
28. Who'll Stop The Rain.

Then the opening day came, and I had chosen my outfit of a skirt and shirt and a light jacket to go with it. My skirt was dark blue, and my silk shirt was a lighter version of that. I had blonde semi-long hair again, and I thought I'd just put a headband on to hold it back a bit.

I had on my Cucci shoes, the exact color of my skirt, and I had put a choker around my neck.

I had been to a few clubs with Adam and Charles, and I thought it was a pleasant touch. It was a bit of our thing again. I considered putting on a chain belt but then didn't bother as my chain belts always required a partner, and now my husbands were doing heat. There would be a short opening ceremony where I would cut the ribbon, but I wouldn't have to say a word.

A wonderful thing because I'm not that keen on public speaking. I left in my car, which was equipped for the long trip. I thought I would fly to Hawaii at some point and see an island or a big house there. I might do some sniping if good targets would come into play. 

I arrived at the opening ceremony an hour before the ceremony so I could then get ready for my seat and get a good seat before the entire front row was taken. There was a pretty cool sign for the Mimi Salvatore Research Center for Supernaturals. It was still in gold font, sophisticated but credible, and I really hoped that this would be useful to many people.

I liked that this had a purpose, not just one more building with a fancy name on it and not much use to anyone; it seemed that world nowadays, those were so almost normal. For example, there could be a gym with a fancy name, but it was just one more run on mill run-down normal gym and that name gave them a reason to pull more money on their customers while they did not get anything special for their money, but working on that gym gave them, I guess better reputation in social media or something. We had our own social media apartment, and I had visited them too when we had visited earlier here. 

I haven't got my results yet. They promised them in six months, they could get some benchmarks so they could do a broader analysis. More results meant more points of comparison. But I had it in my mind, and I was thinking that this is the place to go from time to time to test yourself.

To see how my results would wary, what would be my results as in my top shape, comparing not-so-good shape. I had talked about it with Magnum and he was the one member of the team doing this facility, too. I had been quite surprised when that had come to light, but then again; he had experience dealing with me more than enough and he had been very excited about the entire facility. How he would get data too? 

I was watching what the researchers were up to when a voice behind me said, "Hello baby, you're on your own to represent, don't worry."

I was surprised when Damon spoke. He'd had a poor attitude about the research facility and thought it was a waste of money. I had not seen him in weeks and now he turned here out of the blue. I turned around and looked.

Damon was wearing a dark red satin shirt with sloppily rolled-up sleeves, black leather trousers, and a gold-colored belt.

He looked at me and said, " You must have a husband to represent you, even if the two of them are stuck in taking care of Mimosa's heat. Come on, we still have time, baby."

He grabbed my hand and started to take me with him. His grip was firm, and I did follow him, but I had to ask.

I said, "Where are we going, and to do what?"

He turned to look and breathed, "I don't tell you surprises in advance, baby, come on. "

We walked across the yard. There were a few big trucks parked next to the road, and Damon was striding toward one of them.

He took me over to one of the goddamn trucks and opened the side door, and said," Go on in there. We'll get some peace and quiet before the opening. It's got everything we need, baby, you'll see."

Fine. Does the gentleman have some new seduction truck or something? I stepped on the metal steps leading to the truck and lifted myself inside it. Damon was sometimes full of surprises.

He was quite the cutie, though, and my clothes were easy to take off, and as I said, we had time yet. It was dark in the truck, and I got in. I could feel Damon behind me, closing the door.

Then he grabbed me, turned on the light, and said, " Now baby, you better think about your own behavior and hard. That is, if Lady means anything to you."

The wet dog stank in the air and I realized that this had been a trap, and I had just waltzed in. In the middle of the truck was a silver cage in which the lady lay, either sedated or asleep.

Damon said, " For now, she's just a little sedated, as you can see, but for how long is up to you."

Damon dragged me to one chair, that was bolted to the floor, sat me down, and again handcuffed me. I knew I would have to wait for him to show me how he handled the lady and then see what happened next. What makes it challenging is that this is a telepath that literally reads my mind. Now, I had to let the reactions come again and be unpredictable. not plan anything. Take a chance if I get one and hope for the best, for lady's sake. But I can take a hit if it means that Lady will stay safe. 

Damon still tied me from my chest to the chair, and likewise, he tied my legs. He used quite a strong chain, and he kept it tight. Then he took my choker off and put it on the table.

He walked up to the cage, opened the door, crouched down, and showed me Lady's neck. There was a metal collar on her and some of her fur had been shaved off.

He said, " Now you will have a minor operation, and then we will see how you decide to behave, but let me show you. You are going to have a collar like the one the lady has. You see, there is a steel collar here. This is connected to her neck and her spinal cord. The spinal cord gets electricity. The neck veins get medicine." 

He stood up and showed the drip bag that was attached to the collar.

" Now, in that drip bag, there's a medicine that you're familiar with. I know Mirella copied my instructions, and you can see that this is a strong anesthetic that'll work on you. As you can see, it's also stronger than normal, about ten times stronger. And you also know you don't need it even in a dilute solution, even a milliliter. But how about Lady? Here's the remote control. The red one gives you the electricity, and the green one gives you the medicine."

His voice was again, explanative, dangerous, and without any emotion. Shed session side.

" I'll fit you with the same collar with the same medicine, but I'll hide the collar under your skin, and that choker of yours will help. Now, here's the thing. There is only one of these remotes, and this one controls both. So if you are naughty, you need electricity or medicine. The lady gets it every time, too. Is that clear?"

I nodded. He took a shot and said, "I'll put you down for a while. I set up the collar, but we'll make it to the opening just fine, oh baby, while I'm waiting to press that control."

