch House Walruse has ever produced, what would his verdict be? But alas, whatever they chose, it would not aid me upon my predicament. I am my own person, and all should know that.

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