
After all that?

Here's a lil, 2 second summary...or however long this turns out to be lol.



As the sun rose once again, making an announcement to all the worlds that a new day had arrived, the two kais of the known universe were seen just having a simple, lighthearted conversation about their daily lifes and roles in their always beautiful universe. As Kibito Kai noticed that his elder's usual jumbilant and quite honestly childish personality had disappeared and instead sat a quiet and reserved Elder who appeared to be in deep contemplation; looking as if he was deciding between making a hard decision or staying right where he was. Noting this strange behaviour from his once over-extroverted Elder, Supreme Kai soon forgot the slight uneasiness within him when he acknowledged that his elder had started to tease him about his....less than ideal love life.

As conversation bounced naturally between the two, with Kibito Kai reminding himself and his elder that the universe would always come first to him, Elder Kai randomly decided to say that someone had awoken; confusing the Kai next to him.

Repeating the phrase once more to Kibito Kai, with a strange and unnatural calmness in his voice, the uneasiness that the younger Kai had been feeling since the moment he sat next to his elder returned once more; faaar stronger than previous. Wondering if he should ask who this 'he' person was, it took less than a second stuck in utter silence for Kibito Kai to figure out who his elder had been refering to, the moment the phrase 'God of destruction' crossed his mind; knowing all too well who the title of the phrase belonged to.

Moving over to a planet in a far away galaxy, the sun (?) was seen ever so carefully creeping up over the horizon to do what it knew best. As the sight of a massive, upsided down, segmented, magenta and green pyramid, with a big ahh tree in the middle was seen amongst many other spherical planets, the beautiful, yet quiet 'planet' stood soundlessly; interrupted by the echoes of a slow, yet organized pair of steps, ringing out on what sounded like concrete.

With what appeared to be a blue man seen slowly navigating his way up a series of steps the deep, cave like structure that surrounded him enhanced his echoing footsteps; subtly increasing in pitch, with a simple and neutral look to his face.

While the blue man slowly makes his way up to a certain room, the clap of a explosion rang out within the cave-esque place, as a kilotons upon kilotons of landmass began to fall into the all encompassing void located to the left of the man. Glancing over the jagged edges lined with fluorescent pink diamonds (or maybe it was magenta) the blue man casually continued on his path, ignoring the sudden explosion as if it never happened in the first place.

As more and more explosions sounded out, the point of origin where the shockwaves of the explosions were producing appeared to have originated from one, singular point. Making his way towards the grand metallic doors housing his diety, Whis was *about* to make his presence known amongst the chaos, that was until the door suddenly flew off its hinges and came barreling towards the angel. Moving within half a second to his right, Whis simply looked back and sighed at what was once a great door before making his way into his lord's room.

Making his way into the crumbling and aincent room, Whis asked his lord if he could wake up and hop in the showers lest' he trigger the back up alarms. Moments after Whis finished his proposal, multiple, seismic explosions boomed around the room the two were standing.....sittting in. With a little over 10 seconds of Whis basically talking to himself, he decided that he might as well practice his vocal cords with the song that he came up with in whatever free time he had.

Before Whis could even finish the first note of the song, Beerus immediately told Whis to shut it, mentally contemplating if he should risk another millenia by going back to sleep again. Tumbling out of his bed that was for some reason, like, 100m off the ground, Whis simply enjoyed the show of his lord tumbling all the way to his level; free of charge too.

As that whole debacle came to an unfortunate end, the guiding angel instructed his lord to immediately find himself to the bath while he followed suit. Once in the prestine waters, the diety of destruction known as Beerus started to ask wheather or not planet Vegeta had been destroyed like he instructed Frieza to do before he slept.

Confirming, while also explaining that a handful of Saiyans managed to escape Planet Vegeta's demise, either by pure luck or were fortunately off world at the time, Whis casually decided to relay the fact that Frieza had been killed long ago; by a Saiyan nontheless.

Instantly, rocketing out of the bath towards the angel, Beerus demanded that explain who or what killed the brat (he missed the part where Whis said a Saiyan eliminated Frieza) Summoning his staff and showing brief flashes of what appeared to be someone turning yellow and beating the living shit out of the planet invader, Beerus silently watched on with intrigued glee in his eyes. Looking at his lord, Whis figured that he might as well narrate on what was happening during the short playback

As the staff relayed the end of the fight and the supposed death of Frieza, Beerus decided to ask a question that had been bugging him ever since the playback had started. Asking his angelic attendant why the Saiyan's hair was bright yellow instead of the usual charcoal black the species were known for; also asking why his eyes were now a bright cyan colour, Whis, with that ever calm smile on his face, simply told that man before them had unlocked the transformation lost to the legends of his ancestors known as the 'Legendary Super Saiyajin'; the form that was eventually used overpower and defeat frieza.

