
08. Hospital

"Thanks Doc."

I survived the crazy creature out in the woods tonight.

The crazy part of it was, that no a scratch or a wound was on my back. Which was insane since I felt the wolf gashing me so deeply behind my back. I was soaked with blood and my clothes were no doubt ripped from the back.

When they brought me in for an emergency surgery, the doctor had to cut through my blooded ripped shirt and was amazed to see that there was no sign of attack upon it despite the claw marks upon my shirt.

The only wound that was visible was upon my shoulder.

"That must have been some crazy hungry wolf?"

"It probably thought I was a deer."

Trying to lighten the mood as Doctor Starkin laughed. Despite my whole ordeal with the crazy deadly wolf, I found myself taking light of the situation. I'd been given some pain killers and a quick blood transfusion since I'd lost alot of blood during my attack.

I was crazy to think that the wolf had tried to ease my pain when it bit me. I could still feel it lick at me heavily and a wild shiver ran down my spine, thinking it was almost sorry for what it did to me.

Doctor Starkin had already bandaged me up well from my left side of the shoulder and given my some antiseptic cream for my minor scratches.

"You are a very brave girl to have faced such kind of danger and to come out of it alive. Not many survive this kind of deadly attack Jeana. If the dog had bitten you more further he would have damaged your xxx.."

I gave the old doc a confused look as the female nurse helping him helped patch my bandage up. She then gave me a fresh shirt to wear which I quickly wore over my head as the doc continued on with his explanation in detail.

"I'm sorry doc, I don't understand?"

"Basically to sum it up if it had bitten you more deeper the crazy predator would have killed you instantly if it hit a certain nerve connected to your main heart artery vein." The nurse simplified making me nod my head in understanding.

"Well, I guess I got lucky."

The nurse nodded and the doc excused himself letting me rest up.

He then opened the door to my very worried visitors.

"She'll be fine to check out by tonight."

"Thank-you doctor."

Aria rushed inside the room where they were keeping me for a while.

"Oh, thank-god you're alive!" I was immdiately attacked into a hug with poor Aria balling her eyes out.

"Aria, ow my shoulder ow ow ow.." She eased her weight of me quickly coming back to her senses.

"I'm sorry? Are you ok? Want to run a MRI test?" She said worriedly gripping my hand like I was on a death bed.

It was thanks to her and her personal butler Robert who'd found me in my bloodied attacked state in the woods. If it wasn't for them getting me in hospital on time, I would have lost alot of blood.

"Hey c'mon don't give me that face, look I'm alive see." I got of the bed and hugged her with warmly. I twirled around and she laughed and cried still worried, shocked and relieved at the same time.

I sat back on the bed feeling a little drowsy again due to the drugs Mr Starkin gave me for my pain.

Aria grabbed a nearby chair and sighed.

"This is all my fault. I shouldn't have taken you deeper out in the woods like that. But I still don't get it."

"What do you not get Aria?"

"Jeana, we have a security fence going around the compound. Even though we have some wild animals roaming around in the woods, they've always been reindeers and rabbits. Not wolves! I just don't understand how one got in?"

Well, if was a really huge wolf. The memory was clear as day, and a wild shiver ran down my spine.

"Hey, Aria let's not talk about the wolf ok?"

Then Aria's butler Robert walked in.

"Miss Caesar would you like a cup of tea, if you're feeling ok?"

Even though I was half unconscious, I'd wrapped my arms around Robert like a child when he carried me swiftly upon his shoulder as I screamed and cried in pain. He'd really taken care of me like a real big brother, which I was ever grateful for.

"Thankyou Robert, but I'm fine really."

"As you wish Miss Caesar."

Robert was a butler of a few words. He soon exited the room leaving me and Aria alone. She soon jumped on the bed and I made space for her and soon started watching the tv, to get our mind of the horrible incident that took place.

"Hey Aria, maybe it wasn't a wolf then?"


"I mean you're place has security dogs right? What if I was attacked by one of them?"

"I'll have to check with Robert, sometimes our dogs do like venturing out in the woods and fail to return back for dinner."

"You think a wild dog attacked me?"

"If it did, then I'm so sorry. Please don't sue me! Just remember I paid for your medical bills."

