
30. Amazing Grace.

I knew nothing about the trip or anything because I was terrified. They took me to a room of some sort and stripped me of my lower body. Or they just cut open my pants and panties to get access to my pussy. Only then did someone take the earphones out, but the horror continued until the song had stopped playing. I knew it would last for several hours, leaving me completely helpless. 

 I was still recovering, and I looked to my side. I could at least move my head... Damon was on his back in chains, and some old lady was fucking him. Damon looked like he was in pain. Then the woman kissed him, and the woman got younger. Succubus. Oh, fuck.

An ancient man came up to me.

He said, "Now you're going to pay up with interest. You shouldn't have killed my brothers."

The man clambered onto the bed and came between my legs. He stuck his dick in my pussy and started fucking me. I was still in a state of terror and couldn't move a muscle. He groaned and moaned. Coughing sometimes, really nasty sounding, but it was getting close to the climax. His dick was thin and quite small, so I didn't really feel anything.

Then when he came, molten pain rushed into my cunt and into my womb. The pain spread all over my lower abdomen, and I controlled myself from screaming. I felt the pain tearing something inside me apart, almost ripping it open. A pain I had never experienced before joined terror and fear.

The woman on top of Damon was almost twenty, and I saw Adam in one bed going through the same thing. I saw Damon grimacing in pain and grunting, but the men were chained up. The woman put some kind of injection on Damon's dick so that it would stand up properly.

The women had their clothes on, more or less. They just lifted their skirts and pierced themselves. At that moment, the men grunted in pain. I knew that succubus pussy or fluids are the same vitality destroying as incubus and the dick is pretty damn sensitive, so the men were hurting and badly.

The man glued his lips to mine and sucked. He seemed to suck my strength, my will, my stamina, and he was getting younger. He straightened up, and I felt his cock grow. He fucked harder and came harder. I screamed because the molten lava he pushed into me was too much.

He sucked again and was now like Julian Macmahon, almost. He sucked for a long time. The horror had gone nowhere yet, and he sucked until the burn inside me turned into a dull throb. Then he went away.

 The next old man came and the same thing happened. Man after man came to shove lava inside me, and I felt myself getting weaker. There must have been close to a hundred men. Each one came inside me at least twice and then sucked as long as they could get off me.

The fear and terror subsided after three hours, but the men kept coming. My strength was diminishing; I was tired in a way I had never been tired before, and man after man was draining my life force.

I watched Adam and Damon fall victim to the succubus, and they, too, weakened. But there weren't as many succubi as there were incubi. There were two men that the succubus could fuck. But neither of them was me, so they weren't as durable.

The pack ties and mating bonds were open, and through them, I discovered the truth about the condition of the males. I felt how weak both men were, especially Adam, my alpha. I would do anything for him, to save him.

Eventually they took off my chains because I was finished. No one could suck any more life force out of me. I had fixed or fed 100 fucking strong incubus. There had only been 70 succubus, and they had divided the men up. But even that was too much.

Adam and Damon looked aged for decades. Damon's hair was even a little grey, like Adam's. I knew from experience that even victims sucked very dry will be saved and rehabilitated. It just takes time so that I can save Damon, my husband, and Adam, my pack leader and mate. 

I looked around. This was a concrete cube, but I had been doing blasting work for quite a while, and I saw electrical wires running through the ceiling, as well as water pipes or heating pipes running along one wall. This was some old apartment building, and we were on the basement floor, so I knew I could get this down.

Damon and Adam were asleep or unconscious. But I had heard this leader, the incubus king, had said that everybody was still here and they wouldn't move out until night. Damon had dragged me out in my gig clothes and I had six explosive charges still left that I hadn't had time to put away.

I had a feeling that, yes, I'm as finished as finished can be, but the job has to be done. I'm a flea. I'm a world saviour. I'll get through this. Even the wound the demon had made was far from healed, and that didn't matter. I'd been planning where to put the explosives after looking at the room and the support structures I'd seen.

There were narrow windows in a ceiling and you could almost see the ground, the grass, so that's how I figured out where we were. I would bury all the fucking incubus and succubus in the rubble here and put a message on base about it. I had an emergency beacon that would help the people find us and now we'd have to act.