With the words 'Super Saiyan' sounded throughout Beerus's head, a lightbulb practically exploded within him, remembering why he made the decision to set his to wake him at such an inconveinent time in the first place. Saying the words Super saiyan over and over again outloud to himself, Whis simply looked on from the sidelines, finding it hard to stifle the small chuckle at the sight of his lord in such a peril. Saying the phrase for the last time, Beerus seemed to accidentally let the phrase 'Super Saiyan God' slip out to himself and Whis.

Repeating the phrase once more, Beerus jumped excitedly at the remeberance of the premonition he had in him dream. After being scolded by Whis to stop jumping out of his bath and flashing him, Beerus simply brushed off the attendant's worries and spoke of the premonition he had within his dream where he was INFACT fighting a Super Saiyan God; causing Whis to wonder if he should really place such faith in one of his supposed 'premonitions'.

After that simple exchange was all said and done, Beerus asked Whis to simply follow him outside; where the two (Beerus with a pair of fresh clothes) simply took in and appreciated the calm atmosphere of the 'planet' they were on. Abruptly ending the soothing nature walk, Beerus called out to someone named 'Seer' while Whis simply observed from amongst the background.

As a twinkle of light appeared a few meteres off from the duo's location, a....thing, barreled towards the two at frightning speeds before violently crash landing infront of the two, prompting both Whis and Beerus to silent question what had just transpired, the.....thing, came to.

The fish like entity begrudingly asked why Beerus decided to summon him when he was taking a nice stroll. Brushing off the attitude the fish was giving him, Beerus simply asked that did he himself did not say that on this day, 48 years ago (or however long I said) Beerus would meet and fight his greatest foe, who is also a Super Saiyan God, to which the seer just half heartingly agreed to saying, already done with the conversaton.

As Whis began to search for the Super Sayain God, he noticed that there was no one in the known universe who currently held such a title or name, prompting Whis to try and locate where the few remaining Sayains were currently located. Seeing that most of the remaining Sayains were on a planet known as 'Earth', he also noted that one of the Sayains appeared to be located on the North kai's world, intriguing the destroyer.

Deciding to pay a visit to the North Kaioshin to wonder if he had any information on the Super Saiyan God, the duo finally left their small, strange planet, armed with questions that were most definately going to be answered.....or that was what would've happened if Whis had not reminded his lord of the fact that the flight they were about to go on would be quite long and that he had not eaten yet; Whis once again reminding Beerus of how he gets when hungry.

Instantly stopping any and all movement that he was about to do, Beerus silent passed by his angelic attendant and made a sudden B-line towards his home. Arriving in his dining room, Beerus came across a sight that he just couldn't help but to get excited at no matter how many times he's seen it.

Suprisingly walking up to his seat with unknown levels of restraint, Beerus wasted not a second more and brought his plate infront of him as Whis was seen serving him all kinds of treats and meats before walking off to the side to meditate and wait on whatever instruction he was given. Appearantly he wouldn't be waiting for long when not even 5 seconds since Beerus started to indulge himself in his breakfast, he asked Whis to give some brief background detail on each Saiyan on planet Earth.

That is where our re-write resumes....


As the cycle of the underwater ecosystem was seen occuring as it should, a crab indulges on a clawful of algae, a strange looking shark-thing indulging on the crab, a big, spike covered fish eating the shark, and a dragon looking thing eating the abnormally large fish, the cycle of underwater nature revovled as it should. Looking on as the scene of nature unfolded infront of them, both Beerus and Whis casually enjoy a purple and white coloured drink in wine-esque glasses.

With Whis finishing his well deserved drink first, he released a relaxed and chilly sigh before making his way to the dining table as he placed the wine glass down. Looking back over to his lord, he saw that for some strange reason, he was taking his time with his drink, opting to simple sip on it every now and then which resulted with just over half of his drink remaining.

Cracking a small smile at the scene, Whis opted to simply turn the chair his lord previously used around before placing his tush down and releasing yet another sigh...was he that tired? Looking over to his lord, Whis observed that Beerus was still observing the underwater kingdom, not moving a single inch from the last time he took his eyes off him.

With a simple wave of his arm, his all knowing staff responded to its call as it materialized out of thin air; hovering into its master's grasp. Already motioning the reason he summoned his staff, with a simple wave of his hand, a well designed and engraved chair was made beside his lord. Not taking even a glance in the chair's direction, Beerus decided to silently accept the item summoned by his attendant, placing his tush down on the chair as well; much to Whis's jubilation.

As silence overtook the room once more, the very same could be said from outside the room they were in, room after room, hallway after hallway, bathroom after.....there was just one bathroom. As the strange blue grass of the planet rested softly and still against the coolness of the ground, the fluttering of a butterfly was seen removing itself from amonst the shrubbery.

Silently fluttering away from the scene, the butterfly seemed to finally land on its chosen destination. Landing on green and shining leaves, the butterfly decided that instead of fluttering about the place aimlessly, it wanted to rest its giant wings and to hide its face from the world. Fluttering into the lime coloured leaves, the butterfly bid the world adieu...

