
I Warned You - R18 - A Wedding Night

"Sammy, I think you should go to bed," Amanda said kindly, acting like an older sister even though she was not. "I will make sure that you get some good rest. Tonight has been stressful for us all."

"I cannot think about sleeping," Sammy muttered, but followed the other first mate out of the cabin.

Bastian placed a few candles strategically, so that he had space on the table, space wide enough for a woman's firm buttocks if he happened to get an urge to take her on a surface that was not his own bed.

He waited for Amanda.

Amanda arrived, out of breath and a giggle still lingering on her lips. It was apparent that she had talked with Sammy to ease her mind.

She looked at Bastian and saw the piercing hunger in his eyes.

He knew that he probably smelled quite masculine at the moment, after all this toiling and fighting in the tropical heat.

She looked good. She had changed her clothes - now she was wearing a wrap dress that allowed her to take everything off with one smooth movement.

She revealed what she had under the black fabric.

Nothing at all. Just a large and perfect pair of round orbs with little nubs already hardened by his attention. Her bosom seemed taut, like her skin was struggling to hold her inside, and her body narrowed towards her slender waist in a way that was in accordance with the most classical ideals. Breathing heavily, with a hunger of her own in her gaze - wily, feminine - she walked towards him with a seductive confidence.

He felt his member growing harder, so stiff that the pressure was almost unbearable. He ripped his shirt off, not caring about the bloodied thing or its buttons because everything was already dirty and torn and smelled like a dead cow - but he had no time nor the willpower to stop Amanda as she attacked the buttons of his pants, lustfully tearing each one open as if his mast had been a treasure and Amanda its seeker on a holy quest.

She looked up towards him as she was now kneeling in front of him, in a position he had not planned to put her in - but in a position that allowed him to indulge his wildest fantasies.

"May I, Captain?" she breathed. Her hot breath tickled him through his underpants.

He had a fleeting thought about how these were the same clothes he had transmigrated into and how therefore they probably smelled a lot like his most natural groin sweat musk…but Amanda was making being overly self-conscious really hard with her unquenchable desire for him.

He felt his breath somehow mixing with hers, an invisible energy exchange in the air that made his blood pump hard in him and flow into his member, that was about at 65% stiffness right now.

"Take it," he growled, grabbing the naked woman in front of him by the hair and slipping his length into her mouth so that she could suck him into full hardness.

70%. She was good at this, almost a natural talent, but with a delightful clumsiness that made him lust her more. Her mouth worked on him. He felt her wet tongue caressing him.

For once, the devilish qualities seemed to vanish from her eyes. She looked purely angelic, an angel of pleasure with her dainty and defined face framed by her luscious dark hair. Her long eyelashes arose to reveal her glowing eyes, as she looked at him with trust and adoration.

She let him out of her mouth.

85% stiffness of the mast already.

"I love you," she said, so truthfully, so candidly that the number immediately jumped into 100%. "I love you and I can share you with others, too, I don't mind. Just let me have you for tonight. Take me, let me keep you for a moment."

If it would have been humanly possible, the number would have risen all the way to 200% from the sheer force of that statement.

Not wanting to prolong this anymore, he grabbed her by the waist, feeling her soft skin, her bare bosom pressing against his body. He flipped her onto the table and started to fondle her amazingly firm buttocks.

"Yes!" she exclaimed with a gasp. "Do it, Bastian! I beg you!"

"It's CAPTAIN Bastian," he playfully growled into her hair as he started to tease her down there.

Bastian was perhaps an outcast in two worlds, but as an avid reader of raunchy literature, he knew his way around women, knew instinctively how to please a particular lady even before he learned all her sweet spots. Having also read lots of literature marketed towards female readers, he had an intricate understanding of just what made a lady tick, and he was currently utilizing all of that information with his mast and hands.

"Captain, please! Please get into me now!"

He said no more. He intruded into her with his rock hard mast, and she accepted him with ready wetness and an euphoric moan. She wrapped her long legs around him and he could, in fact, already feel them shaking from the pleasure.

He started the thrusts, long, slow at first, then going deeper and deeper in order to please the ravenous woman under her. Her nails were digging into his back but he did not mind the pain. In fact, he liked it. He liked getting her so out of control that she could not help doing that to him. They kissed ferociously.

She devoured his mouth and sucked on his tongue as he felt her convulsing around his mast.

They came at the exact same moment, her legs twitching with an insane movement that almost resembled a seizure. He felt himself being emptied of all energy. Drained, but in a good way. As he spilled into her, he slowly pulled his mast out and heard her prolonged breath escaping from her smiling lips.

"So good," she mumbled, sounding incoherent and happy. "So, so, so good."

He felt a pleasant sensation enter his body, one like the void between worlds. Then he remembered that having a heart condition, he was probably in danger if he would not sit down soon.

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