
Third Watch

The party made camp in a small hollow off the side of the road. There was a cold bed of charred ashes in a loose circle of stones, and the plants were pressed into the ground. Dyson immediately started pulling cooking supplies from his spatial ring and gestured at the firepit. 

Rasce began arranging kindling while Sorrin used his supernatural strength to tear nearby useable logs. Without missing a beat, Tana chanted a few words and shot a small gout of flame, and within seconds, a bright, cheery fire rose toward the darkening sky. Dyson threw a pot of water over the fire and began sorting through seasonings.

Venturing closer to the black-clothed human, I carefully sat behind him. "You can cook?"

He flashed me a smile. "Merely one of my many skills. I'm no match for some of the restaurants in Heartland, but I've got some good recipes."

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