
A Frog With Glasses

Ning Yu looked at her and rolled her eyes. "Stop spouting nonsense. He's more like a frog than a prince." She snorted.

Li Na laughed and said, "Yeah, a frog with glasses." She giggled.

Ning Yu laughed too and said, "Yeah, a frog with glasses who thinks he's all that." She chuckled.

They both laughed.

Li Na asked, "But what were you two talking about that took so long?" 

Ning Yu looked out the window and said, "Oh, you know, just school stuff." 

Li Na raised an eyebrow, "Under the rain?" 

Ning Yu tried to brush it off and said, "Well, teachers can be crazy sometimes." 

Li Na nodded and didn't pry any further.

All of a sudden, a bright light appeared in the front seat. This almost gave Li Na a scare, until she realized who it was. She held her chest in shock and exhaled. Today had indeed been a stressful day for her. She was on high alert.

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