
14. Miss You Like Crazy.

The mansion was magnificent; there were a lot of antiques and heavy furniture, which Adam donated to the Bran houses or just gave away. His men flooded the house to fix it up, and I was very busy there.

Adam and I had a master bedroom with a huge four-poster bed, and we dedicated it pretty damn fervently for the first night. The next day, in addition to Adam's men, Samuel's men came to install equipment and tools on the medbay. He himself was not there during the day; his clinic was quite close by, and there was plenty of work to do.

This was new to me. Someone was with me to decorate the room. Adam: we argued several times with Adam about the furniture places; he was now my alpha male, and he wanted to decide what to do, whether I had bought the house. That was nothing, according to Adam. I had money, yes; I bought the house, but he was my alpha.

Adam was very much more dominant than Damon, and I knew it was for many reasons.

First, Adam was just a wolf, a very, very dominant male wolf, and I was his mate. I was his, and he was mine. He had had a mate, Mercy, before me in the past, so he knew what he was getting into. 

Second, Adam didn't fuck as many strangers as Damon, and now he probably wouldn't touch anyone but me. And no one would touch me. I was very much his. He had told me earlier that, as a wolf, he is always faithful to his mate. Always. And he was very protective, much more than Damon had been.

Third, even though we were in a relationship, as a couple, Adam didn't mince his words, and he was with me. With Adam, I didn't have to see the phone and wallet on the nightstand, find that the love of my life had disappeared somewhere again, and I was dumped. No, Adam may have had a business trip or some errands to run. Still, he was with me, and in a good way. I couldn't get rid of him that well. There wouldn't be mystery disappearances with Adam, no questions and thoughts about what he is doing. Usually, when Adam was at work, he kept tabs on me, ended messages, and called.

Our physical intercourse went really well, and I noticed Damon had actually been afraid of a confrontation with me; he hadn't got involved, had let me do what I wanted, and hadn't wanted to argue. I didn't even think about the reason.

We had a house full of people, and I felt like I couldn't have a moment's peace.

I had a boyfriend, a mate who was with me all the time, and although it felt perhaps mildly distressing, it brought security and intimacy and distracted me from thinking about Salvatore and our break up all the time. This was something really new and different.

I was on the second top floor and had just found the entrance to the secret passage. I had only now received the floor plans in my email and had studied them and found this place, got the door open, and was about to go in when Adam's voice came from the door.

He said clipped tone, "Missy, what the fuck are you doing again? "

I said, "I'm going to investigate the secret passageways."

Adam came and pulled me away, said, "No, how do you know about them?"

I said, "Yeah, I just got the floor plans in my email and I was looking at them. I found this. "

Adam took a breath and said smoothly. "Didn't I tell you to give them to me as soon as they arrived? You do not know what the hell is in that secret passage. What if you were trapped in there? How would we have found you? Now you give me those floor plans and forget about it. My men will go through them, make sure everything is safe, and then, my lady, you can look them over."

Adam's eyes flashed yellow for a moment. I picked up the phone. I sent the floor plans to Adam, and he removed them from my phone and walked into the hallway for a moment.

Soon, four men and some kind of robot, almost used to defuse a bomb, came into the room. The men looked at the floor plans and made the robot go into the secret passage first, made sure the door couldn't close and the other two men then went into another room where the passage led.

I changed rooms. I had received a gigantic pile of curtains on express delivery and went into one room I had started as a project. There were these enormous windows, and they needed curtains. There was light blue wallpaper, a white ceiling, and a wooden floor. There was a very plush bed, not a four-poster but ancient-fashioned, and I had changed into clean bedding. Pink, of course.

I had a curtain box on the bed, and I started looking around. I was thinking I could put pastel shades on the rest, and I remembered another bedroom I had with Damon where I had put pastel shades. I sighed and realized that my curtains didn't have any pastel colors now. But almost neon yellow satin curtains and I was just thinking about them when Adam came in, wrapped his arms around me and pinched the mating mark.