"Aria, stop being silly, I won't I'm just trying to get my head around what you said. Because that's the only logical explanation. No wolf can get through the live wired security fence of yours right?"

Aria nodded her head with full confidence.

"Not even the animals dare go near it." She sighed.

Perhaps it wasn't a wolf that attacked me then?

"So, I contacted your family and they're on their way here right now. Yay?" She said after a few minutes later.

I got out of bed and started pacing shaking my head at her. The last thing I wanted was to get my dad worried.

"Aria no!"

"I'm sorry but your dad is a cop, he'd never let me hang out with you if I didn't and by the way he was thankful that I called. He's not so bad you know?"

It's not Dad who I was worried about. It was those two pricks who follow him like a puppy whom I really hated.

"Oh, Aria I wish you let me call him." I walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders and started shaking her a little roughly. What the hell was I doing, and where was this sudden anger coming from?

I quickly let go of her and backed away.

"I'm sorry Jeana, you're right I should have let you call him, but I was so worried when they took you in the ICU like that I don't know, I panicked!"

She gave me a back hug and cried on me feeling guilty again.

"Aria, it's ok. You did the right thing. I'm sorry I over reacted." I pulled out of her hold and wiped her tears and sat down on the nearby chair. My drowsiness was getting to me.

Suddenly are friendship moment was interrupted by a bang of the hallway doors opening.

"Gentlemen! This is a hospital not a football field!" said a nearby Nurse trying to stop the three looking familiar men in their tracks.

"Sorry nurse, we're looking for room 921?"

Aria peeked through the door and squealed out of sudden happiness.

"Oh M G!!! Sexy Roman is looking this way!!!" Aria blushed as I slowly stood up. My head was still spinning from my sudden move. Maybe the blood transfusion and the injection the doc gave me was kicking in?

Soon the trio opened the door and I gave Dad an awkward smile.

"Hey Dad, guess you heard the news huh?"

He took no time in rushing towards me and hugging me, with tears brimming my eyes.

"Jeana are you hurt bad?"

I shook my head.

I could see Roman already taking Aria in the corner and interrogating her with his large frame covering her from one corner of my eye while the other corner I saw a Derek looking back at me kind of suspiciously with the bandaged wrapped upon my shoulder.

Roman than took Aria outside and closed the door behind him.

He saw me staring at him and then out of nowhere he gave me a wink at me.

Jerk. I rolled my eyes and pulled away from my worried father, who was petting my head like mother goose.

"Yeah I'm fine. just had a rough night with a loose dog."

"A loose dog? I thought Aria said it was a wolf?" Derek asked sharply.

"Well, It wasn't. So, just drop it ok. I don't want to remember what attacked me." I said with irritation upon my voice.

"Ok sweetheart, no one's going to question what happened, so long as you're ok." He fired Derek a quick look and Derek nodded his head in silence obeying him at once.

I went to sit down on the three seater couch, but just as I did my body swayed and my head spun for a brief moment.

"Wow. Ok, I think the drugs are kicking in." I said trying to smile at my over worried some father. He settled me down on the couch before he moved away in a haste.

"Derek watch over her. I'll be right back after having a word with her doctor." My dad said like he was on a mission to hunt them down.

Wait he was leaving me alone in the room with him?!

"Dad, there's no need to rush the doc will be back soon enough." I caught his hand preventing him from leaving my side.

"Jeana, I won't be too long, besides I need to talk to Robert and Aria quickly about regarding your medical bill."

He let my hand go from his arm and smiled at me before turning away. He quickly gave a nod to my enemy who was standing by the door.

I wanted to do nothing more than to get away from Derek.

I was sitting peacefully, but what do you know? Derek came over and sat next to me. I sighed and scooted over so an empty seat was left between us, but then the jerk sat over the middle seat and purposely leaned into me.

I leaned away right next to the wall keeping all my distance away from his beautiful marine eyes.

My eyes were glued to the tv set that was show that had a Tom & Jerry episode going on. I didn't have to turn when I saw Derek looking suspiciously at my bandaged upon my shoulder.

Then his hand came upon my good shoulder and squeezed it gently, making a strong shiver run down my spine.

"Bambi, I heard you got attacked?"

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