
Counting Seconds

The plan's final phase was set into motion, and news of TMY's highly anticipated new single began to circulate, thanks to Miaoyi's casual promotions on Weibo.

Meanwhile, the next morning, at the esteemed Shudian Film and Television City, renowned for its influence in domestic and international film and television industries, a young woman wearing a crew badge approached a sleek black SUV carrying a stack of documents. She politely knocked on the car door and handed Xia Zilan, who was engrossed in her phone while sitting in front of a vanity mirror, a neatly bound script.

"Xia, the script revisions are complete. Here's your copy," she said.

Xia Zilan sighed, visibly dissatisfied, as she set her phone aside and accepted the script. She briefly skimmed through it and casually placed it on the makeup table. "We've made five script changes in the past three days. We could have wrapped up the shooting in a single day, but they've needlessly prolonged the process."

"Shh... Xia, let's save those discussions for later. You know how temperamental Director Ye can be. If he overhears, he'll give you an earful," the young woman said, glancing out of the car window, trying to pacify Xia Zilan. "Well, it's also for the sake of the production itself..."

"But we still need to choose a theme song. That new director is just wasting time. Instead of dealing with the executives, Director Ye is tinkering with the script?" Xia Zilan rolled her eyes and expressed her frustrations, not dwelling on the matter for long.

"Um..." The young woman awkwardly smiled, unsure of how to respond.

"Wasn't the singer we were supposed to collaborate with Chen Guanle?" Xia scoffed, venting her frustration.


"He's only upset because the compensation wasn't sufficient. He doesn't possess much talent, but his ego is inflated. Just because one of his songs gained popularity on some short video app, he thinks he's invincible." Xia Zilan waved her hand dismissively. "Alright, I'll spend some time on my phone before reviewing the script. The revisions are minor anyway, nothing significant."

Once the young woman left, Xia Zilan shook her head and resumed scrolling through Weibo on her phone. "This Chen Guanle is a joke. Acting all high and mighty in the industry, thinking he's invincible."

Xia Zilan's name was undoubtedly familiar to many ordinary people.

As one of the well-known actresses in the country, Xia Zilan started as an extra in her early days. She had no formal training, no influential connections, and hardly any scandals or controversies. She had garnered a considerable following among countless fans and was predicted to be ranked in the second tier of the new celebrity rankings by industry analysts. Her journey was remarkable, as she achieved fame solely through her abilities.

Of course, this second-tier status was far more prestigious than being second-tier elsewhere, considering the vastness of the Chinese film industry.

In the current romantic film "Counting The Seconds," Xia Zilan had landed the leading lady role, accompanied by a hefty fee of 34 million yuan.

However, recent unpleasant incidents within the production team led to the departure of the previous director. The new director made multiple script revisions within a short period, yet none seemed to capture his vision. This, in turn, affected Xia Zilan's mood.

One of the incidents following the departure of the previous director was the artist they had contracted for the theme song abruptly quitting without notice. With minimal penalties for breaching the contract, this sudden change caught the director off guard.

Although the exact reason for the artist's abrupt departure remained unknown, Xia Zilan had a hunch. It was likely related to one of Chen Guanle's previous songs, which had unexpectedly gained popularity on a specific app, briefly thrusting him into the limelight.

Now, Chen Guanle's fame had soared, and upon revisiting the compensation offered by the "Counting The Seconds" production team, he naturally felt dissatisfied. He began relentlessly approaching the higher-ups, demanding an increase in his remuneration.

Initially, the director didn't pay much attention and deemed the requests reasonable, agreeing to the adjustments.

However, Chen Guanle seemed to have developed a taste for success and didn't know when to stop. He persistently pushed the issue, and three days ago, the director finally refused his latest demand.

And just like that, Chen Guanle walked out and quit the production.

Xia Zilan found herself at a loss for words. She chuckled wryly and remarked, "Misfortune often strikes when you least expect it. Now we have to find another singer. What a mess."

The situation amused and irritated Xia Zilan simultaneously. She couldn't help but wonder what was going through Chen Guanle's mind.

Setting that aside, it was evident that Chen Guanle had inadvertently offended Xia Zilan, who had earned the official recognition of being a second-tier celebrity. She questioned whether he was simply naive, failing to consider the consequences, or if his ego had swelled to the point of delusion.

"He's bound to bring about his own downfall sooner or later," Xia Zilan muttered.

After all, this level of recognition was something even wealthy entrepreneurs and high-ranking officials from other countries yearned for.

But honestly, since Xia Zilan wasn't directly involved, she couldn't be bothered with Chen Guanle. This time, she was merely venting her frustrations.

As she spoke, Xia Zilan picked up her phone and resumed browsing Weibo, occasionally engaging with her fans. It was a rather enjoyable activity.

...The script had only undergone a few changes in the dialogue, which she quickly skimmed through and mentally noted.

"Well, let's listen to some music." Xia Zilan casually scrolled through Weibo to distract herself before returning to her phone's home screen and launching the Light Cloud Music app.