As green leaves started to move as if they were imbued with life, the wind pushed and pulled the leaves ever so gracefully, Yellow clouds as above and below were seen constantly in motion, twitsting and turning over and over again. The clouds above were seen completely shutting out any and all sunlight that may very well breach through it, though, somehow, the planet that the clouds were desperately trying to protect the rays of shine from still recieved them.

Looking over at said planet, the small green and white ball of life was seen floating still and unmoving, not at all like the gentle whisps of leaves and grass shown on the planet's surface. The clouds below the planet were somewhat still, only ever moving when they needed to move; tightly paced together in a stunning and beautiful yellow colour, constatly shining from the unseen spectacles happening below said clouds. Maybe those spectacles could die down a bit....it was the late afternoon after all..

"Are you sure Supreme Kai, I wouldn't want to lose sleep over nothing" A blue man with long antenas and strange clothing asked, constantly wiping his face with a white cloth, most likely having a panic attack as he speaks

Thump, thump, thump

"Yes, yes, I hear you loud and clear....."

Thump, thump, thump

"You seriously ask whether or not I could feel it? His energy feels like im drowning in a universe sized pool...e-heh"

Thump, thump, thump

Stopping his conversation for a brief moment, the blue man suddenly felt a influx of anger due to recieving the news that Lord Beerus has awoken and, most notibly, by the constant thumping of feet that was being caused by a certain pair of monkeys...

"Hey! GOKU, can you knock it off, i'm trying to take a call here!" The man shouts.

Fliping back to the mystical realm of the Kai's, now only occupied by both Kibito Kai and Elder Kai, Supreme Kai (Kibito Kai btw) suddenly grew weary due to the mention of a certain universe saving Saiyan. "Goku...you mean here's there!" Kibito Kai whisper shouted.

"Yeah, he keeps using my planet to train. It's like he doesn't get how cramped it is here..." North Kai responded, wiping his face for who knows how many times now.

"You can't, under any circumstances, have Goku find out about Lord Beerus. You know as well as I do what very well may happen if either learns about the other" Kibito Kai told

"Huh, Oh right, right (wipes face yet again) I know what you mean, i'll try to keep my lips sealed about Lord Beerus for as long as I can." North Kai responded.

Approaching the Kai who turned his back on the Saiyan, Goku wearily walked up behind the man, manuevering himself from shoulder to shoulder before asking a question. "Lord beers.....what're those?" Goku casually asked, scaring the ever living daylights out of King Kai (can't be bothered with the random vaugeness anymore)

"AH! GOKU, uhmm....They're the best drinks in all the universe....hehe. Yeah, Supreme Kai was just gloating about some; mainly to rub it in my face, eheh, y'know how he is" King Kai nervously jittered out, hoping that his lie was good enough

"Lord beers huh...yeah right King Kai (chuckle) if that was really the case, then why did you sound so panicked when I asked earlier?" Goku teased, feeling a bit proud to have caught King Kai in such a situation.

King Kai, who was only able to look at the Saiyan with an awestruck gaze, simply sighed in defeat. To think that Goku of all beings would call him out in one of his usual lies just caught the Kai off guard. Maybe he should give the man some more credit.

"(sigh) Fine Goku, walk with me to my car....we have a few things to discuss."

Smiling brightly, Goku silently completed the mission he was assigned to; walking beside one of his oldest mentors, the planet saving Saiyan reached the Kai's wine red car in a little over ten seconds. As King Kai opened the door on the driver's side, with Goku doing the same with the passenger side, the Kai mentally asked himself how he would go about telling the one person in the whole known universe who, under any circumstance, should never know about the existance of a being who's strength is non-comparable.

Sure Goku was strong, he's been reminded of that fact time after time again. He's tought the Saiyan most of the moves and techniques he's ever used and developed, he's placed his trust in the Saiyan time after time again and not once did he let him down.

Sure he's been asking him to wish him back to life for a good while now, but...it's not like he really minds being dead. For some reason, whenever he acknowledged the fact that he'd been dead for a decent while to himself.....it helped calm him down.

He didn't know how or why, just that if he ever felt too stressed about a situation or something happening, which was quite often when someone has to be around Goku for any extended period of time, he just felt calmer....this time though, he couldn't shake the feeling deep within himself that nothing would go right even if Goku went and got himself involved with the universe's diety.

"(sigh, starts engine) Goku, the information i'm about to reveal to you, cannot, under any circumastances be acted upon. Do I make myself clear?" King Kai asked, shaking ever so slightly behind the wheel.

"Jeez King Kai, is this Beers guy that much of a hassle?" Goku asked, motioning for his seatbelt

"Well Goku.....it's not actually 'Beers', his name is lord Beerus; our universe's God of Destruction"

Somehow remaining quiet, King Kai took it as a sign that for once in his life, Goku was truly listening to him. Cruising at a casual pace down the path, the North Kai continued, "Goku, there exists a fundimental rule that governs the universe. No matter the ammount of planets that existed, no matter the type of ecosytem any one planet can provide for...all of them follow this very rule...

