
20. Invisible Touch.

I woke up in the restraints on some machine, mind all drugged up, weak as fuck, and confused too. This would be either quite a brief session or then I would end up in someone's mind when this crazy one kills me and destroys my straps. I tried to get myself free, but the lid was open still. I could hear Damon working on something in somewhere and I had no idea how long I had been here.

I was starting to look where I was and if was there anything that I could do in order to get myself out. But as normal, when Damon is in this mood, he is brutally efficient in ensuring that I am not going anywhere and he gets to have his pleasure full on.

Well, I was pretty pre-handled so his pleasure might not be so good as I was weak already and it was not thanks to him. It was all Sark and that other bastard, who still lived, but not forever. It would be one of my projects to torture that guy and for good, too.

I was in a goddamn shuttle again, but this was not a closed one, fully at least, and my head had been secured too. My limbs were next to my body. I was naked. This was some kind of mesh, big-eyed and metallic, and it hurt my skinny back. The shed was like every other shed. Bright light, concrete floor, torture devices, and implements were all over the place. The smell of this place was not anything that I wanted to smell. Damon stank of the wet dog. That smell had permeated the whole enormous space and I could feel the greasy residue of his fingers on my skin, or I imagined it.

These were just fabric restraints, but then again, they are more handy to tighten really well around my very thin wrist. Drugs made me fuzzy enough so that my fine motor skills were out of whack too, meaning no handy way of getting your hands free by dislocating thumbs or anything like that.

I heard footsteps coming closer as he walked by me. Damon said," Morning. Let's see how long you can handle treatment in that condition now. Baby, I must get to enjoyment again. It was not easy to remove all of those extra parts of you and get you well enough that you can be awake, actually. You are just too good a victim right now. But I will show you, how much stronger I have already gotten you. You will soon see that you can take brisk, not too short treatment and not lose your straps. You see, you have more straps now. Every time you lose some, means that when you get better, there will be more straps. But, let us start. "

 He closed the lid after he had made sure that I was strapped and not getting out. He switched on the machine, and it was a kind of stabber. As thousands of thin blades pierced me from neck to ankles, they sank into my tissues, injected something in there, and withdrew and changed places. The machine whirred and then all kinds of squishing and squelching sounds as they sank into me. I had no idea how long it took my sluggish healing to be even more sluggish, meaning I would bleed like crazy, too.

The pain tore me apart again and again. I thought whatever that uranium felt like this would be nothing. But no.

Damon said to me, " Look, baby, I took that memory away. Your body won't remember it anymore. You'll only feel the pain that I want, that I cause. You're at my mercy now, and I'm going to play with you any way I want. Those blades inject my blood into you, from time to time, so keep on healing baby, I need my pleasure. To see you weakening in my handling."

Herbs, metals, drugs, and toxins, poisons made me feel such pain that it took my mind almost out cold and several times. I could not even scream, as the pain was too much. Damon told me how much stronger concentration of herbs and poisons he can now use and somehow that kind of planning was again, so Damon that I leaned again that side that there is no Damien. Pre-planning like this told me so much.

He told me what herb, toxin, and substance would do to me and how his blood might help with this and that. He was talking now all the time, and I was so tired of listening to him ramble on his creepy stuff like we would have been in coffee and just chatted about normal things. 

He lifted me onto the table, again dripping his stuff, dictating some. I was part time out of it. Too tired and too much in pain. But then he saw when I was awake he told me minor notes and observations about my situation, as he had that ability to see how bad things were going to be. After he had dripped into me so many bags, he told me that there were many machines left, and we should continue, as he had put the next machine already ready to work on me.

He switched to the next device. It was a table, where there were multiple stems and pools around that table. I did not see what was in those pools. I was too weak to fight as Damon picked me up and carried me to the table; he had given me a shot of something as normally as he moved me.

Damon drugged or dazed me during the transfer, ensuring that I was not gonna fight back properly. He secured me on that table. And stepped away as he was satisfied with the adjustments. He pressed the button. Those stems and instruments on them came to life and started to torture me. It took strands of my skin off. It cut a hole in my skin, and the instrument took hold of my skin, lifting it while starting to move more and more, keeping hold of my skin while other instruments worked too. The machine pulled and yanked my skin, and the blades then tore it off and on and on.