I need to make us a shelter first, some kind of cave, or canopy when this building comes down, so we have a little bit of space to be in. I knew we were in the building's corner, not in the middle, so there would be debris on top of us, but not too much.

I gathered my strength and started moving. I put the charges in place and dragged a heavy steel table into the corner closest to the outside wall, in the most sheltered place. Then, I tipped two steel shelves over the table so they formed a roof or A-frame when facing each other. I dragged a mattress from the bed under the table. That would be our cave, and I took off my coat and vest.

I went over to Adam and put my vest on him. It was adjustable again with velcro straps, so I could get it to protect Adam pretty well. I dragged the unconscious Adam and stuffed him into the safest place of all. I dragged another mattress from Adam's bed over to my shelter. All the padding was needed. 

Then I went over to Damon. He was unconscious, too. I untied him and put his pants on, just like I had put Adam on for Damon. I put my coat on him. That was also reinforced and would protect him. There were glow sticks and few emergency food bars in the pocket, always part of the gig; we were prepared for anything. I took Damon to safety, too; I used the mattress on his bed to make this cave as safe as possible. 

Once the men were safe, I sat down near the cave. I took my microphone and put it on our emergency frequency, where all the messages were recorded, and Magnum would quickly realize there was a message or Jake.

I dictated my message. "This is the flea leader. Incubus kings and succubus queens have captured us. This is an apartment building, and I'm blowing it up. I've got six rounds of GRE-456, so that'll do it. I'll bury these satans in the rubble. I activate my locator so we are discoverable, but then, in the ruins, there are about 100 strong incubus kings and 60 succubus. Be careful when you dig us out. I have Adam and Damon with me; both are worn out but will recover. This is my last transmission. Flea leader out. "

I then put the microphone and transmitter in the jacket pocket that was now on damon. I put them in beneath his body for protection. I got the detonator ready for the explosive charges. They were sensitive, so I had to be out of our cave for a while. I activated my emergency locator and put my watch on Damon's wrist, protecting it so it wouldn't break.

Everything was ready. I pressed the button. Six loud explosions sounded, and the building came down. I was really exhausted and didn't have time to retreat enough when the pain hit the side of my neck. A block of concrete had fallen from the roof and hit my neck directly. I collapsed on my side; I felt how weak Mimosa was and gave her as much of my strength as I could; she got much stronger. I then directed the rest of my strength along my mating bonds to the men. Now I had given my all, I thought. I can't take it anymore....

Damon awoke to the persistent sound of someone's voice echoing through the darkness. He strained to locate the source, his senses overwhelmed by the mixture of scents - Adam, Mimi, blood, concrete, and the lingering scent of explosives. Opening his eyes, he realized he was in an abyss of shadows.

The voice persisted, "This is Magnum. Can anyone hear me? We received your message, flea leader. We're on our way. Thanks for the warning. Can anyone hear me?"

It took Damon a moment to realize that the voice was coming from him, as he discovered he was wearing Mimi's jacket. He found a microphone and transmitter in his pocket, which he quickly brought to his ear and mouth.

"This is Damon. I just woke up. What the fuck happened?" he exclaimed.

Magnum sighed, replying, "Mimi blew up the building you were in. We're coming to rescue you and kill the incubi and succubi."

Damon questioned, "How the fuck will you find us?"

At that moment, Damon noticed a flashing red light on his wrist, feeling Mimi's watch on it. He muttered to himself, "Emergency locator, well of course."

Magnum instructed, "Hold on. It's a large building, so it'll take time. There are glow sticks in Mimi's jacket pocket. Use them if needed."

Damon grunted, acknowledging, "We were in the basement so that it will take some time. But I'll inform you once I've explored the surroundings."

Magnum signed off with a final, "Magnum over and out."

Damon removed the microphone and earpiece, stashing them in his pocket. He then fumbled with the jacket, eventually uncovering 15 glow sticks. He didn't immediately activate than just two, folding them sharply before shaking them. Gradually, a ghostly light emerged, casting an eerie glow as Damon surveyed his surroundings.

