
Killed a Pokemon

Dawn and I received the Pokeballs for our starter Pokemon. We also received the additional five pokeballs and Pokedex that Professor Hiashi spoke about.

After that, we exited the laboratory and entered a trail that cuts through a vast forest called the Myrtle Forest.

This forest was the one that I entered before to eat that Pikachu. However, I've only entered the outskirts because going deep into the forest can be dangerous for someone who is unprepared.

Meet the wrong Pokemon, and you can die.

We had bikes, but we didn't take them on our journey because we knew that we were going to eventually abandon them. It is better to just walk on foot and enjoy life.

"Hey, Rogue. Have you thought about what you want to pursue during our journey?" Dawn held her hands behind her back and asked her boyfriend.

Rogue looked at his beautiful girlfriend and said with a nod: "I want to try and become a Pokemon Critic and eat all the Pokemon in the world."

"Woahh! That's even a taller order than becoming a Pokemon Master!" Dawn chuckled.

"What about you, Dawn? What do you want to pursue on this journey?" Rogue asked back.

"Me? I want to become a great Pokemon Coordinator like my mom!" Dawn's smile shone as bright as the morning sun. The fresh air and scenery around her made her look like a beauty from a painting.

"Then I'll support your goal, and you'll support mine. How about that?" Rogue offered to Dawn. He treated her like a real girlfriend. Although he wasn't the original Rogue, his feelings towards Dawn is still the same. It's just that he also has an additional identity from the modern world.

"Enn! We'll support each other!" While still having her fingers intertwined with one another behind her back, Dawn pushed herself over and nudged Rogue slightly.

Feeling the fluttering thumps of love in his heart, Rogue nudged back on Dawn.

Rogue and Dawn walked in silence for a couple of minutes before Rogue decided to bring up a topic that would've been sensitive in the modern world. "Hey, Dawn. What are your thoughts about having sex on our journey?"

"Oh, you!" Dawn pouted, and she made a cute face. "Of course we can have sex. You can even take my first time tonight if you want to."

"Really!? Yes!!!" Rogue cheered like a kid as he threw a fist into the air.

"You're so silly, Rogue!" Dawn stuck her tongue out while her face flushed red.

"Haha," Rogue laughed.

Four hours into the forest, Rogue's stomach grumbled.

His body had already digested his breakfast, and it now has room for more Pokemon meat.

He wanted to catch and eat as many Pokemon as possible to see what type of items he'll receive. Since he had the System, he's wanted to use it to its full potential. Otherwise, people will call him a fool.

"Dawn, let's go kill a Pokemon and eat it." Rogue said to his girlfriend.

"Mmmh. Sure, let's go kill a Pokemon. I also want to find a Pokemon and add it onto my team." Dawn agreed. As a Pokemon Coordinator, she needed Pokemon to coordinate with.

To do that, she has to make her team early on and bond with them before creating beautiful skits to showcase on the stage.

"Okay," Rogue held Dawn's hand, went off trail, and entered the forest.

Pokemons usually avoid the trails because they know that that's where humans usually appear. So if they wanted to find Pokemons, going into the forest is the answer.

"Psss, do you see that Starly, Rogue?" Dawn whispered and pointed after they went a little deeper into the forest.

Rogue's gaze followed Dawn's finger and saw a chunky starly on the ground, pecking on some red berries on the forest floor.

"I see it. Let's gang up on it with our Pokemons and kill it. We can roast it for lunch." Rogue took out his Pokeball from his Pokebelt and expanded it.

"Okay," Dawn nodded and also took out her Pokeball that contained squirtle.

Battle one on one? Nah!

Anyone in this world knows that if you're planning to kill a Pokemon and eat it, you have to do it in the most effective way possible. Ganging up, using traps, killing it with a weapon… anything goes.

Our Pokemon came out of their Pokeballs quietly and we whispered some commands to them.

Both Squirtle and Fennekin nodded, affirming that they understood what to do.

As they prepared to shoot out their long range attacks, Dawn picked up a rock while I picked up a sturdy branch.

Squirtle and Fennekin looked at us and waited for the attack order.

Dawn and I nodded at the same time, and our Pokemon jumped out from our hiding spot.


"Fenn niii kenn!!"

Squirtle spat out a stream of bubbles towards the chunky starly while fennekin shot some ember on top of Starly to keep it from flying away. They tried their best to not have their moves hit one another since fire and water can cancel each other out.

"Starly!!!" Panicked by the sudden appearance of humans and their Pokemons, the chunky starly flapped its wings and tried to fly away.

However, it was trapped under a net of embers. So, it reverted its flapping, and it wanted to change direction. However, that was a mistake.

At that moment that it changed direction, the stream of bubbles hit the chunky Starly. Its wings got wet, so it fell onto the ground helplessly.

"Nnnnh yah!" Dawn threw the rock towards the helpless Starly after it became immobile.


Dawn had played softball before, so her throw was extremely accurate, and it hit the bird on the head, creating stars around Starly's head!

"It's now my turn!" Rogue said as he rushed up with the sturdy branch and slammed down on Starly's neck, fully cracking it.

He then jumped on the bird and squeezed its neck. He just wanted to double tap and make sure that the Chunky Starly is definitely dead.

I wonder how Starly tastes like.

AzureRaven69creators' thoughts
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