
Heavenly Mist Palace

Free Heart Pavilion. Liang was calmly sipping tea in a luxurious room on the third floor while gazing out at the street below as if waiting for someone.

After a while, Yang Wu entered the room.

Liang glanced at him and questioned, "Have you acquired any information about her?"

Yang Wu shook his head, saying, "Nothing that is unknown. We still don't know how she survived the Blood Moon City or how she knows that you are alive."

Liang's brow furrowed, "Then what do you know about her?"

Taking a seat opposite him, Yang Wu began to answer, outlining the known facts. He explained that she had disappeared after the devil invasion and resurfaced a decade later, forming the Heavenly Mist Palace, which became the most mysterious and influential power in the world. With a reputation for possessing extensive knowledge, there seemed to be nothing that could be hidden from the Heavenly Mist Palace's eyes.

Liangi's eyes flashed with surprise as he realized that this did not correlate with Mi Ling's habits. Yang Wu continued, revealing that after the disappearance of the ten major sects, the cultivation world had been plagued by chaos for over a decade until the Heavenly Mist Palace appeared. Everything seemed to stop.

Subsequently, many new factions appeared and began to construct countless cities around the Heavenly Earth Vein, resulting in a period of peace. Many of the rising new factions were even rumoured to be supported by the Heavenly Mist Palace. Yang Wu stated his evidence that whenever there was a conflict between powerful factions, the leaders would go to the Heavenly Mist Palace, and magically, the conflict would be resolved.

Liang considered this information thoughtfully and asked, "So, you're saying they may have control over most of the cultivation factions?"

Yang Wu replied firmly, "We can't be entirely sure, but it appears very likely."

Liang took another sip of tea, pondering over the information given to him.

After a moment of silence, Liang spoke up, "I have always known that she was planning something, but I was too busy to look into anything at that time. To think that I underestimated her to such an extent."

Yang Wu hesitated before answering, " I don't know what you gained from making that deal with the devil's kings, but if you asked me who the person who benefited most from the invasion was, it would be her."

Liang's expression turned gloomy as he heard that. What he hated the most was to benefit other people for free.

Yang Wu looked hesitant for a while before saying, "Do you think she discovered your plans a long time ago and your deal with the devils? I mean, that would explain how fast she moved."

Liang looked at him for a while and chuckled. "Well, it wouldn't matter what her plans are; she better not have any funny thoughts."

Yang Wu nodded and stood up, taking his leave. Liang sat there for a while, lost in thought before his gaze suddenly darkened, but he suddenly laughed loudly. "Interesting, very interesting. Let's see what kind of tricks you have." He took another sip of tea, and soon the space around him began to distort, and his figure disappeared from the luxurious room.

This world has three forbidden grounds, respectfully, the Hanging Cloud Abyss, Death Domain, and finally, the Black Lotus Ground.

The Black Lotus Ground is located in the centre of the Black Lotus Forest, a desolate wasteland covered in dark clouds that cover the sunlight all the time, with twisted trees that seem to reach towards the dark sky. The air is thick with poisonous miasma that makes it difficult to breathe. It is said that those who venture too close would experience a slow and painful death.

The legends surrounding the Black Lotus Ground are many, but none can truly confirm them. It is said that the ground was cursed by the gods themselves and that those who trespassed would be punished for their sins. Others believe that it was the site of a great battle between ancient deities and that their power still lingered, waiting for those who dared to disturb their rest.

Liang arrived at the edge of the Black Lotus Forest, walking steadily towards the designated location.

After some time, he reached the outer edges of the Black Lotus Ground, the real forbidden place. For miles away, Liang could see a towering Black Lotus that reached the cloud. He looked at it for a while before a smile appeared on his face. He could feel the power emanating from it and knew that it was the source of the miasma that made it difficult to even breathe...

As he approached the entrance, his eyes caught sight of Mi Ling standing along with three other cultivators, The first individual he noticed was a burly man, with flowing hair cascading down his back in waves, Clad in blue armor that appeared to be made of some sort of sturdy, metallic material, the warrior exudes a sense of power and invincibility. The armor is elaborately detailed, adorned with intricate engravings and etchings that seem to tell a story of their own. A gleaming sword hung from his waist.