I sighed loudly. He looked at the curtain options, took the dark green velvet curtains, and said, " These, just for this room."

And I sighed and rolled my eyes inwardly at the taste in men's decor. We ended up with peach-colored, frilly curtains, and of course, I didn't get to climb up and hang them, but Adam did the job, or actually one of his subordinates did it. 

We actually did these things together, and I don't know if it made any difference what happened. Did Adam sense it, or did he trigger it? Then it hit, and I don't know why and for what reason, but I woke up the next morning next to Adam; we had slept; we hadn't fucked, totally miserable that Damon had left me, and I was having a time of lust. I was as depressed as depressed can be, and all I wanted was Salvatore, and I had a heat. 

Adam smelled it and said, "Oh, you're having a heat... Well, do you need treatment?"

I looked at Adam and said in a shaky voice, " No, I miss Damon. I need him. Why did he leave me?.."

I started crying. Adam tried to calm me down and seduce me, and in no time, he had me under him so that he turned the heat on. And that's when it started. Let's just say Adam outdid himself. Now get one overly hormonal craving werewolf bitch in heat and then try to work the heat forward, as you are not what this bitch wants and badly. 

I wasn't fucked like I usually am in heat. I was slimy and sore as fuck about it. Adam said it was the need for sex, but that he always got me to agree and seduce me was quite a feat. When I missed Damon, and I already imagined going to get him back, yes, he has to come when I'm in heat.

But Adam kept me in the house and got the heat going as well as he could. He even called Bran, who was quite amazed but, for some reason, didn't want to come anywhere near this kind of heat. He had just told Adam to get the heat going as hard as he could and see that I came. That's the most important thing in heat.

Adam was patient, affectionate, passionate, and skilled. I knew I must smell really wonderful, and Adam could really control himself. Not to just keep fucking me all the time while my thoughts kept wandering to Damon, and then I wasn't in the mood to fuck anymore. I tried to keep myself together at one point, but the hormone storm was just too much.

Then there were a couple more complications, first after being in heat for a week I produced milk, my hormones were so messed up and I made Adam drink it straight from my breasts for a few days before he came to his senses and called Samuel. It was one way to get my heat treated when Adam nursed me. It was something that felt wonderful, but of course, when I then thought about how I wanted Damon to come and start nursing, well, it wasn't then so easy.

Samuel listened as Adam told him about lactation and its effects on my mood. He started swearing. Now I think I should get a proper hormone test to see how fucking crazy my body is, how wild my hormone levels are. Samuel denied it was not good to drink that milk too much, and he would come to the house to check on the situation when he could, but if my breasts were sore, then the milk would have to be milked out.

Well, Samuel didn't come right away, and one morning I was in bed. Adam was downstairs making breakfast, and usually, before that, he was trying to get the heat treatment done. I was very, very cold, and the lights were very yellow, and I sat up and felt dizzy. I tried to go to the toilet, and I couldn't stand on my feet, so I went on all fours. When Adam came into the room, he saw me coming out of the toilet on all fours. He cursed softly and came and helped me to bed and went to call Samuel.

Adam looked at Mimi, who was trembling under the warm covers. He could see the flush on her skin, a telltale sign of her impending fever. The room was filled with a faint scent of sweat and sickness. Ever since Adam had claimed Mimi as his own, he had felt an undeniable connection with her on a soul-deep level.

He ran his hand through his disheveled hair, feeling the frustration building up as he waited for Samuel to answer the phone. But once again, the devil went to voicemail. Seeking a solution, Adam hurried to the medbay, but the unfamiliarity of the keys to the medicine cabinet left him helpless.

Anxious and determined, he made his way to the kitchen, the aroma of simmering chicken soup filling the air. As he waited for Samuel's call, Adam carried the bowl of steaming soup to Mimi, her fever burning brightly. He helped Mimi to eat. Hoped that this was not a severe case of infection and cursed when his phone stayed silent: no call from Samuel.

