
End of Mission, Growth and Gnolls

Nagara 2 Hutt Space

Nalaro Hutt Palace was nice for Hutt, made in Ottoman climate In Throne room Twi'lek dancers were dismissed also rest of not inner circle members. There were many guards and officers also Zack Count like 4 C Rank 10 D and 30 E rank in room.

Nalaro Hutt is not big fish in Hutt Familly and have such force that tells much but even C rank can go down under fire of normal man only firepower must be good enough or numbers to point as he use all mana and then kill him as any ordinary man.

Zack is standing before Hutt in his helmet can be seen red eyes what means he is in Pure Blood form.


Because as he is in armor only eyes are seen and red eyes will be thought of as unique skill and in room that 4 man can kill you in any moment he must represent the biggest worth as he can to make impression, so as low D in this form He is not in low caste.

"So what you learned and how goes mission" Asked Nalaro in common Droid is not here he must be afraid that someone will extract its memory from this meeting

" I found out that was smoke screen. Man I was sent to kill was pawn and real Boss there was from Pyke Syndicate " Answered Zack making uproar in room

" Better if you gave good evidence for that Shadow " Said angry Hutt from this possibility

"Of course first show heads " Ordered Shadow his troopers uncloaked containers with three heads" Gasps were heard as people in room knows heads then booming laughter erupted from Hutt

"Hahahah indeed these two are from Pyke Syndicate D rank Beskar skin bastard And his underling Great it is heavy hit loosing even one unique" Hutt said

"I also got info of their activities and what was in batch of slaves that was in camp" Zack sent Nalaro info of course anything on Chisaki canceled after some minutes of reading

"How dear they rob Hutts !! I need to show that on family meeting, they will pay for that !!" Roared Hutt

" Maybe 40 Twi'leks that I Found will sweeten your mood ? " Zack smirked, showing slaves Hutt lost some anger

" Ahh yes but firstly you did more than I ever expected for all credits you earned good bonus and my gratitude so 3M for job and extra 27M UPi will Be transferred to you also I Have some missions if you are interested, but they are not on same lvl as that you finished " Slug said

" That is great bonus and what missions it would be " Said Shadow in cold voice but inside he was happy that will fasten growth of his planet

" Someone is needed to hunt small pirate groups without Mana Users included for little pay but loot rights is on your company side but I understood that this type of quests is of little interest to D rank like you " said Nalaro

" It is really small jobs But my people are competent enough to make it without me here. I Will just live here enough to hunt them and live to other matters if you have any good job for me just contact me " Shadow said In that way the meeting ended,

Zack lived with his ship to Jawin 4 after converting 30M UPis to ED's he had 18N ED's. Not much but the most he had to this point He used 6M To bust his village to middle city adding many houses shops 2 small landing pads schools barracks gyms swimming pools work places and many other things making it nice futuristic buildings but in traditional Japanese style looking city. Now it has 100K People with 10K Troopers that were standard infantry + militia in 1/3 ratio.

He also for 2M make his ships to full state what counts troops and equipment like star fighters that are mainly Star vipers mk 2 and Maccan Star fighter also buying 2 more Murishani Frigate with 12 star vipers MK 2 each and Gnoll crew also 2 Interceptor Frigate that were captured get Gnoll crew.

Then on Factory district in city he placed his Small Factory from first rewards that had no use to this moment Factory was rather small and can't make big amounts of fighters information said that when he buy blueprint it will not make more than 4 a day that was too small so Zack bought SDS droid Blueprint for 2M BM Pistol and Carabine for 2M and SAK-4 For 500K and load it into factory computer all was automated after deciding what will be made on which position, information said that factory can make 50 SDS Droid 200 BM Series each and 500 SAK-4 Zack was satisfied and go out of factory, remembering to say to Governor that factory needs materials to work nonstop.

Then ge sends 1 Samurai class frigate 3 Murishani Frigate to hutt space in colors of Shadow Claws Mercenary Group to make small jobs for Nalaro and bust their fame Then He went to one of last 2 Murishani Frigate and stand in Hangar where gathered Gnolls to hear their leader many giggles were heard as it is nature of this hyena merged with wolfs humanoid creatures then Zack Summoned Gnoll mana user.

He was bigger than normal Gnoll standing at 220cm high black fur strong jaw with sharp canines from Mana Presure he was middle E Rank good draw smirked Zack

" Waiting for your orders Boss " Said Gnoll with his head low


Name: Grimgor

Red Fang Age:10 (Gnolls are fast to mature adulthood reached in 6 year of life)

Rank: Middle E Weapon Mastery: Experienced

Race skill: Heightened senses, especially smell

Unique Mana skill: Berserk Passive ability when Mana Reservs go to 20% or user is heavily injured, his speed and strength increased rage and bloodlust will Lessen any Reason or thinking ability

Not bad though Zack

"Grimgor you will take 2 Murishani class Frigate and 2 Interceptor class frigate and become Red Fang Pirates rob merchants and cargo also bring captured ships to Jawin 4" he instructed

"It Shall be done, My Lord Wooooo!!!" Said Grimgor with determination and unleashed powerful howl that was captured by all other Gnolls Sound that will haunt survivors of their hunt in nightmares if there will be any that is.

Next chapter