
Chapter 6

Eleanor stood outside the dining room doors, hesitating to enter. Everything was moving so quickly, she couldn't fully take it in, and she needed more time to process before going in.

"Lady Eleanor?" asked a surprised voice.

Eleanor turned around in at the sound of the voice, and she came face-to-face with both Lucas and Michael Kent. She stared at them both. Lucas stepped forward and asked, "Is everything okay, my lady? You seem to be struggling with something."

Eleanor nodded. He tilted his head at her as a mischievous grin appeared on his face. He leaned in closely to her, and whispered, "Could it be that you're struggling with the thought of marrying my brother?"

Eleanor's eyes widened in disbelief, and she quickly took a step back. Michael raised an eyebrow at his brother, and sighed, "Lucas, leave her alone. Lady Eleanor, would you like me to escort into the dining room?"

She looked up at him, opening and closing her mouth, before nodding. He extended his arm to her, which she took.

"By the way purple is a lovely color on you."

"Indeed, it is," said Lucas quietly from behind.

Eleanor smiled as a blush crept across her face. Michael pushed open the doors, and they entered the dining room together with Lucas trailing behind them. Everyone but Lord Valen was already seated at the table and was watching them as they entered.

"Ellie, please, sit across from me. Michael sit across from Margrite, and Lucas across from Thomas."

Eleanor went to sit down, but Michael pulled out her chair for her. She nodded her thanks at him. Then both Michael and Lucas sat down on either side of her. Eleanor looked across at her brother who was smiling at her before starting a conversation with the others at the table. She sat there in silence, watching how everyone was interacting with each other. She noticed that both Michael and Lucas kept sneaking glances at her from the corner of their eyes. Eventually Lord Valen entered and sat down at the head of the table. At a nod from Lord Valen the servants served dinner.

"Now, I've heard a few things, but I want to hear more about what Elliott was like while at the Academy."


Lord Valen chuckled.

"I think I have a fun story that you might enjoy, Lord Valen," replied Colin Rasten.

"Do go ahead."

"Once during our third year, he released chickens in the halls during a passing period. It caused quite a bit of chaos."

Elliott's hand flew to his face in embarrassment.

"If I remember correctly, he was forced to clean up the mess, and take care of the chicken coups for a month," interjected Lucas.

"He was lucky that no one got hurt and he only received minor punishment," said Andrew Carst.

"Then there's the time stole the Headmaster's precious portrait of his wife," said Colin.

"Headmaster Mansten was livid; he loves his wife dearly," inserted Thomas Marks.

"When they realized what Elliott did, he was suspended for two weeks and forced to formally apologize to Headmaster Mansten and his wife," said Michael.

"Okay, but when I apologized, Mansten's wife thought it was hysterical," retorted Elliott.

"I think she found Headmaster Mansten's response to the situation hysterical, not the actual situation," said Lucas.

"Ugh… This is so embarrassing."

The dinner continued like this, with Elliott's friends telling stories of the shenanigans he had caused during their time at the Academy, and Elliot responding in embarrassment. When everyone had finished eating, Lord Valen had them all move to the sitting room to continue the conversation. Everyone got themselves situated, with Lord Valen sitting in one of the armchairs, Elliott sitting on the couch with Margrite and Eleanor sitting on the other side of him. Colin, Edward, and Lucas seated on the couch across from them, and Michael and Thomas standing off to the side of the couch. After a short while, Lord Valen motioned to one of the servants, who retrieved a tray of champagne, and passed out the glasses to everyone.

"I wanted to thank you all for the lively conversation. It has truly been a pleasure getting to know you all and hearing the fascinating stories about Elliott."

All their guests nodded their appreciation at his kind words.

"Now, there is something that I would like to announce that is truly a cause for celebration…"

Everyone looked at Lord Valen expectantly, though Eleanor could feel herself starting to blush.

"…my daughter, Eleanor, and Lord Kent, are to be married."

As Eleanor sat there blushing at her father's words, she noticed that none of the men seemed surprised, but Margrite and all the servants turned to look at her in surprise. 'Looks like Margrite was left out of the secret.' All the men offered her and Lord Kent their congratulations.

Lord Valen raised his glass of champagne, and said proudly, "To Eleanor and Lord Kent, may you both have a happy and prosperous marriage."

"To a happy and prosperous marriage!"

Eleanor watched Lucas shift uncomfortably in his seat, though she was the only one who noticed, since everyone else's attention was focused on her father. 'Is he okay? Wait, I shouldn't care, he's not my betrothed. I should be focusing on Lord Kent. Michael. I should be focusing on Michael.' Eleanor quickly shifted her attention to Michael, who was smiling at her. Soon everyone resumed talking, though this time everyone broke out into their own little conversations. Eleanor sat there soaking it all in.

"When was this decided on?" whispered Margrite to Elliott.

Elliott looked at her in confusion.

"Why does that matter?"

"I feel like I was the only one who was unaware, I found it to be rather embarrassing."

"You're overthinking this, Margrite. Either way, Father told Eleanor and me this earlier today."

"You didn't think to tell me?"

"I didn't think it was necessary," Elliott said before turning away from her to talk to Edward.

Margrite looked at Eleanor and glared, then turned away.

'Good grief, she is getting ridiculous. Though Elliott should have told her, I do think she is overreacting to the situation.'

"Ah, I am quite tired," said Lord Valen to the group. "I'm going to retire for the night. Eleanor, will you help me to my chambers?"

Eleanor nodded. As she and Lord Valen stood up, everyone wished them a good night. When they had left the sitting room, Lord Valen leaned some of his weight on her.

"Forgive me, Eleanor dear, I'm more tired than I realized."

Eleanor smiled at her father and got a firmer grip on him. Once they were outside his chambers, he turned to her and said, "I'm glad you're taking this well. I know how hard this is going to be on you, but I'm proud of you. I love you, my beloved daughter. You really are the light of my life."

Eleanor gave him her brightest smile and kissed him on the cheek.

"Good night, my dear," said Lord Valen as he entered his chambers and closed the door behind him.

Eleanor quietly made her way back to her chambers, but when she got there, she found someone waiting by her door. 'Lord Kent?'

At her approach, Lord Kent looked up and smiled.

"Hello, Eleanor. I hope this isn't unwanted, but I wanted to wish you a goodnight."

She smiled gently up at him.

"May I kiss you on the cheek?"

Eleanor nodded, and he gently kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight, Eleanor. I'll see you tomorrow."

He walked away, leaving her standing there by her door.

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