
If that is what you want

There were many things Bear could remember about Hera. His life revolved around her for many years, but there was one thing he could never forget about her. 

Back then, Hera would habitually suggest that he retire from his duties. Some days, he would feel annoyed by her, as it made him feel less wanted. Other times, he would appreciate her intention behind her suggestions. 

Hera had always wished to be like everybody else. However, she didn't have the capability to trust someone to a certain degree or let anyone in that area of her heart. Thus, her wish to become a mother or wife was farfetched. It wasn't because there wasn't anyone willing to give her family, but rather, Hera wasn't desperate enough. So, she was glad that Bear found someone whom he could trust, love, and someone who had accepted not just his light, but also his darkness. 


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