
19. Drive By.

Why can't my life be simple and easy? The universe doesn't want me to not enjoy too much but to have some shit in my life now and then. I was planning what to do next, what I could do.

It was clear that Damon wasn't listening to reason and would probably do what he was going to do, or at least try. I would not be a sheep and just resign myself to my fate, but I knew I was pretty outnumbered against a powerful telepath who is also my true soul mate and we have a strong bond.

I saw the bond between us like a huge thick golden rope and it had different coloured strands and I felt different emotions in it, but it was partially closed, I didn't feel the Damon through it at all and I didn't get any transmission through it. I wondered about Magnum's comments about secret passages that, of course, that could be the thing.

So I started frantically hanging things on the walls, just in case there was a peephole or something. Luckily, I had ordered a lot of wall hangings. If it helped, though. I don't run away that easily. Give him the satisfaction of knowing I'm running away.

So I stayed in my mansion, anyway. I decorated and ate. The comments were now silent, so I had managed to cover some hole from which he was watching me. Another couple of days went by with no disturbances or comments. There was no piano playing at night, no black roses. The rugs lasted the way I put them down.

And then I woke up with my head all drugged up. I went to make some coffee and, as in passing, I tickled my calf and noticed the teeth marks. Really? Teeth marks, so direct proof that it was in my house and I knew this was a big place, but the seller had left the floor plans and said you could find anything.

So I would find them and then look. Fine. I had my coffee and went looking for the blueprints to see if there were any secret passages. I found the blueprints, and it was painfully obvious that the house was full of secret passages that ran between the walls.

There were secret staircases, and obviously Damon had found these. I wasn't safe at all as there were several exits on almost every floor and one had been in my bedroom. Creepy to think that he had just come in, watched me, bit my leg.

Oh fuck, I wanted to call Adam, but I knew he wouldn't help. There was only one thing to do. I packed myself a bag and went out. Then got in the car and drove to the other house. 

I did not know where I was going at the start, but I got an idea of my destination. I couldn't go to Chicago in case Adam was there, and I didn't know if he had carried out his threat and changed everyone's door codes and locks, but I would soon see when I got there.

I started driving, knowing where I was going, and if I couldn't get there, I'd buy a new house, a small house at that. I drove for about six hours, then I got there and I was happy that Adam hadn't followed through on his threat, at least not with this house.

I ended up with a house in Ohio. At least there I could be by myself. No one would bother me here and there would certainly be no secret passageways. I arrived at the house in the afternoon and had watched the entire drive to make sure no one was after me.

I had checked my car from the trunk up before I left for the drive. The drive had gone well, and I'd driven my pink Lexus, enjoying myself at least a little. I sighed with relief.

This house didn't hold such wonderful memories, from the fuckfest to the cage, but they felt like such distant memories right now that I didn't care about them much. If only there was a fuckfest, then Damon could take out that rage on fucking, but no. Not with my luck.

I went into the kitchen and started to eat.

Damon said in my head, "I told you, Mimi, bigger portions, but a naughty wife doesn't want to obey her husband, does she? You'll learn soon enough. You still haven't learned the lesson of how to obey Damon."

How the hell did he know? Oh, shit. I went through the entire house and drew curtains on every window in the front. I tried to make the house as invisible as possible, but when it didn't occur to me that the Lord is a strong fucking telepath and easily spies on my thoughts.

He somehow kept it from me and only made me feel like I was being chased and haunted. Plus, I felt so fucking tired, and again, I did not know what a telepath could actually do.

Evil was thrilled. The core was in a rage and was determined to teach the invincible. The evil spirit would make sure that the core would not give up but would give in to its dark side and persecute and hunt the invincible. Manipulating her thoughts, sending her different emotions from being hunted and persecuted to exhaustion.

Evil could feel the core getting ready to act and could see nothing wrong with what he was doing. The evil spirit would make sure of that. The evil spirit was pure evil. It was not a soul; it was not a remnant, but an evil brought about by the old black magic and there were different strengths.

The elders always corrupted the vampire groom and if the groom was strong enough, the evil that came from the evil spirit would not get a hold of them, but a strong being would let love overcome evil. But when the core had its own rage ignited by evil, their family rage. Salvatore rage, and when it was on, the usual reason and self-control flew out the window. The evil spirit only reinforced the intentions of the good giving his lesson.

