
11. It's My Life.

And it would not be easy again. My stomach was already hurting even though the heat was still weeks away, and the pain was reminiscent of some sort of menstrual cramps. What was clear was that my uterus was playing and playing enthusiastically. I was trying to take a few painkillers from my car, but they helped only a short while and made my mind too fuzzy, so that was not an option at all.

Colin was in Ireland when I texted him and he told me to ask Samuel to check me over, so there was no infection lurking. I had gotten myself in some shape and there was no evidence of my imprisonment in that facility. My heart was broken when I visited Rob's family. His wife was also like me, tiny, blonde, and skinny. They had two children, Taylor and Helena, their daughter. Taylor was blonde like his father and when Rob's wife showed me pictures of Rob's childhood, there was a good resemblance, so Taylor would be a carbon copy of his father when he would grow up. 

So I had Colin tell me quite tightly, he really wanted me to have a proper check-up because it is not very normal to have pains weeks before the heat, after all, it is supposed to be breeding time, and you want to be horny and ready, not lay in pain for weeks before that. So there was something iffy for Colin in my pain. 

When I called Samuel, I explained Colin's worry over this pain. He said, "Fine, come on, Arkansas to the house, and I'll check you over and see if I can find a reason. It is not normal, but then again, when you are not normal, you are evolving all the time, and even if Salvatore put your feline side on pause, it might still affect things."

I flew to America, and Samuel examined me for days and couldn't really find a reason. He took very many blood tests, and scans and even opened me up, looking at my womb and my ovaries and found nothing wrong with them.

I stayed in Arkansas and Samuel said, "Your heat is not far off. I would say a couple of months, but these warnings before an actual heat are nothing new. There is nothing wrong with you. Your pain is just your womb spasming and preparing for heat because it has been an awful long time since you last had spontaneous heat. So it is just preparing itself for the heat. "

I left medbay, not sure what to do with my pain and I took those painkillers just for sure if the pain got too much. Then again, my pain threshold was quite remarkable, being a victim of tens of shed sessions.

I was living in the wing, Damon had left as soon as he'd dealt with Mimosa and hadn't even left a message or anything, but I wasn't expecting it. I had been ready to ask him about my pains too, but when he was not around so, there was not a lot to ask; I did think of putting a text message for him, but if the wrong side of him was awake, it would not be a wise decision. 

I was annoyed with myself for suspecting Damon all the time and I knew that if you lived in the same house with a powerful telepath, he would hear your thoughts and I was sure that my thoughts, my suspicious behavior, and my thoughts drove him away. He just could not bear to be in the same house with me. Knowing what he had done to me well over a year ago, it was more likely than two years for now, but still. 

I lived my life, and I was surprised when Mirella was in the wing too, and not to fuck with men all the time. It was good to connect with her too and she told me she was too possessive of men sometimes and that had led to her demise in the first place, back in the day when she had been in her own body.

She also told me she was not looking like this originally and this was just an avatar that my mind had conjured up for her. She was happy with it. I told her a lot about what happened in the shed and she was horrified. She did not want Damon near her if he had smelled passionfruit when killing me and being all tender.

We had a little fun in the karaoke room too, but I was not interested in bedtime and Mirella was worried too; she examined me in medbay herself and she found nothing wrong. So life went on. Mirella and I made food, and she gave me some dental stuff which helped a little with the cramps. She hoped those drops would help even a bit when sometimes pain took me to the bottom of the bed for hours and I just could not eat or drink anything. 

One time when I had just had quite a long spout of pain and I had just recovered from it, she said, "Ask Bran. He really does have a really wide range of heat experience if he's come across that before. He might have some help to offer."

My stomach was cramping almost every day and the Mirella stuff took the worst of it away but didn't really relieve it. I decided not to go straight to Bran to ask for heat advice, or he'd somehow get in the way of my heat. I was not wanting him in my heat.

I was lying in bed, again one day when Charles and Adam came from the missions and they asked Mirella where I was. When she had told them about my pain and that I was in one room to wait it out, I had just taken those powerful painkillers that made my head fuzzy.

I heard Charles opening the door; he came next to me, lay my side, and stroked me. He was trying to relieve my discomfort. Painkiller took the pain pretty much away, but it kept me so damn sedated. I hated this state, thus I was waiting for my mind to clear up and see if the pain returned.

Charles said, " Sometimes a heat if it gets strong, it will announce itself in advance. Try next time, honey, if a hot bath would help. I am not sure if those pills are good for you. You are so groggy and if a bath would help, then you wouldn't have drugged yourself. "

I tried baths and showers. Luckily, the pain wasn't quite constant. I still didn't want to fuck. Somehow I was still so dry I wasn't even interested in the whole thing, even though the heat was getting closer by the day. I suffered cramps and aches for eight weeks before the fucking heat came on. 

When I did get it, it was a genuine show. At first, it was hard to get the heat on. I was very excited, but I didn't come easily. I was just not orgasming at all. Boys came a few times in me before Charles went to the girls' pleasure room to get some gels, dildos, and all the kind whips and lashes, and floggers, and then it was a little bit easier.