Before creation, there must be destruction

This very phrase is the embodiment and mentality of Lord Beerus. That god is the very personification of this rule. As much as the Kais try to maintain order within the universe, that one man has the ability to disturb what could of been a millenium's worth of effort in maintaining balance; all if he so chooses. His power has no rival, his prowess is unmatched, his temper knows no bounds; even the slightest bit of dust touching him at the wrong place and at the wrong time could very well result in the erasure of an entire solar system.....Goku, this isn't an opponent to battle against. There exists only two 'choices' Goku. Either serve...or die" King Kai finishes.

Looking towards the silent Saiyan occupying his passenger's seat, King Kai noted that the man seemed to be in....deep thought? That was a first. With a hand on his chin, stroking it every now and then King Kai awaited what could of been the flurry of questions waiting to be asked. 'Is he strong?' 'Does he have to destroy those solar systems?' 'Can we pull over, i'm kinda gettin' hungry?'. He knew the Saiyan....he knew the Saiyan. Cruising down his path, King Kai opted to simply observe the clouds above, waiting on the eventual question the Saiyan would of asked.

As Goku took in the info the Kai dumped on him, he figured that he might as well ask the two questions he needed an immediate answer to. "Hey King Kai, if this guy's so powerful and all mighty, why haven't I heard about him till now?" The orange-clad man asked

"It's simple Goku, there was no need. He'd been missing for the past 48 years, so all the Kais had gone and naively hoped for the best; thinking that he'd been killed or at the very least was critically injured.....though, it seemed that we hoped for too much when in reality he was merely asleep." King Kai responded, sounding more and more dejected insead of his usual panicked and erratic behaviour....serve or die huh?

"Alright...one last question, if you, Supreme and Elder Kai noticed him waking up, where is he now?" Goku questioned, wondering if he could use his instant transmittion to get there. "It comes as no suprise that you wouldn't be able to sense his energy. Listen Goku, divine beings have what is known as 'Divine Energy' this energy had always been known to be untraceable by mortal standards, so don't even consider trying to teleport there. As for his current location...You'd have to ask the upper Kais, I can't get an exact read on thier location....sure would be nifty to have that transmittion thingy"

Pulling the car to a stop, both Kai stepped foot out of the vehicle, with Goku walking back to the house and King Kai walking over to one of the trees. Opening the door to the house, Goku silently made his way towards the fridge, already plotting his next course of actions. '(Opening the fridge) This God of Destruction really has King Kai sweating bullets....usually he would just be shouting at me to not fight him like with Frieza and Majin Buu, but this guy.....the way he described him, he made it sound like there was no hope at defeat.

But he doesn't necessarily sound like a bad guy...just moody. I hope I get to fight him, to think that there were such threats out in the universe; I have to- no, need to train. hopefully he doesn't make a pit-stop on Earth anytime soon.'

Closing the fridge after basically staring at it for the past minute, Goku looked over to the table and saw that a decent pile of snacks were there....King Kai wouldn't mind right? Speaking of the Kai, he and his pet(?) friend(?) monkey Bubbles were silently caring for the grass, as seen with both King Kai and his friend (whatever) watering the ground. As the sounds of silent humming was heard coming from the stressed Kai, the sound abruptly stopped. All the sounds of a lively nature came to halt. All bodily movements or functions came to a stop.

Dropping the watering can he was holding; suprising the daylights out of the monkey. Breaking out into a harsh sweat, the Kai suddenly felt as if the weight of the entire universe were his shoulders, hoping that what he was sensing wasn't true. Why would he be coming here? WHY IS HE COMING HERE OF ALL PLACES?! Grasping his head in sheer panick, the North Kai questioned and questioned what he did to warrent the personal arrival of the God of Destruction.

Should he go for Goku? No he doesn't stand a chance....maybe Y/n? No he still wouldn't of stood a better chance than Goku, Maybe if he asked Supreme Kai to bring both he, Gohan and Vegeta, maybe the fusion between Goku and Vegeta may stand a chance against Beer-

"Hello Kai"

A voice said, bluntly and calmly towards the blue man. Said Kai slowly dropped his hands while also turing to the direction of the voice, already having the unfortunate conscience to know who the voice belonged to. Staring at the cat for an unknown amount of time, all of a sudden it felt as if the North Kai couldn't move. Was he suffocating? When's the last time he inhaled? Should he cry and beg for forgiveness seeing as he angered the G.O.D.

"L-l-l-lord Beerus.....LORD BEERUS, how may I be of as-s-s-sistance m-my l-lor-rd?" The Kai stammered out as sweat covered every crevice of his body

"It's been too long hasn't it Kai? When was last I've visited here?" Beerus asked, already feeling a bit drowsy

"I-I-I don't seem to r-r-r-recall my l-l-lord"

"Ahhh, water under the bridge. How have you been Kai, I suppose you and any other Kais have been informed of my early readiness?"