With continuous filming and a lack of suitable company during her frustration, Xia Zilan often felt lonely despite the attention she received. She would typically turn to music to soothe her mood during such times.

Her musical preferences leaned toward electronic and hip-hop genres, rarely indulging in pop music.

As the Light Cloud app's startup animation played, a striking poster immediately captured Xia Zilan's attention.

"Is this a recent addition?"

Clearly, it was a new startup animation on Light Cloud. Xia Zilan had accessed the app earlier in the day to listen to music, but the animation had been different then.

The new startup animation featured bold, stylized text: "Renowned producer TMY announces new single plan, still on Light Cloud. Don't miss out! Are you ready? Prepare for the captivating sound of 'Fox,' the thrilling return of 'Solo Dance,' and the ultimate masterpiece 'Closer.' The new single 'Levels' is about to arrive..."

"TMY is releasing a new song??" Xia Zilan was always attuned to the electronic music scene, so she was familiar with TMY. Moreover, TMY had recently won the Canxing Nova award in the electronic genre, further piquing her interest. She immediately tapped on the announcement and exclaimed excitedly, "So soon? That's the fourth one in just two months! The song is titled 'Levels'... I wonder if it's House or Future Bass this time."

Xia Zilan's imagination began to wander as she envisioned the style and essence of this upcoming single.

TMY consistently produced innovative electronic music styles, expanding the genre's popularity and reach. The fact that she was creating not just one but two new styles perfectly showcased her talent. This was one of the reasons why she admired and enjoyed TMY's music.

Enthralled, Xia Zilan left a comment on the event page and entered a giveaway before closing the special interface. She then navigated to her homepage and selected a playlist she followed called "TMY's Melodic World."

Choosing the first track, "Closer," Xia Zilan closed her eyes and swayed to the rhythm as the CD cover spun gently.

With the volume turned up high, her phone connected directly to the SUV's sound system via Bluetooth, a customary practice of Xia Zilan's.

"I can't wait for TMY's new single to be released. I don't even know what good electronic music I can listen to these days," Xia Zilan mused to herself. "She has truly spoiled my ears."

No matter how many times she listened to it, "Closer" never failed to captivate Xia Zilan. From the brief intro to the ethereal female vocals and the simple yet profound melody, it was addictive, as if under a spell.

Immersed in the most soothing atmosphere, five minutes later, as the music came to an end, Xia Zilan's previously somber mood instantly lifted.

Xia Zilan murmured to herself, "If Chen Guanle had that talent level and possessed a Nova Award, his arrogance wouldn't be so unfounded. But... hmm? That's right..."

As she mentioned Chen Guanle, Xia Zilan suddenly paused, pondered for a moment, and a bold idea popped into her mind.

"Perhaps we could invite TMY to create a theme song for us??" Once the idea took hold, it consumed her thoughts and couldn't be easily dismissed.

While Chen Guanle was already gaining popularity as a pure pop singer, his past works were not particularly impressive, nor did they receive much attention. The only notable aspect might be his experience. However, TMY was different...

Xia Zilan felt it was necessary to discuss this matter with the director.

Xia Zilan had always been a person of action. Once she made a decision, she acted upon it without hesitation.

- - - - - - - - - -

Thirty minutes later, in the production team's meeting room.

Director Ye Fangshu glared down at Xia Zilan, his face filled with anger. "I thought you had something important to discuss, but it's about the theme song. Is this your suggestion? Please open your eyes and see the type of movie we're making here. It's a romantic film! Are you trying to turn the emotional scenes into a dance party by suggesting we find a DJ for the theme song?"

"That's precisely why I came to discuss it with you, Director Ye. Just think about it. TMY is in a different league compared to Chen Guanle. Her quality is exceptional, and we should seriously consider her. Moreover, she has even won a Nova Award," Xia Zilan calmly explained with a smile. "You haven't listened to her songs, have you? Trust me; I'm not mistaken. Electronic music can also evoke emotions. It's just a matter of who creates it."

"Why bother searching? We can find any singer-songwriter to do it. I won't allow electronic music in my movie," Ye Fangshu dismissed, shaking his head with an expressionless face, making his final decision.

Undeterred, Xia Zilan shrugged, maintaining her composure without uttering a word. She took out her phone, unlocked the screen, revealing the Light Cloud app interface, and pressed play...

Immediately, a gentle and melodic piano mix filled the meeting room, enveloping Ye Fangshu's ears as if it materialized before him...

Initially, Ye Fangshu wore a stern expression, feeling irritated.

One minute later, confusion took over.

Two minutes later, he was left dumbfounded.

And by the end...

"This..." Ye Fangshu turned to Xia Zilan, devoid of his previous impatience.

"This is the type of electronic music I was referring to. These are TMY's songs," Xia Zilan smiled enigmatically, exuding calculated confidence. "Now, only she can create this kind of electronic music. What do you say, Director Ye?"

"What else is there to say? We must find her!" Ye Fangshu immediately made his decision.

"I told you so."

"Shut up."

Next chapter