Adam and Charles had to work a bit to get me going. I needed to hurt, so they had beat me quite damn good to get me going and because these two aren't Damon, it was not so easy for them. Because it had to be believable, the force had to be used, and a lot too.

They called Damon who was not available, and he just said that he couldn't make it, not by any chance, and if there had been a chance, he would have been there because he could do it effortlessly and with no danger of volcano getting up when he was in that mood, but he was just not available. 

Damon sighed as he ended the call. He just could not make it, no matter how he tried to twist his schedule in his mind. He put his phone in his jacket pocket, took off his jacket, and rolled up his sleeves. His subordinates had brought in that room all that he had required, so everything was in place. He stepped in.

The man was tied in a chair, his chest was bare, his head was sweaty and he looked frantically all around the room. The room was dimly lit. Only one bulb hanging from the ceiling brought some light and cast shadows. Damon walked around the room, disappearing into shadows before always emerging. He let his red eyes now show. His fangs peeked when he spoke. 

Damon walked up to that man and said, "This is pretty simple. I have here a little bit of electricity, so this will hurt and I will ask you questions, you will answer and I will know if you lie. Every time I am not happy, I will use my toy. Let's start then.." 

Through the dilapidated government building where interrogations were conducted off the records, was to hear the man's screams and sobs. He had been marked as black, meaning he would not survive, but his interrogator would have made sure that every piece of information was first milked out of him before he would get his meal.

This had been one of Damon's jobs for several decades. He was the best interrogation by the government, and it took quite a lot for them to get him to do this job. Multiple targets were waiting for him so this would take some time and sometimes a few other government officials would observe his work and see how he truly enjoyed torturing these evil medical facilities' bastards that they had gotten under arrest. 

I had no idea what Damon was doing, and he had given a few pointers on boys how to manage me, but my heat was so damn hard that this took us all so much to do and effort. They just had to persist because they did not want me to have another uterine infection. After all, the next heat might be even more demanding. Bran could not come near. He smelled me so badly that he had to throw up, so there was that. The same was true with Samuel, too. So my heat took only these two, and I tried, but I just could not help myself. 

After first roughing me up for two weeks and it had gotten these two quite tired of me, my heat turned it up to a notch. I didn't always want the treatment even when I needed it, so they just had to take me. In other words, it was starting as a rape, but not for long. I just wanted to protect my pussy and not get anything there. One would hold me still while the other got their dick in my pussy and started to fuck me hard and then usually my resistance broke, and I enjoyed the job very much.

This was about three or four weeks at least, and I can say that those boys really overdid themselves. For them to be my protectors and they had a right about swearing never to force me to do anything or hurt me. Well, now, was time to forget those and get going on raping the wife. They were quite good at this and it took a lot out of them. Because I tried to pretend that I did not need treatment, almost getting my heat into a knot because of that.

 My heat just got crazier and after those weeks of rapes, I got demanding. I told them what I wanted and when and where. And then I wanted wolves. Adam had evolved to where he could get into wolf form immediately, like Charles, and then I'd get wolves whenever I insisted. The knot had to be tight, and it had to be big.

Being just a wolf was not all of it, not in the least. I needed some tenderness from time to time and it was not always easy for the boys to change the gear immediately. Because my mood and my demands changed quite rapidly and my heat got very fickle because of that, meaning they had to do what I asked. Or else there was almost a knot in my heat.

I had to be stroked and petted and then fucked like a wild beast. Then we went through quite many kama sutras when I wanted the most exotic positions possible and were did most of them. The boys were quite limber too but in a few positions they were not sure how to fuck me, in which way to move themselves as we were knotted up like a giant human ball of naked bodies and limbs but my heat demanded it, so we did it.

My lust lasted 14 weeks, and the three of us were so fucking tired after that. All those positions, the wolves, the rapes. It got to the point where I ran away and got myself almost six times a talented heat knot, which the men then opened and sometimes looked at my cunt and furrowed their brows at it as if there was someone really really wrong. They did not say anything, but it felt like they were angry at my cunt and I could not help it.

When my heat went out, and I was lying in bed exhausted, Charles, who was next to me, said, " Do you mind, honey, if we don't right away..."

I shook my head and said, "I can be a nun just as easily, no problem. No need for sex for me."

Adam smiled, Charles laughed out loud too, and I said, "What's so funny? "

Adam said, "You see, Salvatore left after Mimosa heat and, well, he has a vocation. He goes to convents and I can tell you, baby, there are no virgins after that. I hear the older, the better."

I burst out laughing. Somehow it was so Damon, to go fucking nuns now and take their virginity. I just could not understand why, but he wanted to take something from them and it was the best prize ever. I mean, Damon had a thing for older women when you thought of his wives. Besides, taking the virginity of an 80-year-old mother nun must be quite a good catch, to get that woman to surrender to him, to win her over, to seduce a nun.

Adam said, " Everyone worships Damon there. Even the oldest ones. They say he gives the love of God with his staff."

I said, "I bet he gives, and a lot of it, too. But now boys, I can be your nun. No need to seduce me anytime soon. " 

We laughed for a while and then fell asleep after the most demanding heat ever. I hoped I would not get another in some time.

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