

Jin and Murakan got kicked out as soon as they returned. They took the Transfer Gate to Manji Island in the western sea.


"Why the hell did you kick us out like that? You done?"


Murakan complained, and Quikantel shook her head.


"There's no difference. Enya, you try."

"Eh? Me too?"


Enya got ejected to Manji Island as well. Then, something changed on the map. As soon as Enya went to the island, a new red dot appeared.


"Hmmm… I see now. This compass can't track Solderet's Contractor, and I guess it has some shielding effect for those around him?"


However, when Enya returned to Tikan, the dot disappeared. 


"I'll take Enya and Euria over there this time."


Jin took both of them to the island, and red dots appeared, signifying Euria and Enya. Jin also tried leaving Tikan alone. However, no dots appeared in either Tikan or Manji Island.


"Weird. I can tell that the compass can't detect Jin, but he doesn't have a shielding effect?"


Afterwards, Enya and Euria went to other neighboring nations, and the results were the same. Whether Jin was there or not, their dots appeared on the map.


"There seems to be an anomaly with Tikan."


Quikantel slammed the table with her fist.


"Could it be the mirror…?"


Jin concurred. They then conducted an experiment with the mirror. Not even an hour passed before they realized that the mirror had concealed their presence from the compass.


"So Jin remains undetected by the compass, but not Euria and Enya. However, as long as the mirror remains in Tikan, they're safe from the artifact."


It guaranteed Euria and Enya's safety as Contractors. The God of Mana, Kullam, along with Solderet's seal nullified the compass's tracking ability.


"Hm… Then we can just keep Little Miss Ice Cream and Jin's Number One Fan over here. Even if they leave, I don't think they can track us down that easily."

"It's probably the same reason Andrei Zipfel failed to pinpoint Enya's location."


Thankfully, they didn't suffer for nothing. Jin now knew the approximate location of various Contractors around the world and could predict the ones being targeted by the Zipfels. If the red lights began to group towards the Lutero Magic Federation, then there could be a kidnapping at hand.

Not only that, but they also confirmed that Tikan was a sanctuary.


'If new Contractors appear, then we can search for them before the Zipfels can in order to ensure their safety.'


"We should allocate some manpower for surveillance on this item. Sir Kashimir, if you could, please."

"Understood. Since we have confirmed that my daughter can remain safe, I can be a little more at ease."

"Young Master, I have more news for you."

"Yes, go on."

"First… I think you should look at this."


Gilly set a piece of parchment on the table. It contained the most recent news article.


(Bellard Empire, Island of Pirates. A warrior with a magical black helmet appeared… A hero, or a villain?)


"Pfft— HAHAHA! Hero? Villain? Holy shit, I'm going crazy. This kid!"


Murakan read the first line and began to hysterically laugh at Jin. Syris slightly smiled, suppressing her laughter.

The paper went on.


(A mysterious knight named 'Vamel' used 'lightning' and is possibly a new Contractor of the God of Storms, 'Peitel'. If they were indeed Peitel's Contractor, they would be the first in the last 288 years.

It did not seem as if the knight had any affiliation with the large clans, as the Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial Family are showing great interest in forming a connection with them. It has been a while since someone piqued their interest. The Runcandel Clan did not voice any opinions on this matter, but we are currently awaiting comments.

Witnesses have testified that the knight was a man with fashionably luscious blonde hair and a beautiful face. However, it is highly probable that this is a disguise and is possibly made of human flesh.

It is not clear why this mysterious knight came to the island. Although it is suspected that their objective was to slaughter the pirates, most pray that they are someone of moral good rather than bad.)


Jin's face turned beet red. Hundreds of articles had been published in this fashion.


'I knew this would be imminent, but this is kinda embarrassing…'


While Murakan slapped his knee, Jin thought of the information hidden within the press releases.


'There wasn't a single mention of the Kinzelo Group or the compass. They didn't say anything about Chukon Tolderer and Kal Zipfel being there either. Neither did they include that the Runcandel Guardian Knights, Vermont Special Forces, and Imperial Guards made an appearance. Every single article is just talking about me, the pirate massacre, and the casino.'