This one was really going to hurt the invincible, knowing that it would not die but it would feel pain and feelings. Once the core had done its lesson and seen the consequences, how love had been lost, he would be strengthened and maybe he would surface. He had been so weak now that he hadn't surfaced in a while, but soon....

Then evening came on and tiredness gave no mercy, so I knew I must get some sleep. Again it didn't occur to me that if I could get into the house so could Damon. and there were several routes from Pennsylvania to Ohio so he didn't have to chase me but just pick up the information where I was going and drive his own way there.

But none of this came to mind. I found some random bedroom to go to sleep in. I didn't go to our master bedroom, and I didn't go to the downstairs rooms where they had fucked. I was just glad that I wasn't bloodthirsty yet because it would be a little hard to find blood now.

I wasn't at all sure if there was even a pack of blood here on the medbay. I went to bed, put the blanket on, and fell asleep, not caring if I was going to have nightmares or not.

When I woke up in the morning, someone had visited again me when I was sleeping. My head was so fucking medicated and it took me a while to get out of bed. I was covered in teeth marks.

Every part of my body was stinging and tingling. The bite marks were painful, and I knew I would not shower until I healed. My fingernails had grown so long they went into spirals, my hair was down to my ankles, and I was on some kind of sedative.

Oh, that someone had fun changing my body. I was feeling tired, and I knew that all this growth was actually eating away at my energy, weakening me. I was still medicated to where I didn't panic and get scared, but tried to get my vision and balance working somehow because I was being pissed on like crazy.

I went to the toilet and found that my piss was bright green. I don't know how he had done it. I got my nails and my hair cut. I went into the kitchen, made some strong fucking coffee and drank a pot, and then called it in.

I called Magnum, who cursed harshly and promised to come the next day because his car had had all its tires blown out. Diesel poured into the petrol tank and the engine started so much that the car broke down. He couldn't get a rental car because someone robbed his money and cut his credit cards in half. Damon was a busy boy, apparently. Because Magnum was in Ohio, that was one reason I came here when he told me about his gigs in Ohio.

But apparently, my dear husband is in a very fucking playful mood and doesn't want me to have a protector or even a defender. I thought about my response and picked up the laptop. I knew what I was looking for and acted.

Someone's been having a fucking ball, I concluded. Fine, we will return fire with fire. It would only take me a few hours to let the money do the talking and now looks didn't matter, only safety did. I had heard that Adam sometimes got these for clients who wanted to be really safe.

So what I did was I ordered a heavy-duty reinforced door for one bedroom. There would be no way to break in. Bars for the windows and welded mesh for the air vents. What are you saying Salvatore, I thought to myself.

All this I had taken from Adam and after a bit of research on the internet I still knew what could be done. This was a pack house, but I didn't make any changes other than making a nest for myself, a refuge. I decorated the bedroom in shades of pink and with soft, comfortable materials. 

 The voice in my head was dryly amused. " Are you going to live the rest of your life in your little cell, wife dear, my naughty-naughty wife? Don't worry, I'll get you and catch you, no matter what you do."

I tried to think, you just talk, and I'll act. The room was ready in less than 24 hours. I still felt persecuted and hounded, but the physical security of my super-safe room eased my anxiety somewhat.

I'd eat in the kitchen while the men were still in the house and as soon as the room was ready, I'd gather more food and retire to my room for the evening. The whole thing always made me tired, and I had to go to bed for the night, but at least I'd be safe. 

I woke up this morning without a mark and happily took a shower, got dressed, and then went down to the kitchen. When I went out of my room, I noticed the outside of the door was covered in claw marks. Oh, and Salvatore hadn't got in. Boo hoo, I thought to myself, feeling a little smug. Damn, at least I made it somewhere. Keep myself safe.

 I went for my morning coffee and on the coffee table was an enormous vase of jet black roses and a message," You won't be safe forever, darling, you'll learn soon enough."

Oh yeah. It's the hardest we're going already. I think the gentleman was getting a little nervous about my shelter. I made myself a big breakfast and thought I'd eat it in the kitchen. Again, I didn't think as I took one of the ready meals and just added meat and stuff. I didn't think he had interfered with my meals. 

I ate my breakfast and realized he had added something to it because my head spun. Fucking food was drugged and heavily. I got up, got in the elevator, and fought to stay awake.

 I got to my room for safety. I went to bed to sleep off the drug. I just got myself in a suitable position when my consciousness completely shut down. When I woke up, it was nine o'clock at night. What a wonderful drug to put me to sleep for 12 hours. Then I noticed an empty syringe on the nightstand.

