There was not a single member of the clan who was in a position to 'inform' Chiron and Rosa.
Rosa wasn't angry at Jin, who said that he would leave again as soon as he arrived.
On the contrary, she felt some anticipation in his confident attitude.
She even saw the appearance of Luna.
Luna also unilaterally informed the clan that she would give up her position as next patriarch.
However, Luna informed about giving up being patriarch, and Jin did the opposite. From Rosa's point of view, everything Jin did was solely to swallow up the clan.
"Now that you have just returned, you are telling something interesting as soon as you see this mother. You must know how messed up the clan is right now. It seems like your awareness as the top-ranking flagbearer of the clan is a bit lacking."
Contrary to the tone of the words, it was not a sarcastic tone. Jin responded with a light smile.
"During this time, I received intensive healing in the Holy Kingdom, and found out the use and maker of the items obtained from the Sota Desert."
"What did you find?"
"As the Prophet said, it was an item that could change the course of war. The machine is a key part of the teleportation device."
Jin deliberately said it was a teleportation device, not a spatial-time device. The two seemingly have similar concepts but distinctly different, and there was no need to share them all with Rosa.
"It's information you obtained through Arya Hister."
Jin was not taken aback by Rosa's confident voice. Having Valeria with him was nothing more than a public secret among the major factions now.
"That's right."
Capturing Valeria and bringing her to the Garden of Swords was a constant mission for the flagbearers.
Rosa did not react differently to that either.
By bringing Joshua down, Rosa had already allowed Jin a certain level of freedom. Jin was not crossing the line she had set.
"The creator of that item is Lokia Ganesto, one of the ten great knights of ancient Runcandel."
"... Lokia Ganesto?"
"Yes. Lokia Ganesto was forgotten due to Zipfel's manipulation of history a thousand years ago. But just as the clan curse has been lifted as the power of Zipfel has weakened this time, the history of the ancient Runcandel, which was destroyed by them, is being revealed little by little."
Rosa had been aware of that name long before the power of the story began to fade.
"According to what you said, teleportation devices and battleship construction was already a thousand years old technology, and our clan lost them to Zipfel at some point."
"Are there no records related to that in our clan?"
"There are none. Even if there were, records about the time of losing the items are meaningless, and if there were records informing how to immediately use the items, you would have had to attribute them to the clan right away."
What was important to Rosa was the immediate victory and survival, not the discovery of lost history.
Jin believed that they could never win without restoring the glory of ancient Runcandel, but Rosa didn't share that belief.
"The item is still in an unusable state."
"So, how much more time do you need?"
"I don't know. The reason I am leaving the human world is to complete things with the help of my brethren."
The reason Jin wanted to leave for Laprarosa was not just for personal training.
A flying battleship that uses an illuminating heart as its power source. Seeing Zipfel's mass-produced fleet for the first time in the Sota Desert, Jin dreamed of something like that.
'If only teacher and Qwaul could complete the spatial-time device and use it to summon my brethren in the human world. It won't just be an absurd story.'
Theoretically, it was possible, as Qwaul had already assured by looking at the illuminating heart in Jin's chest.
"Even if it takes time, can it be completed with the help of the Plutonian tribe?"
"I cannot guarantee that."
"Still, don't know, can't guarantee. You keep saying things that don't suit you. Granting you autonomy doesn't mean you can say whatever you want."
"It won't be different from the Acting matriarch suspending judgment on whether or not it would be better to negotiate with the Prophet rather than me. And I think that you must have already resisted the temptation of the Prophet once in the Sword Emperor Castle war."
-Please reinstate the 2nd flagbearer. If you do, the Prophet will support you.
-Yes, you are not my daughters if you don't disappoint me. Get lost! If, when I return to the family, any of the 12th flagbearer's companions are dead, you will be immediately executed.
Jin did not hear the conversation between Rosa, Myu and Anne during the war, but he was sure that the Prophet had suggested something to Rosa. The fact that Rosa rejected it as well.
'If my mother had made a deal with the Prophet at that time, things would have changed before Sir Ron became genesis knight. Joshua would have been reinstated now.'
Joshua is still imprisoned in the dungeon.
And the reason Rosa cut Myu and Anne's proposal with a single stroke at that desperate moment was because she knew that the Prophet would eventually have no choice but to 'coexist' with Runcandel.
She calculated that if Runcandel was really going to be destroyed by Glyek, Prophet would have lent her strength even if she refused. The prophet had no other option for the fulfillment of the prophecy.
