

Grand Inquisitor Korvin led our small party through the city in an unceremonious parade. Occasionally, students or citizens noticed our passage and gathered, clapping or whispering rumors of our departure. The amulet 

Glancing behind, I found the campus lonely and forlorn. Many of the towers were damaged, and the proud pennants that had greeted our arrival were in tatters. But, somewhere in the broken university, was the source of the light that sustained me.

"Till we meet again," I whispered. 

As I turned and followed Soltair and Trithe through the gate, the amulet pressed heavily against my chest. For some reason, it was harder to adjust to its oppressive presence than the pain of the Sunpurge had been. It was an omnipresent shadow woven through the very fabric of my soul itself, and I couldn't even consider drawing my mana except its taint coursed through me.

"Where are we going, exactly?" Trithe asked, quickening her step to walk beside Korvin.

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