Damon said, " This machine is a ripper. As you can see, it rips your skin off in strips like that. I am not making hide out of your skin. You soon see what will happen next."

When a strip of my skin was long enough, the machine cut it and put it into one of the pools. My skin was not dead, it could feel, and that pool where it had been dipped was pure agony. More strips were ripped out of me and those strips were dipped into pools of agony, pain, and such torment that I had no idea what hurt most strips in the pools or the machine, ripping more of them. Then eventually skin strips died off but there were so many of them ripped out of me, and once the machine discarded the dead one, it ripped a new one in its place. 

In the end, I grew no more new skin, but there was a lot of my skin alive. But tortured. The machine now dipped them into something that soothed even a bit and then put those strips on me again, making them grow in me. But they were burned, aching, and even I had more or less my skin on me again. It was in awful shape, and the agony was excruciating. 

Then Damon finally lifted me off the machine and strapped me down with the shackles on the table. First, he dripped those substances, drugs, and some poisons and metals into me again. He told me how there had been the dilute solution of his blood that ensured those skin strips would not die off as he touched my blistered, raw skin, enjoying my pain and moaning.

He took a bristled brush and brushed my skin with it, making it red, oozing blood, and I lost consciousness because of the pain that treatment brought on. It was not pleasant waking up, to see his satisfied expression over my weakness. He continued to torture me some more.

He opened up my entire stomach and started pouring herbal jelly all over it. He slid my bowels out of the way so that the burning pain would go everywhere. Right into my retroperitoneal space too, all over my abdominal cavity, right against my diagram too. Making breathing painful. He had paralyzed my vocal cords, and I was trying to hold on to my consciousness. There were metals, snake poisons, venoms, and all the nastiness that he could come up with, making pain as bad as possible. 

He talked and chatted all the time when he was working. He had thick latex gloves on him, an apron, and rubber boots, too. He did not like to get himself messy while torturing me. I tried to hold on, but my mind was so freaking messed up and I was tired of being in this sort of pain.

I started to really hate him, for doing to me this, not wanting his touch soon. I was starting again to forget our good times as this agony and torment was all there was, no humanity, no love, just pure sadism and evilness.

Finally, he let my stomach close up but kept pouring the jelly in and rubbing. The hose was still inside me; I was covered in sweat, just from pain alone, my mind a mess. I was too weak to do anything, and part of me hated that, too.

He said to me, looking at me in the eyes, emotionlessly. "You know baby, there's a sedative in here too. Just let it come on, you can't help it. Oh, you're getting wonderfully drugged. We'll keep going."

The pain just kept going, and he put me on machines that tore my joints and crushed my bones and kept jelling me himself with the fucking herbal jelly. I don't know how fucking long I'd been here again, but I started to get much weaker and thinner again. I wasn't even in good shape when I came here. It's not good to be this fucking tough.

Damien looked at his victim with satisfaction. This had been going on for six weeks. Now for the last job, and that would take a while. He would reveal to her that Adam and Charles were just men and couldn't help themselves. He was going to put a strong heat on Mimi, and then, when Adam and Charles found her, she wouldn't be in much better shape than when Bran had her before. Those would rape her too and mess up their relationship really well. 

He was as possessive about Mimi as Damon too and he did not like that those two were married to his Mimi. He had no idea what feelings were his and what was actually Damon's. He had had quite a ride with her already and more to come. Mimi had been strong enough and even he had helped with his blood, too. She could take so much more and there was no infection yet to come. That was quite amazing too. 

He would enjoy when those two would have no choice than go with their instincts, he would give Mimi one particular substance which would keep her pheromones wide open and Damien remembered how brutal Damon was in their vampire wedding and now there would be two of them brutalizing Mimi, so freaking perfect.

And then Mimi would find out that men are fucking machines when they can just smell pussy. He had a machine for that. A fucking chair, sort of. It was a mechanical device with a loadable dildo, and he had developed a powerful arousal agent. He had gotten done some by himself, though that had been Damon's, but better still. Works even better.

Soon he would put Mimi in the Fucker, and it would fuck her in the heat while he was still working on her, and then he himself would put the heat on so that it had to be worked on.

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