
Keep Working Hard

Xiao Mei, caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events. Xiao Mei's face flushed with anger as she clenched her fists, she turned to glare at Ning Yu. "I won't let this go, just you wait," she muttered under her breath. 

In the midst of her anger, Xiao Mei turned her attention to Li Na.  A venomous thought swirled in Xiao Mei's mind. "Don't think you're better just because you managed to say a few lines in English. It's quite easy getting rid of you, just you wait." She snorted 

Li Na could feel the intense stare directed at her, but she made a conscious choice to ignore it. She refused to give Xiao Mei the satisfaction of a reaction. Li Na knew that her energy was better spent on more important matters and she wouldn't let herself be affected by petty jealousy.

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