Which meant that the Runcandels, Zipfels, Kinzelos, and Vermonts already silenced the press.


'The Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial Family officially reaching out through an article means that they have no idea who I am, and they have no confidence in finding out in the near future.'


If that weren't the case, then there was no need for an official declaration. The Zipfel Clan and Vermont Imperial Family were masters of kidnapping someone without anyone noticing.


'Nice. I got some good intel about their knowledge through these articles.'


In other words, those who met the 'black-helmed knight' were Kuzan, Beris, and Wratch. They now had a definite clue that would aid them in tracking Jin. From now on, whenever Jin used Myulta's Rune, these pursuers would get one step closer to him. Not only them, but the four great powers of the continent wouldn't stay still either.

Jin instantly gained fame in the public eye as Jin Runcandel, Jin Grey, and Vamel.


"Those guys who saw my fancy helm will probably search for me until their eyes pop out. Especially Kuzan, Beris, and Wratch."

"Hey, kid. Are they on your level though?"

"It'll be a hefty fight."

"It seems you learned new things from the Land of the Illustrious Legends. Though I didn't get to witness it firsthand, it seems that the Zipfels and Vermonts have much interest, which is very significant."

"You'll be very impressed, Strawberry Pie. I got front row seats for a few minutes and was amazed. Kid, show her too. The Shadow Blade and stuff."

"Of course."


He was a little embarrassed, but Gilly was just as grateful.


"Let's have a drink together. It's been too long. I'm glad that we are all back together again."


Gilly announced.

That day, Syris did not return to the Hidden Palace, and stayed for the party. While everyone laughed and talked, she did not, choosing to enjoy her time silently.


* * *

While Jin and his crew partied all night, knights had gathered in a secret base in the Huphester Alliance, where Joshua and his knights were also present.


"A black helm and the power of lightning… What do you think?"


On the table was the same article that Jin read. Joshua eyed Kuzan and Beris, who had their hands behind their back. The two had recently made up their minds and swore their life to Joshua. If he didn't become the patriarch, they believed that they would never have a chance to exact vengeance on Solderet's Contractor and the Black Dragon.


"It is possible that it is him."


Kuzan replied. Beris smiled at the teen sitting next to Joshua.


"Is it the black helm?"

"Yes. We searched for it everywhere ever since that day, but we haven't encountered anyone with such a helm. Since he's a magic swordsman, he can probably cover his sword in lightning."


Joshua puffed some smoke.


"…Yeah, I thought so too."

"Do you believe that Vamel is Solderet's Contractor?"


At Kuzan's question, Joshua silently nodded. 


"Well, I'm not too certain. If the new information didn't come in, I would've arrived at the same conclusion as you did. He hid the fact that he was Solderet's Contractor and led a show."

"If you can tell what kind of information…"

"It wasn't a show. Although the article didn't really discuss the lightning spell he used, I heard that five assault-general White Wolves died from it."


Kuzan and Beris bit their lower lip. After Taimyun Marius died, they still hadn't received further information about Solderet's Contractor.

When a black-helmed knight appeared, they immediately thought it'd be him. However, this one wielded lightning, not spiritual energy. The two couldn't comprehend the fact that monstrous White Wolf warriors died and the possibility that Vamel wasn't the one they were searching for.


"So annoying. Five of them? Five? He definitely isn't that guy. If his magic had been that good, Kuzan and I would've been toast. Just what is this Vamel guy? I don't think he's a magician."


Beris complained. Then, she stared at the boy sitting next to Joshua and licked her lips. She poked his cheek and eyed him mockingly.


"Hey, you. Are you really Peitel's Contractor? I think Vamel's the real one."



The boy glared at Beris as lightning sparked from his body.




With one word from Joshua, the boy calmed down.


"Five White Wolf warriors at once… Julien, can you do that?"

"I cannot."


Joshua shook his head at the boy's calm response.


"Then it's time for you to get stronger."


Beris licked her lips again. She had been enjoying her time teasing the boy.

Underneath the table, Julien's hands were trembling. However, it wasn't from Beris's teasing but due to his fear of Joshua.

Next chapter