"I haven't disappointed you so many times, acting matriarch. So trust me."
"The youngest."
"Are you so afraid of me negotiating with the Prophet? To the point where you have to beg me."
Only now did Rosa realize what Jin wanted to say to her.
"It might look like begging. Then, this time, I will ask you, acting matriarch...…"
How much time do you have left?
Jin spoke in a solemn voice. What he was concerned about was Rosa's 'demonicization'.
He had no means to confirm at what rate the chaos that tainted Rosa was engulfing her.
'My mother was definitely exposed to the greatest level of chaos.'
When Ron sacrificed his life to prevent Glyek's self-destruction, naturally, it was Rosa and Kelliark who bore the most in the aftermath.
Kelliark was able to protect himself to some extent by using Demon God's orb as a shield, but all Rosa had left was a single sword and the clan members waiting for death behind her.
It was thanks to her sheer brute force that she seemed to be moving quite well despite being exposed to more chaos than Kelliark.
Jin experienced greater chaos than anything else in the subspace of Glyek. So he knew well how that power could plunge people into madness and insanity.
Even Ron would have become a monster without being able to overcome demonicization without Jin and Dante. Jin expected that Rosa was undergoing a process similar to what he and Ron had experienced at that time.
No, he was convinced. In Jin's eyes, it was clear that Rosa was resisting demonicization to maintain her composure every moment.
"You seem to be looking down at me a little."
Rosa did not show her anger this time either.
It was because she wasn't sure if the size of anger that soared right now was entirely her own. If there was even the slightest influence of demonicization mixed in, she had to suppress it by all means.
"Just like I did, please be honest with me, Acting matriarch. If the situation is extremely urgent, I cannot leave you and leave, acting matriarch."
They looked into each other's eyes.
Both looked at the enemy. They both have the same goal of survival and prosperity of Runcandel, but the paths they were walking were so different. To the extent that they can't help but become enemies even while running toward the same destination.
"If my answer is negative, does that mean you will change your plans?"
"My visit to Laprarosa's brethren is unchanged. It's the only way to complete items. However, if the remaining time for you is shorter than I expected, I will cut off the prophet's limbs before leaving."
"The Prophet's limbs?"
"After Joshua's demise, I'm pretty sure 8th and 9th flagbearers have become the Prophet's new messengers. If I kill them, the Prophet will need some time to recover. Then, naturally, the opportunity for the Prophet to get closer to you will be reduced, acting matriarch. Even while I'm gone."
Jin asserted with a confident tone.
The fact that Myu and Anne became messengers of the Prophet was just a suspicion. Moreover, it was uncertain how much impact the Prophet would suffer if they were killed. Jin had no real intention of actually killing them.
Even if it was clearly revealed that Myu and Anne were the Prophet's limbs, there will be a lot of information to be obtained through them.
"Yes, as you said, even if Myu and Anne became the limbs of the Prophet. Do you think I would just stand by and watch?"
"I will take care of the two even if the acting matriarch and the entire clan are against it."
In other words, Jin was threatening Rosa based on mere suspicion.
The reason for this was that Rosa and Runcandel were not in a situation where they could crush Jin and Vamel alliance with a single word like before the war.
"And I don't know about the clan, but the Prophet probably won't have the power to stop me right now. If she had that kind of power, she would have already taken over the clan when Joshua was around. It's true that the Prophet uses special abilities with chaos, but she's definitely in trouble."
Just like Kinzelo's leader, Orgal, the Demon Beast King.
Jin swallowed the words and smiled.
"Also, I will announce the existence of the Prophet to the world in the justification of killing them. Especially now, when the world hates chaos because of Glyek. If the fact that our clan has been dealing with chaos for a long time is revealed by my own words..."
Jin stopped talking.
"Even in your absence, you can sprinkle sewage over the clan's reputation at any moment when I negotiate with the Prophet. After all, your four people are outside of Laprarosa, aren't they?"
Rosa, who had been glaring at Jin ever since the word that he would kill Myu and Anne came out, eventually burst into laughter at that point.
"Now you're talking like yourself."
"I will take it as a compliment."
"Your notice was well received. I'll do my calculations more carefully, so set aside your concerns about my demonicization. Just remember that the threat is only valuable until it's executed."
"Of course."
"3 years."
Rosa looked at her blackened wrist and said.
"Assuming my demonic nature proceeds at the same rate as now, I should be able to endure for about three years. Make sure to come back within that time."
[T/L: Read More Chapters Here: ]
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