
Spirit Severing

Standing atop the ruins of the Free Heart Pavilion, Mi Ling and Chang Jin looked down silently at the destroyed building below.

"I told you he wouldn't come," Mi Ling said flatly.

Chang Jin shrugged. "There's no harm in trying, right?"

"Completely useless. We didn't even find Yang Wu," Mi Ling replied with a sigh.

"He's just a minor character. We should focus on Liang Yifei now. We really underestimated him," Chang Jin said.

Mi Ling shook her head. "I was the one who underestimated him time and time again."

"Don't be so hard on yourself," Chang Jin said with a chuckle. "How were you supposed to know he's a two-flame cultivator?"

Mi Ling shook her head. "You are right, It doesn't matter. He's physical body is already at the initial stage of Dao integration and with his mastery of the Void Dao, Combined with his strange fire, defeating an early-stage Dao integration cultivator wouldn't be difficult for him."

In the cultivation world, a cultivator's prowess was not just determined by their cultivation realm, but also by their battle strength.

A one-flame cultivator could fight someone with a minor realm higher than their own, Although defeating a higher realm cultivator wasn't unheard of in the cultivation world, but it was still rare.

He reassured her, "I don't believe we have to worry too much. You possess one of the ten Fate and Destiny Dao Physiques, and I'm certain you've already traced his Fate line."

Mi Ling acknowledged, "Yes, I marked his Fate line two centuries ago. However, we can't rely on that alone with him. Over the past two hundred years, his Fate line vanished, indicating his demise. It only emerged recently, and that's how I discovered he's alive. Unfortunately, his Fate line is so faint that I can't discern any details from it."

Fate lines are spiritual threads that connect all beings, representing their destiny and the course of events that will unfold in their life. Those who can see and control fate lines can gain an understanding of a person's past, present, and future, and potentially change their fate through the manipulation of these threads.

Chang jin eyes narrowed" That's concerning. It means he has found a way to conceal his Fate line. But we must find a way to locate him. Liang Yifei is too dangerous to let him roam freely."

Mi Ling smiled. "I don't think we should focus on him at the moment. Sooner or later, he will head for the Devil Realm to search for the Heavenly Will Palace. If someone spots him, we will know."

Chang Jin nodded in agreement. "That is a good point. We can also set up traps around the Devil Realm to capture him if he comes our way."

Mi Ling nodded. "Exactly. now It's the time to get the Devil warding incense ."

Chang Jin nodded and the two vanished into the shadows.


After what seemed like an eternity, Liang finally opened his eyes and settled into a cross-legged position to examine his injuries. After a few moments, he let out a sigh of defeat. "I was far too careless this time," he muttered to himself. "However, it was a necessary step to determine the extent of Mi Ling and her companions' power. It appears that each of them is, at the very least, a three flames cultivator."

He closed his eyes once more and began to inspect his body thoroughly. "My foundation is now stable," he noted with some satisfaction. "With the help of the Pseudo-Immortal spirit stone and the golden lotus, I have enough spiritual energy to push myself to the peak of the Spirit Severing Realm."

He took a deep breath and focused his mind on his void core. He could feel the immense power that was contained within it. He knew that breaking through to the Spirit Severing Realm was not going to be an easy task, but he was determined to succeed.

He started to circulate his spiritual energy, channeling it toward his void core. The power within the core began to surge, and he could feel it expanding rapidly. Suddenly, a loud cracking sound echoed through his body as his void core shattered.

A blinding light emanated from the core, and a powerful surge of energy shot through his body, causing him to feel a pain that he never felt before. Soon, the energy began to condense slowly, taking the shape of a golden humanoid figure that hovered in his dantian - his newly formed Nascent Divinity.

As Liang savored the sensation of his Nascent Divinity's power, a smile crept onto his face. But his joy was short-lived. The process wasn't over yet. He needed to push himself further to break through the peak of the Spirit Severing Realm in one go. With determination in his heart, he directed the remaining spiritual Qi in his body towards his Nascent Divinity. Gradually, its shape became more solid. Suddenly, a loud boom echoed through his body as he broke through to the middle stage of cultivation.

Despite his achievement, Liang did not rest. He continued to channel his spiritual energy towards his Nascent Divinity, feeling the pressure building up inside him. He was aware that breaking through to the late stage of the Spirit Severing Realm would be even more challenging than his previous feat.

But he was determined to succeed.

He pushed himself further, directing even more spiritual energy towards his Nascent Divinity. The pressure within him increased, causing him to feel as though his body was about to explode.

Suddenly, the pressure released, causing a violent shockwave to ripple through his body. He felt his spiritual energy surge, breaking through the shackles that had been holding him back.

It didn't stop as his cultivation level increased gradually until it finally reached the peak of the late stage.

As he slowly opened his eyes, a serene expression took over his face rather than one of joy. Standing up, he stretched his limbs and took a deep breath, feeling a more profound connection to both the haven and earth around him. He could sense that his understanding of the Void Dao had significantly deepened, to the point where he could easily break through to the Dao integration realm whenever he chose to.

However, after some thought, he decided not to. Firstly, he needed to stabilize his foundation and raise his mastery over his other techniques. A big house without a foundation is bound to crumble.

He knew that improving his foundation was essential to avoid any mishaps in his cultivation. Therefore, he decided to spend some time meditating to consolidate his new gains and improve his mastery of the Void Dao.

As he sat in meditation with his eyes closed, he focused on his breathing, allowing himself to sink deeper into his consciousness. He visualized his spiritual energy circulating through his meridians, moving in harmony with the world's energy. The process was slow and meticulous.

Time passed, and Liang remained in his meditative stance, his breaths coming slow and steady. Gradually, he felt his mind and body become more serene and centered, a sign that he had successfully integrated his new gains. He opened his eyes, casting his divine sense around the cave, and spotted a familiar figure seated nearby - it was none other than Yang Wu.

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