"I'm fine my lord, and y-y-yes, all the other Kais do k-k-know that you've awo-o-oken b-b-b-bright and e-e-e-e-early once again."

"Ah, (notices a certain extention) say, Kai, it looks as if you've come down with a terrible case of.....death.....care to explain the how's and why's?" Beerus asked, glancing at Whis who's been silently standing a ways away, looking off into the distance

"Right! Well, when the biological android named Cell was on the cusps of being defeated by Goku's son, Gohan, Cell iniciated a self destruct sequence aiming to wipe out the entire solar system along with Earth so that the one boy that might've bested him....died with him. So, being the smartest man in the known universe, Goku, for some reason, decided it would of been best course of action to bring the possible END OF THE SOLAR SYSTEM to my front door...rest is history" King Kai told, still feeling upset about that day even though he's unwantingly forgiven the man already.

"I see.....Kai, need I remind you who you're currently speaking to?" Beerus asked, looking down upon the Kai


"I thought so, before we get onto other matters though, I was wondering, have you heard the phrase 'Super Saiyan God' before?"

"Super Saiyan God.....I don't th-hink so my lord."

"(sigh) Such a dissapointment....well then, lets discuss the main reason for my arrival."

"If you haven't picked up on it by now, I'm very curious about that Saiyan you've been harbouring" Beerus stated, causing the Kai to understandably break out into a worse of a sweat

"OH, how very right you are, (looking towards the house) GOKU, WOULD YOU PLEASE GET OUT HERE, THERE'S SOME VERY NICE INDIVIDUALS HERE TO MEET YOU." King Kai shouted, hoping to himself Goku, for once in his entire adulthood, took his words to heart.

As step after step was heard against the wooden floor inside of the house, the decently audible noise slowed to a halt before the man himself emerged from the home. Looking around the place for a short while, Goku accidentally locked eyes with the individual he was supposed to meet.

Fully emerging from the small hut of a home, the orange clad man inspected the Kai and the purple cat that stood infront of him....wait what?

Looking back towards the cat, Goku locked eyes with the feline, feeling a strange sense of familarity with him....did he meet him before? Making his way over to the Kai, the universe saving Saiyan stood directly infront of the anthropromorphic feline, noting to himself that the cat seemed kinda skinny; had he been eating right?

"W-w-well Goku, this is Lord Beerus, Lord Beerus, this is Goku." King Kai introduced, hoping that because he just waltzed up to the god wouldn't result in his erasure

"(sticking his hand out) Hey, it's me, Goku! I'm a Saiyan from Earth!"

Catching the cat, Whis who had been silently listening and King Kai off guard, the guiding angel turned to the conversation happening mere meters to his right, looking dumbfounded at the Saiyan. Blinking every few moments, Whis let out a simple chuckle noting to himself the man's sudden nature.

He wasn't sure if he mentioned it during his debrief but, maybe he should of warned that the Saiyan they were going to meet was unnaturally childish; even then, not even HE of all beings expected that to happen.

Catching the Diety off guard, Beerus simply stared at the strange haired man before him, blinking every now and then due to shining smile etched on the man's face...Were Saiyan smiles always this blinding?? (if only he knew)

Opting to show a small smile, the Diety of Destruction grasped the hand of the mortal man, completing the action one was supposed to do when this geture was presented.

Looking back at the Saiyan, Beerus saw that in the place of what was once a blinding, toothy smile, now layed a small and calm one instead. Removing his hand from the Saiyan's palm, Beerus simply chuckled at the encounter, asking himself if the man he saw driving Frieza into a planet's core was really the same mortal being standing before him.

"Right.....Goku, let's skip the formalities, do you have any information on this 'Super Saiyan God?' " Beerus asked, hearing that Whis was approaching his side

"Super Saiyan God....can't say, all I know are the regular Super Saiyans and such" Goku responded to the now dissapointed Beerus.

Releasing a sigh, Beerus decided that he might as well do something about the question he wanted to ask, seeing as his entire premonition might've come to a halt. "Hmmmm, Whis here tells me that you were able to eclipse Frieza in terms of strength, resulting in you defeating him, am I right? (begins to poke Goku around his body)"

"(not really reacting) Yeah, I was able to defeat him, but someone else finished the guy, I was off on another planet at the time...." Goku responded, a bit confused to why he's being poked

"(stops) Hmm.....at first glance I would of never believed you to be capable to finishing off the bastard, but i've been informed that your race is capable of transforming into this Super Saiyan state."

"Y-y-yes my lord, it's quite the power up t-t-too" King Kai interjected, wiping his brow with one of his final wipes.

"Yet no knowledge on the Super Saiyan God (Walks a decent distance away)...say Whis, how long would it take to reach planet Earth" Beerus asked

"Around the minutes my lord" Whis responded, speaking for the first time since his arrival.