Suddenly, the front door swung open, and Samuel's voice echoed in Adam's mind. "I'm at the house. What do you want?"

Adam replied urgently, "Come upstairs to the main bedroom. We're here."

Samuel did as instructed and climbed the stairs, six flights, and finally arrived in the master bedroom. He opened the door. Mimi was lying in bed, shivering and weak. Samuel didn't even have to touch Mimi to know that she had a fever.

He could smell the familiar sweet odor that told him that Mimi had an infection in her uterus. But apparently not too bad yet. Samuel went to Mimi.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and said, " My lady, where did you get the uterine infection?"

Mimi looked at him and started crying profusely. Adam came close, took Mimi in his arms, and tried to comfort her.

Adam said in his head. "She still misses Damon. It's been like this all the time, and try to deal with the heat."

Samuel sighed. He opened his medicine bag, looked in it for a moment, and found some of the fever medicine his team had developed. Mimi didn't even notice when he had already injected her arm. 

When the fever subsided, the men washed Mimi, let her sleep, and Samuel put the strong general antibiotic back on the drip. He took extensive blood and hormone tests, and after Mimi slept for five hours, he went over the results. Mimi's hormones were all over the place.

Mimi was very fertile now, but luckily, Adam was still incompatible with Mimi. But that could change when they were together longer. If Salvatore had been here taking care of that heat, then the pregnancy would have been a possibility.

Mimi was still making milk and Samuel gave her a medicine to keep it in check. Mimi didn't have to leak her fitness into her milk. Then Samuel had to help with the heat, too.

I cursed every once in a while when I woke up. First, Damon divorces me after Sark stuffs me full of metals. Then I get silver madness. Well, then, I recovered, and then I got the heat. The good thing was that Adam and I were now together, but after the damn heat had been on for two weeks, I got a fever.

Samuel came in and cursed because it was another uterine infection. Not bad yet, let's try antibiotics and a heat treatment. Now, I had two heat therapists, and neither of them was Salvatore. I got the treatment for my heat now alternately from both. 

And now it was at full moon when the heat had been four weeks; it was a blood moon. How appropriate, I howled in wolf form. So much so that the bats in the nearby forest took flight. I howled my longing for three nights. My heat took that time not to be treated because Mimosa didn't want to even though the men tried, either in wolf form or as a human, but Mimosa was furious.

Adam looked out the window at the view. A large blood moon was in the background. He could see the silhouette of Mimosa against the moon as it howled, and then there were bats flying in the summer night. He knew that this was the last night for Mimi to be a wolf, and then it would be back to her heat therapy.

He was much calmer now, not so much attached to Mimi, and really it was a reaction to Mimi's heat. Adam sighed and prepared another room for his heat treatment.

At least they had a full tank of bumps because both of them were now giving Mimi bumps, but as she hadn't let him fuck for three days, they had to empty it now and then. Samuel had also delivered the bumps to his team for examination and was waiting to see what they would make of it.

He had managed to bring her fertility down a little and also to calm down her wild hormone levels a little. 

When I came inside and changed into human form, two very determined men took me to bed; they really outdid themselves at every point. I was absolutely impossible, yes the heat went on and it wasn't easy or even terribly enjoyable for any of us.

Yes, I came, and the men came too, but it was only the physical side. It was the mental side that was the problem, and these two showed incredible patience, love, and perseverance in always getting me into bed and fucking. Let's just say I didn't blame either of them if they didn't want to have anything to do with me after that.

Even Samuel's nerves were really being tested, and he even asked Adam if he would sedate me a bit, so it would be easier to deal with the heat, but luckily, Adam wouldn't let him. The heat lasted a total of six weeks, the third heat of my life and a record-long one. I was miserable, longing, yearning the whole time i was in heat. And it stopped when the heat stopped. My attitude changed.

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