
The Zhou Family

After a lengthy journey with Jane, Scarlett returned to her desk, dropped her bag, pulled over a chair, and opened her laptop. The first thing she did was to delve into the online world, searching for information about Lucius's family.

Most of what Mia had told her was readily available online. Lucius's great-grandfather had been a deputy to a party leader, and his grandfather, Ewan Zhou, had a vague profile that highlighted his business achievements, with a brief mention of him being a well-known figure in his time. As for Lucius's father, William Zhou, he was given the title of 'Futurist' to describe his impeccable record in business investments.

Lucius also had a brother, Eric Zhou. The information revealed that they were half-brothers, but there was no information about their mother or other details, and no indication of whether they were married or had children.

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