"And you stated that both the prince and Y/n were able to achieve this form, correct?"

"Indeed my lord, do remeber that Goku's oldest son, Gohan, can also enter this state"

"You're very.....well informed my lord" King Kai stated, finally loosing the stutter (stuttering is so uncomfortable to write, prefer to do it occationally)

"Well, maybe I should pay a visit to this world, maybe they might know about my premonition" Beerus told, looking back towards a neutral Goku and a near heart attack having King Kai.

"M-m-m-my lord, with all d-d-due respect, you don't intend to d-destroy the planet do you?"

"Well Kai, it depends. If something or someone was somehow able to get on my nerves, I can't exactly make promises I don't intent to keep.....you know how I am." Beerus responded, turning to face the two beings

"Well, no use in wasting my time here. Come along Whis, we venture to Earth"

"Wait Lord Beerus! Before you head off to Earth, I was told that you were incredibly strong, can I ask for just a teeeeeeeeny bit of demonstration of your power?" Goku asked, clasping his hands together tightly

"G-goku! Where are your manners?!" King Kai stuttered out, mid heart attack (if you're dead, could you get a heart attack?)

"A demonstration? I see no harm in doing so....what exactly do you propose Saiyan?"

"We can go head to head in a sparing match Lord Beerus, even if its only a minute!" Goku exclaimed, hyping himself to his veins about the fight to come

"A duel? (chuckle) In all my years, not once had I been issued a challenge such as yours.....are that confident in your ablities.....or are you a complete moron with no regards towards his life?

Either way, I accept. Come at me with all of your strength"

"SWEET! But are you sure Lord Beerus? I wouldn't want to accidentally use too much of my power and hurt you...."

"I can assure you Saiyan, I'll be fine"

"G-goku?" King kai whispered

As Goku now moved himself into a proper standing posistion, King Kai finally succumed to that heart attack he was close to having, plopping on the grassy land like a ton of bricks; resulting in bubbles having to drag his corpse back inside the house. Allowing himself to release the smile that he'd been holding back, the battle crazed Saiyan knew that he could go all out with this opponent. No Earth shattering consequence if he somehow gets defeated.

𝑷𝒐𝒗 π’„π’‰π’‚π’π’ˆπ’†: 3𝒓𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 (π’Šπ’‡ 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 π’˜π’‚π’”π’'𝒕 π’π’ƒπ’—π’Šπ’π’–π’” π’‚π’π’“π’†π’‚π’…π’š)

With a a smiling Whis spectating from a distance away, the landscape around the pair instantly switched to a defeaning quiet. Noting that the wind speed started to picking up around the orange clothed Saiyan, Beerus saw that within a single moment, the man's eyes changed from the standard charcoal black to an unnatural cyan colour.

Remaining unmoving, Beerus saw the wind kicking up around the Saiyan become noticibly harsher as the man began to produce a scream that was held with an intense amount of aggression; pushing the depths that his vocal cords could stretched.

Moving into a crouching position, the Saiyan dug deeper and deeper within himself to bring out his greatest form, feeling that the crystal white Ki that surrounded him erupted into a shining flurry of yellow, the very ground they were standing on started trembling violently as if to replicate the transformation he was undergoing.

As more and more moments passed with Goku stretching his vocal cords out, the planet of the unconscious Kai shook violently, uprooting entire trees and disturbing a number of wildlife.

Causing an unknown magnitude of quakes, a small yet and subtle smile etched its way on the destroyer's face seeing as the first, major thing he did since his re-awakening was meeting a mortal that defied all logic and reasoning as well as being offered a fight.....safe to say Beerus unwantingly raised his expectations of the brawl to come. When was the last time he had truly enjoyed a fight?

Screaming for what could have been 20 seconds now, the stunning yellows of Goku's energy barrier breached further into the heavens as Goku corrected himself and moved back into a standing position.

With wind thrashing and blowing in all directions, the energy that was radiating off his body was nothing short of abysmal. Pushing his vocal cord up to the hevens, a blinding flash of yellow erupted from the Saiyan, also creating a shockwave so explosive that the very grounds he was standing on evapourated near instantly.

Remaining still, Beerus swiped the dust from out of his view, Beerus saw a sight that was fitting for sore eyes.

With a violent yet protective energy barrier around him, Beerus saw that his eyes still remained the piercing cyan colour that he'd seen on Namek; though there were a few key differences between the man on that planet compared to the man before him. Those being that now, the Saiyan's eyebrows were completely removed and that now his hair transitioned from what was once its previous charcoal black colour to a striking yellow; but it didn't stop there....no, no.

Instead of his hair spiking up in what was thought to be his normal Super Saiyan, his hair was now seen scattering erratically in various directions trailing to the lowest of his knees with a bang flowing down his forehead.