No shit. The door must have been locked. I checked it. The air ducts are fine. Windows okay. How the fuck did Damon get into my room, my security system? I also noticed that he had redecorated the room in shades of blood red, black, and purple. Oh, some of us have a severe problem with my decorating.

Suddenly it didn't feel like a safe room or place anymore and the atmosphere of persecution and chasing came over me more and more. I felt my heart pounding in my chest, my hands shaking, and I was a nervous wreck.

In my mind, I felt a malevolent, satisfied feeling, like I was feeling Damon's pleasure, and then I realized he was letting me feel it through our bond. Oh fuck. It made it even worse somehow when I felt his pleasure at how fucking scared I was, nervous I was. I got myself together and called for help if it would do any good.

 I called Magnum and told them the whole thing.

Magnum said, "He's probably got a key to that door somewhere. I don't really have any other explanation. As it was a rush order, warehouse doors, don't have individual locks on them, so unfortunately your door is not secure until you get a proper lock changed and it could be days again, as these companies are very busy."

 I gulped and Magnum then told me he was busy; he had a female companion, and I heard a giggle through the phone. Magnum didn't seem too worried about me, and I suspected Damon had something to do with it. I wished Magnum well and was now trying to find a locksmith with locks powerful enough to keep Damon out of that room, anyway. 

A voice in my head said amusedly, "You should never underestimate your husband, my naughty wife. After all, I am a vampire and we can get what we want. Then you will learn. No use looking for a locksmith. I just compelled them to give me a spare key or put on a weaker lock than you wanted. Few people know how to protect themselves against compulsions, so you have no chance of building a place I can't get into. After all, as a husband, I have my rights."

He again let me feel his pleasure, how he enjoyed this as he chased his prey. Knowing he was winning and seeing my growing panic.

I tried to think rationally, but now the panic surfaced. I felt hunted and watched. I was no longer sleeping. I went from room to room, sniffing every bit of food, every whiff. I was looking through windows, checking doors.

I didn't stand still as I wandered around like a lion in a cage, trying to keep an eye out for him to come out of nowhere. But then again, I didn't know all his abilities, so I wasn't as competent as I could have been.

I called Magnum again two days later when I was already pretty fucking nervous, but Magnum couldn't come, because he always found surprise, surprise, women. Of course.

I called Adam, who didn't even return my call. I didn't even leave a voicemail as something disconnected the call before it even went to voicemail.

 I wondered who on earth I was going to contact. I considered Reddington, but didn't want to involve him in my problems. Rebecca. Not even though we'd talked at the wedding. I didn't trust her that way yet.

Nick and Elias, no they were about Damon's enemies and would only make things worse and as they were now Damon's family, the family Damon was the head of I didn't know if they would even give me directly to Damon and not protect me if Salvatore told them to.

Then I remembered Samuel's replacement. This Colin Farrel doppelgänger, who jokingly called himself Colin Farrel, although I think his real name was Collin or something and his last name was Ferrel, not Farrel. He was a werewolf leprechaun hybrid and, according to Samuel, a fucking qualified doctor and a really nice guy.

But I called Colin and just left a message because he was busy, too. I didn't call more than once. I didn't bother because I was a complete stranger who'd only heard about him from Samuel, so I did not know how he would react.

The days went by slowly and no matter how hard I tried to keep an eye out for Damon, there was always a bunch of black roses, a syringe, or a note on the table somewhere with some creepy threat.

He might casually say in my head, "I haven't decided yet baby, where in medbay will I put you back in shape? I hope you don't get an infection then, but I can't swear to that."

 As if to consider how badly he was going to hurt me.

 I had now gone four nights without sleep, shuffling from window to window, my nerves in tatters. Nobody had called me back.

I had called Samuel too, same thing. It disconnected the call before it went to voicemail and the number I had for Bran was not in service. I wasn't thinking logically anymore.

Mimosa and I were both pretty fucking nervous, and the shackles were holding around Mirella's coffin. As if this could have helped, but Salvatore wouldn't let me. I felt a haunting pressure in my mind. I saw physical evidence of Damon in almost every room.

A couple of times, I could hear footsteps. I smelled the passionfruit, and it made me panic quite worse. I was again walking upstairs in the hallway when suddenly an arm wrapped around my body.

I felt a prick in my neck and a creepy voice said in my ear, "sleepy time, baby. " Everything went black.

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