Then he put the needle in my vein and pushed the plunger. I blacked out.

Damien put Mimi on her back by tipping the back of the chair down. He spread Mimi's legs and took off her panties. Now, he didn't want to reproduce, but wanted to dominate and enjoy.

Bran had said to Damon, "You are an old and strong creature. You have seen the potential in Mimi and want to test if she is truly worthy of you. That is why you do what you do to Mimi. Accept it and don't fight it; you will be easier on yourself. When you permit yourself always to enjoy yourself properly, then yes, you can be with Mimi normally, and one day, when the part of you testing Mimi inside you has realized that Mimi is worthy of you, that thing might go away. It's okay, Damon, go ahead. You've made an energy umbrella in case Mimi can't take it, and Mimi can't die. You're strengthening Mimi."

Damien was feeling pretty damn smug. Now no one believed that he existed, not even Bran, and that made this so much more enjoyable to fool them all. Damon was easier to manipulate. He was weaker, weakening steadily, and Damien felt stronger. He knew that he could keep this up and there would be a threshold when Damon was too weak to even come to the surface, and then he won. And he gets to kill his good brother slowly in his mind, letting him watch as his medical experiment unfolds, then a decade or so. Oh, how he loved his life. If he would be capable of feeling any real emotions, that is. This was safer this way. Even he sometimes fantasied that Mimi would know the truth. 

He continued with his plan. He visualized the cervix, inserted a spreader into it, and opened Mimi's cervix. He inserted a thin tube, connected it to a jelly tank, and let the jelly begin to drain into Mimi's uterus. The jelly was a sedative jelly, but it needed an activator to work. Damon was going to fill Mimi full of this jelly so that Mimi would feel the jelly all day, and then he would administer the activator as needed. He fitted a collar and put a medicine bag, which was a three-deciliter drip bag, on Mimi's lower back with tape to cover Mimi's jacket and blouse well.

When Mimi's uterus was completely full of jelly, Damon was still gelling her bowels full of jelly. Then he turned Mimi on her stomach for a moment and put so much copper in both kidneys that they were immediately destroyed but did not send out the multiplying enzyme. He turned her over on her back and filled her bladder with a sedative jelly. The aim was to make her feel not-so-pleasant enough to start using up her resources. Mimi was in good shape, and he was going to enjoy himself properly.

He had filled her pussy to the brim with soothing jelly. It would stay hard even inside Mimi until he gave the activator, and then the jelly would soften somewhere. He inserted the cannula into Mimi's abdominal aorta, and it was under her shirt so that Damon could get the activator into it, and the effect would be immediate. Soon Mimi would wake up, and he would tell her what the situation was.

I was hurt. It was the first thing that came to my mind, and slowly, I started to pinpoint where everywhere. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom, and my bladder would burst in a second. There was a dull ache in my stomach, which told me that my uterus had been treated. I hoped this wasn't another fucking reproductive frenzy. My back was hurt on both sides, and they were apparently my kidneys.

My stomach felt full. I could feel the collar on my neck even though it was inside my skin. I opened my eyes.

Damon said, " Good, we have another fifteen minutes, so you'll get used to your new condition, which will take some time. You've been gelled. It's a sedative jelly, but it's not on yet. I've gelled your uterus all over it, your pussy, your bladder, and your bowels. You've had that collar put on and a cannula put in your abdominal aorta. Now it depends on how you behave, and either you get this."

He hit the electricity, and the pain ripped through my body, and I saw my lady arched under the force of the electricity.

"Or this."

I felt my head go cloudy, and the lady sighed and was silent. I could see how slowly she was breathing now.

Damon said, "I activate that jelly then whenever I need to, and it only starts to melt when I activate it. I don't know where it does it is from. Now I'm going to untie you and we're going to start going to the party place. I'm sure you can behave yourself."

We started to leave for the party venue, and my bladder was racked, and my kidneys were apparently destroyed or non-functioning. The jelly in my pussy made me want to walk with my legs spread, and my bowels and uterus ached and pressured. Damon walked beside me, and I held on to him, and together, we opened the center and walked.

I saw Bran was there, and he just watched as Damon gently nodded. Bran knew what this was going to do, and he just looked away. Oh fuck, I was getting pissed off, but that's when I start to gather my rage so well. Damon took the end of the cannula, put a syringe in it, and emptied it in there. My head immediately went cloudy, and the grip of my rage slipped away.

Damon said, " Next time you try to take your rage out again, we'll have some electricity."

I decided to behave, and we wandered around and chatted. The Centre was surprisingly crowded with people already testing themselves, and there was an appointment desk where it seemed to be busy.

Damon said, "Well, at least it's nothing to be ashamed of, as it's under the Salvatore name. The wonderful vision you've got there, baby, you've behaved yourself. I don't think the sedative will come off that easily.'"

He had now given me three more doses of the activator, and I was feeling really, really badly sedated in exactly the wrong way. I felt that the jelly hadn't melted anywhere yet, and constant pain was tiring my already drugged state. Damon watched carefully to see if I brought any of my rage out at any point.

By the time it was evening, we had been in the Montreal mansion for hours, though I remembered nothing of the drive.

Damon said, " The lady will get off. Don't worry about it. Bran will go and release her when I send him the message. Just behave yourself."

I hoped the lady was all right. Damon spoke. It was 9 p.m. and some guests had already left.

"Come on, we can start to leave."

He gave the activator more now, and my legs started to go under me.

Damon supported me by the waist and helped me into the back of the car again on my side. Then he took more activator again, connected it to my cannula, and started pushing on the piston. My consciousness started to shut down as Damon watched me as the piece of meat and wet dog properly stank. Eventually, darkness came.

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