With the flurry of energy causing his erratic hair to uncontrollably flutter, Goku ridded himself of the energy barrier, leaving his hair and clothing to flow naturally with the ensuing wind his transformation caused

"Sorry for the wait Lord Beerus. I've worked on this form to better regulate its power output and energy waste during battle.....trust me, if you thought I was a joke during my fight against the Buu's, you'd be dead wrong to think i'm the same man now."

"I call this form, Super Saiyajin three" Goku told, his voice noticebly deeper and more pronounced.

"What a form....colour me impressed Saiyan. Though I have no knowledge on this 'Buu' character, I hope all those fireworks weren't just for display....I'd hate to be dissapointed when I've gone and gotten my hopes up" Beerus responded, wondering if he really should lower his expectations.

"Well then, here I COME!"

Manuvering into a sprinter's position, cyan eyes glowed intensly, burning with a crave and hunger for violence, BOMB rushing towards the stationary diety as the Saiyan closed the gap between the two in less than a second. Pushing the limits to how fast he could of went, Goku pistoned into a roll before connecting with the floor, ROCKETING his feet DEAD set into the Diety's jaw...only for it to miss its mark by a suprisingly wide margin, leaving the Saiyan to seemingly pivot in the air in slow motion. Pulling off an impressive amount of flips in less than a second, Goku scanned the immediate area for any sign of the diety, seeing that the god was no where in his sight.

Gasping to himself, Goku craned his head upwards, coming to the sight of a rapidly approaching Beerus with his right hand already pulled back. Intaking a sharp amount of air, Goku brought his hands upwards into a block, mere moments before Beerus threw what felt like a freight train of a punch into his forearms, connecting with an explosive *THDUUN* sending deafening sockwaves around the area.

Feeling the sudden pain of taking the full force of such an attack within his body, the Saiyan was completely blind sighted to a MASSIVE kick Beerus threw, Connecting with his ribs with a audible *CRACK* being heard.

As a good portion of blood found its way from his mouth, Goku was sent, FLYING to his right, colliding with at least 6 trees. Screeching to a complete halt, Goku exhaled deeply as he touched the floor once again, grasping the left half of his ribs. Wincing at the touch, Goku only noted that out of all the things that just happened, he still had strength left to fight; a little bit of broken ribs weren't going to stop him from man handling an opponent that can and WILL take his all.

Craving violence yet again, Goku craned his head to the left, where he saw a stationary Beerus with a smile etched on his face. Furrowing his brows, Goku BOLTED back towards the man, screaming with a desire to be the victor of their duel; reaching the diety in even less time than before, the body of Goku contorted to show his back as the man released a MASSIVE back kick aimed directly at the diety's head.

Moving to his left, Beerus smiled at the intensity the Saiyan was displaying to him. Even with the man taking extra care to break his ribs, it seemed that only served to fuel his hunger for victory. He did say he want to see a display of his power.....he might as well take it.

As time began to slow down within the perspective of Beerus, the diety simply dodged the kick aimed directly for his skull. Even if by some miracle his attack had managed to land on him, it wouldn't of effected anyways. He could tell that the Saiyan was 'strong' in his own right, but compared to him....it might be better to comapre the strength gap between the two to that of a hill to Mount Everest.....the fuck is Mount Everest?

As time flowed back in its normal pace to match up with the speed of Goku's attack, the powered up Saiyan instantly saw that Beerus was on to his left, forcing himself into a barrel roll before launcing a anchor kick which couldn't have met its mark. Landing down into a croutch, Goku BLASTED himself into the air, trying to make some distance between the two.

Focusing a bit of his energy into his hand, his blinding yellow Ki barrier retured once more, focused on charging the attack within his palm. WIth a bit over 2 seconds passing, Goku finished charging his ki as he fired multiple blasts around to surround himself, encompassing the immediate area in hundreds of news suns. Slightly shaking his head, Goku removed his barrier which allowed his golden locks to flow the the way it was meant to.

Charging back down towards his opponent, Goku saw that the smug smile was ever still present on the destroyer's face as he stood stationary. Coming down like a skyscraper, Goku jetted one of his hand to his front, as what appeared to be a cluster of 60 followed the command it was given before rocketing towards its destination; colliding with the planet within the span of a second.

Landing back on the floor, not a second of hesitation was seen as Goku wordlessly sendt the rest of the energy spheres he had on standby into the already damaged and dust covered area, resulting in the continuous sounds of energy spheres coming in contanct with the horrendously torn planent. Realeshing in the free moments of breaths he could take, the orange clad warrior dared not drop his stance and gloat about how 'easy' it was in defeating the God. He casually out sped him and broke a few of his ribs on accident. He can't afford to pull a Vegeta.

"Very Good Saiyan, a smart strategy if you ask me." Beerus said, not at all damaged from the suprise attack launched on him.

"Figured it wouldn't work.....it usually never does ehehe" Goku responded, his stone face loosening ever so slightly.

