
Chapter 393

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When Jin opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was two people.

Gilly, who was crying with reddened eyes, and Murakan, who was embracing her shoulders.

Jin was sure that these two would always be by his side, he felt a warmth enveloping his whole body.


"Young Master!"

Gilly and Murakan lowered their bodies to check on Jin's condition.

"Gilly, Murakan."

"Young Master, are you really all right now? Are you feeling any type of pain in your body?"

"I'm perfectly fine. Is there any knight that died by hand?"

Jin was concerned by this until he collapsed.

He didn't want to kill the innocent knights in the fight with his clan.

Of course, most of them were knights of the 'enemy,' but they were clearly weaker than him and had been loyal to the clan.

In the future, if he had to deal with such knights, he wanted to handle them through an honorable battle or a reasonable purge, not with this kind of 'attack'. Just like when he dealt with Joshua's knights who followed him in Samil.

"They're all fine, Young Master."

"That's a relief."

-[And I will give one command to the members of the clan below the flagbearer.]

-[Do your best to protect the guardian knights so that not a single knight dies because of my sword.]

It was also meaningful that the words he spoke when he unleashed the Plutonian Reign Sword were kept.

Indeed, the members below flagbearer-rank didn't throw themselves into following Jin's orders, but that's what it looked like in the end.

"Is it right to worry about knights as soon as you open your eyes, kid? While you were unconscious, me and Strawberry Pie..."

"I know, I'm sorry for making you worry."

As Jin gently embraced the two of them, Gilly let out a relieved sigh. Murakan, on the other hand, promptly excused himself, finding it distasteful.

"No, it's me who caused Young Master great concern as soon as he returned."

"What kind of concern did Gilly cause? It's the clan who treated you harshly."

Jin naturally shifted his gaze towards Murakan.

"Murakan, did Sir Tellot really treat Gilly humanely?"

"Well, that guy seems to know a thing or two. It felt like he made things easier for her there compared to when you were tiptoeing around."

"Of course, that's what Sir Tellot would do. However, I couldn't help but think that after the incident, people like Jorden or other elder council members might have meddled with Gilly for no reason."

"If that had happened, would I have just stood by and done nothing?"

"Of course not."

"Besides, is there anyone foolish enough to step forward and meddle with your people in the current situation? Hahaha, it's a total mess. Your mother and the 3rd flagbearer are still undergoing intensive treatment, and the elder council members are all busy trying to keep a low profile."

The Garden of Swords was still in shock. Jin's display of combat prowess had far surpassed everyone's expectations.

Of course, those who had witnessed him unfold the Plutonian Reign Sword knew that he had put his life on the line for such a dangerous sword.

But he was just nineteen. At that age, even if you put your life on the line, could there be another person capable of overturning all of Runcandel?

Those who had experienced it could all assert with confidence: Jin is the only person and it is unknown whether even 19 years old Luna could have done something like Jin.

Furthermore, in the end, he had injured Rosa. Rosa and Luntia were still receiving intensive medical treatment.

Even those who disliked Jin because of this incident had to admit the fact that he has potential beyond Luna.

 "It was quite impressive."

"You damn brat, how many days have you been lying there just for a little bit show?"

"A bit? I was quite impressive, you know."


Jin felt like he could say that without embarrassment to the Garden of Swords, which had been lukewarm at best. Thanks to that, he had lost both his arms and wandered through a near-death experience.

"Yes, you were impressive. But if you try to be impressive one more time, there may be no turning back."

"How long was I unconscious?"

"Ten days."

"Almost died, huh? It seems I've become too indebted to Lani lately."

"You were in a state where even the divine power of a religious zealot couldn't guarantee your recovery, kid."

"Then who treated me? It would have been difficult with just the clan's medical team..."

Suddenly, Jin stopped talking and looked around his own body. Now that he thought about it, his physical condition was remarkably good for just waking up.

"...It was Numerus' blood."

Murakan and Gilly nodded.

Just three minutes ago, his pulse had been faint, his breathing irregular, and his body unconscious. Even the illuminating heart had gone out like a snuffed lantern.

His body, in that state, absorbed a drop of blood left by the god who had disappeared, and he instantly regained his vitality. As if the extraordinary battle had all been a dream.

"Who exactly?"

"Your father."

"Are you joking?"

That response just slipped out without him even realizing it.

In his entire life, not once. Jin had never imagined that his father, Chiron Runcandel, would help him in this way.

While he had known that his father held a favorable opinion of him, this was a completely different matter.

