
Chapter one


"The owner of the club, I heard he's so handsome and so rich and...."

"And a damn player who wants to get in all the girl's pants because he thinks he has it all." I added cutting off my friend, kelly. We work at the same club, The exact club the player owns.

"Woah woah. Have you met him already?" She asked adjusting herself on the couch we sat so she could face me.

"I don't have to. Most of them, their riches get to their head and they feel they can do anything they want. I just hate how we work night after night to get what they waste in a night. Besides, everyone knows him to be that way." I could feel this rage of anger radiating off me. It irks me to think about them and him in particular.

"What if he's different and doesn't prove to be the ruthless things said about him?" She asked, this time diverting her full attention from the movie, 'Never have I ever' to me. "I mean not all of them can be that way."

"I doubt he's different. I'm a victim, I know how they do. They'll come to you, pleasant at first and when they get want they want, they treat you like shit." I untangled my leg from hers, streched over to grab a slice of pizza and munched on it like I've been waiting for it the whole time.

"I don't know why but I have a feeling you'd fall in love with one of them soon." She smiled slightly.

Arghh! kelly and her damn future words.

"I'd rather remain single for the rest of my life than get betrayed again." I grimaced at the thought of it.

"Lets see how it goes." Kelly grinned.

We continued with the movie we were watching on Netflix till the alarm for work rang.

"Shit! It's time already?" Kelly forcefully pulled her body off the couch.

"Can you please call Lois so she can stay with Anna till we're back?"


Anna is my adorable five year old daughter. I'd do anything for her. She's the only person giving me the strength to keep up with the waitress work at the club I don't think she ever noticed I go out at night and I find it good that way.

"She'd be here soon." Kelly said and I nodded.

I followed kelly to her room to pick a dress for the night. A beautiful sexy dress as they call it in the club rule. At first I found it crazy and didn't adhere to it but they fired me before I could start working. Kelly and my beautiful looks helped me get my work back and I wouldn't dare go against it ever again. Aside that and the employing of beautiful waitresses, everything seems normal at the club.

"How about this for you Sofia?" A dress landed on me and I picked it up immediately. It was a long_sleeved short dress with a deep v_neck that would definitely show most of my cleavage.

"I don't think....."

"You'd better wear that Sofia. I'm gonna leave you and drive off if you don't. Time isn't on our side." Kelly said cutting me off.

I knew better than to argue with her. Kelly would do what she says and wouldn't feel any regrets.

Arrghh. I'd do it for you Anna.

It took some time before I squeezed my way into the tiny dress and I observed myself in front of a mirror.

Not bad.

I did other things like fixed my hair just parking it in a neat bun, apply a light makeup, wearing heels to finish up.

Good to go.

"I'm done. Are you done?" I asked whlist still staring at the mirror.

No response.

I turned around to check for Kelly and found out she was long done. That's one thing I love and hate about Kelly. She's super fast and she'd still come out looking like a goddess.

I left the room and went over to Anna's. She was fast asleep on the bed. With my mind at rest that Lois would join her soon, I smiled as I made my way to place a kiss on her forehead before I joined kelly in the car.

"OMG! You look like sexy Sofia tonight. I have no doubt billionaire's would be flocking at your feet." Kelly teased.

I gave her a disgust look as I hitted her slightly on her arm. "Can we get going already?"

We drove off with Anne Marie's song blasting in the car stero and we sang along almost screaming like the two crazy girls we were.

It was just a thirty minute ride to the club we worked at before we finally halted. Before we arrived, I had bought my favourite coffee on the way which was now cupped to my hand.

Kelly and I swayed into the big building. Just immediately I got in, I remembered my boss called earlier in the morning informing me I'd be going to the VIP to attend to a guest and I must be on time to set the table before the guest gets there. It was supposed to be by 10pm.

I checked my wrist. It's 10:10pm. Fuck!!

No no no! I can't afford to hear the word 'You're fired' again. What to do? I ran like never before from the entrace where I stood with Kelly, all the way past the tables set on the first floor to the elevator, whilst muttering some prayers in my mind.

Dear Guest, please don't be there yet.

Beside me was a guy dressed in a grey t-shirt, jeans and sneakers. But even in those simple clothing, he looked damn hot. Behind the t-shirt, I could spot out his well built chest. His deep brown hair roughly swept to a side that still looks so attractive.

Still accessing and taking all of him in, he turned to face me and I looked away immediately but not before I got a quick glance of his blue eyes.

"I know right. You can't help it." He said, his lips forming a slight smile.

I decided to just ignore him.

The elevator opened and he walked past me. Such a rude gentleman!

Why did he have to distract me now. I hit my head hard gaining some strange stares from people around, I ignored that and just smiled sheepishly.

I came to a halt when the hot guy in the elevator stood in front of me manipulating his phone.

Get off you asshole, you don't get to distract me again.

I tried passing the other way around but he did really bad blocking me with his back still facing me.

Doesn't he know he's doing this or is he doing this intentional?

There was this force from me that suddenly pushed him away and I continued with my run.

"Hey. You stained my cloth." I heard his deep husky voice from behind me to which I turned to look.

Shit! I actually spilled all of my coffee on him. And I don't care cause he needs it.

"Serves you right bastard!" The words escaped before I thought of saying it.

"Please don't be there yet guest." I say as I finally reached the VIP room.

Thank goodness! It was empty. Not empty with coloured lights and a little designed stage but the guest wasn't there yet. Good! I'm so lucky.

I set to work immediately. Arranging a date table setting. I stuffed flowers in a glass_like vase, placed it on the round table, sprinkled colourful flowers around on the table. Done with everything, I dashed over to the door to wait for the guest and welcome whoever it was.

Not long after, the door opened.

Uh oh. Today's definitely not my day at all.

In came the hot guy at the elevator, the same guy I poured coffee on.

Why? Why does it have to be him?

With my gaze fixed to the floor, I try all I could to hide my face. I hope he doesn't recognise me.

"W_Welcome." My voice faltered, trying all my best to remain calm.

From the coner of my eye, I saw him nod and just enter like nothing happened.

Phew.....he doesn't remember.

I escorted him to his table.

"Good evening. May I take your order." I said in the most polite way ever.

I was glad I escaped everything all without getting my boss yell at me.

"No." He said with his eyes fixed on his phone.

So arrogant. I waited if he was going to say anything else but no, not at all. So I decided to speak.

"Would you like me to suggest something for you?"

It took a little while before he shifted his gaze to me. His vivacious blue eyes bored into mine and I felt a prickle of fear run down my spine.

What the hell is wrong with this guy?

Then he finally spoke.

"No. Thanks for the coffee." He smirked.

At first, I was confused. Then realisation hit me and I knew what he meant.

Oops! He remembered.


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