Stepping from out of the smoke, Beerus chuckeled at the thought as he causally blitzed behind the man. Staggering for a few moments, Goku felt an abnormal amount of wind rush pash his face, cause his hair to follow the direction that the wind was rushing towards. Clicking within his mind, Goku's eyes instantly went agape moments before throwing a *violent* back elbow towards the stationary diety. With the least amount of effort he could of exterted, Beerus softly caught the elbow directed towards his skull.

Stopping the Saiyan *DEAD* in his tracks, Goku grunted and pushed with all his strength to release the hold the destroyer had on his arm. It didn't even look like he was trying, yet the grip he had on Goku's arm felt like the diety was about to shatter it at any moment. With one final grunt, Goku activated his signature Ki barrier and used every ounce of strength he had to escape the gods' grip.

Loosening his hand, Beerus watched as the Saiyan collapsed back in a state of shock before harshly crashing into the ground planet, deactivating his flaring ki once again. Tried his best to will himself off the floor, grunts were heard as sounds of ragged breathing followed everytime he tried to move a muscle. With one final grunt, Goku kicked up from off the floor, landing with a *DUUN* on the ground, causing the minature planet to tremble as a result.

Standing in a slightly hunched position, Goku stood motionlessly, staring at the floor as his hair twitched ever so slightly. With the wind picking up once again, the Saiyan's mane of shining gold was now rapidly dancing in every direction; his familiar ki barrier returning once more, and with that came the familiar sense of pressure that follwed close. Crushing the patches of dirt beneath his his body, his energy flared visciously with the Saiyan still standing still from where he had risen; making no motion of movement.

As the destroyer spectated the scene playing out before him, the diety had to give the mortal the praise where praise was due. This had been the first in a VERY long time since he was able to somewhat enjoy a battle. the last time he fought, it was with his brother over some silly disagreement about whether or not Planet Thus was actually called Planet 'Thus' or 'This'. Safe to say he won...that also had to be a first a long while he saw his brother not being a sore loser. He wondered what he was up to....

As the rapid influx of pressure calmed to a still, the orange clad Saiyan finally looked up to face Beerus, gritting his teeth due to the burden of pushing his strongest power past the area he could've controlled it. Even though he worked himself to near death trying to eliminate the Ki wastage the third form had on his energy, it still, somehow, remained. Even though he figured out how to prevent most of the energy waste.....it still remained.....and trust him, he was feeling it.

Looking towards the destroyer, Goku figured that he might as well put his all into these last few attacks. Let this fight be a reminder to him that his third form was imperfect, and still needed to be fixed. But first...he had a God to beat. Accelerating to untold speed, Goku for the final time *blitzed* towards Beerus, leaving a seismic shockwave with several streaks of electricity in his wake. Reaching the god a picosecond, Goku sent unpresidented amounts of VIOLENT hits towards the diety, not letting up for even a moment

Dodging and moving away from every hit sent towards him, Beerus sidestepped, parried and weaved under most of them, being 'forced' to travel across the active battle area more than 7 times in less than a minute. Shouting in sheer frustration that none of his hits were reaching their target, Goku bellowed with *pure* malice laced in his tone, releasing an attack that DEMOLISHED the ground resulting in the shockwave reverberating to the opposite side of the planet, EXPLODING from the section.

Flaring his ki for a moment, Goku saw that his attack, once again, missed its mark resulting in the Saiyan noticing the crater he caused. Blinking every so often, Goku began to take in gulps of air, panting at the effort he misplaced into his attack. As the now soundless battle field (save for the occational stone drop) registered within Goku's mind, the man could do nothing but pause at the scene before him.

Smirking to himself, Goku figured that it was nice to know he didn't loose because his form consumed too much of his stamina for him to maintain it; knowing that the only reason he lost was because the one he was fighting against was simply the stronger opponent. Now he's EXTRA motivated to perfect his third form; he liked the hair.

With his golden mane *rushing* past his front, Goku eye's didn't even have enough time to dialate before his body felt paralyzed; knocking him unconscious the *second* he blinked.

Placing a hand on Goku's shoulder, a pair of eyes reflecting the glare of the sun ever so slightly, pressed with a *tad* bit of effort on the Saiyan's shoulder, resulting in the immediate expulsion of all the air surrounding the two. Removing his hand from the unconscious mortal, the diety took in the sight of Goku silently falling to the floor in what seemed to be slow motion...so dramatic.

Reaching the dirt floor, Goku ended his free fall moments after reaching knees; landing in a dual kneeling posture as drops of blood came from the various wounds scattered across his body seeing the strands of blood flowing from mouth.

Turning his back to the Saiyan, Beerus walked off from the sight, making his way to his guiding angel who retured his gaze with that always present smile on his face. Whistiling a tune from his childhood, the Diety of destruction wasted not a second more before closing the gap between he and Whis...

-Loli out

Feedback is welcome, plus I know that these chaps (and subsequent others) will be long. Fortunately I figured a way to overvome these long chaps by spacing em out a bit, but yeah, peep the wattpad by the same name for images and gifs if you feel so inclined

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