
Chapter 60 – Devin’s discomfort

At the sound of the familiar voice, Matilda turned around to face Sabrina. Tears were flooding down her face, as she run towards her best friend with a spatula in her hand which she had forgotten to put down. The excitement of seeing Sabrina again was just exhilarating. Even when she was not in captivity, she could not see Sabrina because of Robin. Sabrina was so obsessed with being a good wife, she cut everyone off.

"Thank you, Brina, thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me," Matilda cried. Sabrina's work clothes were already wet from Matilda's tears but Matilda's casual dress was equally wet from Sabrina's tears in the emotional exchange whiles Devin looked on like an outsider. Maybe that was his reason for driving so slowly.

"Shoooo, I wasn't a good friend in the beginning and I want to make things right but this would not have been possible without my brother and his best friend."

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