
Is He a Good Man?

It was almost dawn, and yet Nikolai was still wide awake in their bed. He didn't know how long he had been staring at his wife ever since she passed out a while ago from another intense lovemaking, but he had no intentions of stopping all the same. In truth, he wanted to go for more, but his wife was simply too exhausted to continue. So instead, he let her rest for some time.

"I'm so weak when it comes to you," he breathed out as he gently caressed her cheek. 

He knew he couldn't just stay mad at his wife for too long time. Just from the brief time that they were apart, it already felt like it was driving him insane. His feelings for her were so strong that he even doubted if there would be anything she would do that he couldn't forgive. He never thought that he would come this far for someone, but he guessed that fate had other plans.

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