His father had directly lent him his strength in the succession battle.

Until now, none of his siblings had ever received such support from their father.

"Young Master, just a moment ago, the Head Butler personally brought it. He said it's the only one in the clan."

"This foolish expression doesn't suit you."

"I'm just... honestly a bit surprised."

In a dazed state of mind, Jin couldn't immediately think of what to say.

"Even now, other than Lord Murakan and myself, no one in the clan knows that Numerus' blood drop was used for Young Master."

"No one knows?"


The clan members thought that Heinz had come to Jin's room just to check his condition. No one had expected that the patriarch of the clan would personally grant him Numerus' blood drop.


Jin burst into laughter.

"Young Master?"

"Why are you laughing?"

"There is a reason why my father had given me Numerus' blood drop secretly to everyone. It seems I've misunderstood my father all this time."

"There's a reason...?"

"There is no need to reveal it if my father wants to keep it hidden. Let's spend some private time for a day or two. If we go out immediately, the Head Butler will be suspected."


Understanding the implications, Gilly clapped her hands.

"You don't plan to reveal that you received Numerus' blood drop from the patriarch?"

"That's right. Among the outsiders, I'm sure more than half of them would wish for my death. I'm curious to see what kind of expressions they'll make in a few days."

"Is it okay to do that? Anyway, since you woke up suddenly, it won't take long for them to find out that you used Numerus' blood drop."

"Just say it was something I acquired during my days as a reserve flagbearer. Whether they believe it or not, they have no means to prove that it was something my father granted."

"But it's a divine artifact personally granted by the patriarch... I'm concerned that it might incur the patriarch's wrath."

"If Father wanted to make a show of it, he wouldn't have given it to me secretly. Since he gave it to me, it means I'm free to use it as I please. More importantly, tell me more about the clan atmosphere. How many are trying to align themselves with me?"

"I can't say for sure. However, according to Petro's assessment, roughly one-tenth of the guardian knights and a tiny fraction of the enforcement knights seem to have shown favor towards you, Young Master."

"At the moment, it's difficult to be certain who the allies are. If we assume that roughly two-tenths are neutral or belong to other flagbearers, the rest are likely from the Elder Council and Joshua's faction."

"That's correct."

Even if they were to consolidate all the neutral factions (which wouldn't be easy), it would still be an overwhelmingly advantageous battle for the Elder Council and Joshua.

It was an undeniable fact that Jin had caused a tremendous upheaval.

Nevertheless, the concept of "entrenched power" was always not easy to dismantle. This applied not only to Runcandel but to all factions in the world.

"Besides, most of Huphester's other knight clans have long been absorbed by Joshua, so those who are attached to Joshua are unlikely to change sides anytime soon."

"I don't understand human beings. Even after witnessing how you alone overturn the Garden of Swords, they won't switch?"

"No one died, though."

While it was certainly fortunate that none of the knights who had been under protection had died, on the other hand, it also showed the limitations of Jin's individual power.

The fact that not a single person died in the midst of the onslaught of flame of hell and thunderbolts was because this place was Runcandel.

"In my early days as a reserve flagbearer, even elder sister Luna faced difficulties when I came to meet my father. It's true that personal strength is very important, but alone, you can never stand against Runcandel. Everyone knows that fact well, which is why they continue to support Joshua. It's because he provides stability."

"So, if you said that those who seemed to show favor toward you were around one-tenth, we should start by firmly grasping those. Shall I meet them?"


"I am still a symbolic entity in this damn Runcandel, right? If I seriously start recruiting knights, it will be quite effective..."

Both Jin and Gilly burst into laughter at the same time.

"Is it funny?"

"You'd just lose face, Murakan. If they had been the kind of people who would change sides when they saw you, they would have done so a long time ago."

"Either way, I need to recover my strength quickly!"

"And I don't plan on meeting those who seem to favor me."

"What? Why?"

"'You seem to like me, so please be by my side.' This isn't very appealing. I should make them follow me and pledge their loyalty on their own. I'll put on a little show only when necessary. I plan to expand my influence like that in Runcandel..."

Jin looked at two of them and continued.

"For now, what we need to meet are the other forces that are not under our influence."

As always, Jin intended to build his strength from external sources.

"The noble families of Vermont and Lutero Magic Federation, the knight clans of Huphester who still have potential, top-tier mercenaries like the Black King and the Ghost mercenaries, and other major neutral factions. We should start expanding our influence from there."

Jin intended to prove through them that his abilities were not limited to powerful martial arts alone.

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