He felt someone right beside him and looked. It was Adam, still unconscious, but unharmed. They were under some table, on a mattress, and Damon realized Mimi had made a shelter for them as best she could. He turned around and saw Mimi's legs and her torn pants, and he crawled closer.

" Baby, hey baby, are you okay?" Damon tried to keep himself under control.

He was so fucking cranky, and he knew this had been directly caused by Mimi's attack, a merciless one against incubi and succubi. Well, Missy had to learn the deeds and the consequences.

He muttered to himself, "As you can see, darling, I warned you, but do you ever listen? You don't listen.."

He crawled even closer. Mimi was half on her side, her hand loosely gripping the trigger of the charge, and as Damon shook Mimi, the trigger fell from her limp grip. He looked closer and smelled her blood. A block of concrete had fallen into Mimi's neck, sinking deep. Damon grunted and yanked the block away.

Fine, Miss would be up for that. He wasn't worried, though he couldn't hear a heartbeat or breathing. Mimi was dead, but she was unkillable, and she would always come back to life, and then Miss would see what would happen if she went on a deliberate search for enemies. 

Damon crawled past Mimi and cleared some space for them. He took a couple of light sticks and activated them. Their dim glow showed how fucking effective the charges had been. There were enormous blocks of concrete, and this enormous space they'd been in had completely collapsed on the side where the door had been.

Damon walked over to the boulders. It would take time to get them out of here. He didn't feel as powerless as he had before, and he cleared some space for them. He found one bed and moved it closer. On his return to their den, he saw that Mimi had put mattresses to protect it, and Damon got one mattress free. Then took it to the bed and dragged Adam into it.

He let Mimi stay in the cave; she'd be fine, and then they'd have a good talk.

Damon sat down on one boulder, took a microphone and headset, and said, "This is Damon. I've been clearing space for us now, and this space has partially collapsed; we were in the building's corner, but this has come down and is okay, so this is not a straightforward thing to do. "

Magnum replied, "We are already there. Doing the work. There are a couple of protein bars in Mimi's jacket pocket. Then, if this takes a while, hang in there. What's the situation there? "

Damon said, "Mimi was hit in the neck. I expect her to come back to life. Adam is waking up, and I have recovered to some extent. "

Magnum said, "Okay." 

Damon said, "I will inform you if something changes, but we will hang in. Damon over and out for now."

He put the mic and earpiece in his pocket again and sighed.

Damon probed Mimi's mind, his brows furrowing in concentration as he sought a connection. Nothing. Then he saw movement from the cave. The dimly lit cave stirred with movement, and Mimosa emerged, her tear-streaked face glistening.

Damon's heart clenched with an unfamiliar sensation, pain tearing at his soul. The absence of their mating bond felt like an open wound, throbbing deep within him. Determined, he intensified his efforts, using his telepathy until blood trickled from his nostrils.

Mimosa, her voice trembling, approached Damon and tenderly licked away the blood, her words shattering his hopes. "You won't find her. Mimi is dead, gone forever. Her life force has vanished completely." Damon looked at the wolf; she was crying, too. 

Refusing to accept it, Damon pulled Mimi in his arms from the cave, urging her to fight. Mimi's half-open eyes, dilated and lifeless, seemed almost black in the eerie glow of the cave. Damon's tears welled up as he pleaded with her, desperately clinging to hope.

"Come on, baby. Don't you do this to me? Do you hear me? We have to consecrate all those houses and go to England for another year. You don't dare to leave me.."

Adam stirred in his bed, roused by Damon's anguished cries. Mimosa's sorrowful voice confirmed the unthinkable: Mimi was truly gone. Adam sank back, overwhelmed by the familiar, agonizing pain that gnawed at his soul. Losing their mating bond felt even more devastating than when Mercy had died. The weight of grief held him captive, making it difficult to move forward.

Memories of drowning his sorrows for months after Mercy's passing flooded back, his denial of her presence even when she appeared to him. Damon's mournful sobs filled the room, echoing in the silence.

Mimosa sighed, recognizing the magnitude of Mimi's ultimate sacrifice. She had selflessly given her remaining life force to Mimosa and the men, sacrificing her own immortality to ensure the survival of their pack. Mimosa didn't know how to move on or how anyone could survive this. 

Next chapter