The second one was an elegantly dressed young woman, whose graceful demeanour captured his attention. She wore a pristine, white flowing gown that enhanced her every move and made her appear almost ethereal. Her hair was tied up neatly in an intricate braid, and her striking features were highlighted by a gentle smile that shone on her face.

Finally, as his gaze shifted towards the third person, He was a black-robed man an ominous aura emanated from him. Black daggers adorned his waist, giving away his malevolence. His face was concealed by the hood, and through the small part was visible his red glowing eyes which gave goosebumps.

Liang stopped in his tracks, eyeing the three strangers calmly, not showing any signs of surprise. As if he was expecting that.

"You're late," Mi Ling said, her voice icy.

"Sorry about that, I had some other things to attend to," Liang replied smoothly.

Mi Ling gave him a skeptical look before gesturing towards the three individuals behind her. "Allow me to introduce you to my associates. This is Bai Shuan. He is a powerful swordsman. Li Wei, well.. he is an assassin. And Yan Ming, I don't know if you've heard about her before, but she is ranked as the best alchemist in the world. They will be accompanying us."

Liang nodded, not particularly interested in the introductions. "Very well. Shall we proceed then?"

Bai Shuan looked at him coldly, "So, you are that infamous Dark Viper - the traitor who colluded with devils. To think that you are still alive."

Liang raised an eyebrow but said nothing. Instead, he looked at Mi Ling calmly, feeling the awkwardness. She waved her hands, "Let's not dwell on the past, Bai Shuan. We have a task at hand that requires us to work together. Are you willing to put aside your personal feelings for the greater good?"

Bai Shuan grunted but said nothing more, indicating his agreement.

Yan Ming interjected, "Let's not waste any more time. Elder sister Ling, would you mind telling us why you gathered us here?"

Mi Ling looked at her with a serious expression. "As I mentioned earlier in my message, one of the old geezers is about to breakthrough to the Void Transformation Realm. We are simply here to prevent him from doing that. As all of you know, when a cultivator breakthrough to the Void Transformation Realm, they will have to pass a Heavenly Tribulation. We shall make him fail to pass through his Tribulation."

Bai Shuan nodded in agreement. "And where is this old geezer located?"

"He is within the Black Lotus Ground, in a cave at the foot of the Black Lotus Mountain," Mi Ling answered.

Liang spoke up, "And how do we plan to stop him from breaking through? The old geezer probably has set many formations and traps around the cave. It would be very difficult to get near the cave without alerting him."

Mi Ling replied mysteriously, "That's why I gathered every one of you! There's a two-line defence around the old geezer. The first one is a powerful and ancient killing Formation. The second layer is a poisonous dome that surrounds the cave. I reckon that any cultivator beneath the Void Transformation Realm will die if he enters."

Finally, the silent Li Wei spoke up, "Then how do we get past these defences?"

Mi Ling grinned, "That's where Liang comes in. He is the most powerful spirit Formation master I know. If anyone knows someone else who is more knowledgeable about spirit formation, they could recommend that person."

That's true. Although Liang was a powerful assassin, he was only a Nascent soul Realm cultivator. Any Spirit Severing Realm cultivator would be able to kill him in a direct fight. But with his mastery over spirit formation, he even managed to kill a few Early Spirit Severing Realm cultivators, Drawing the awe of all formation master at that time, some even claimed that Liang's mastery over formations and runes is second to none in the world.

Liang looked at her calmly, "I could try, but I can't promise you anything until I see the formation."

Li Wei nodded in understanding and said, "So, Miss Yan Ming should be the one who will make us pass the poisonous dome safely."

Liang interjected, "Even if we manage to pass through them, we will still fail. The divine sense of a Void Transformation Realm cultivator could probably cover up the ten great cities together."

Li Wei replied calmly, "I think that's where my turn comes in. I have a powerful artifact that would let us pass without being spotted by the divine sense."

Mi Ling nodded, "Then after that, it would be my turn and Bai Shuan's. I have an ability that would enable me to know what time the old geezer would be at his weakest. And that's when Daoist Bai's turn comes, he will deliver the first blow."

Everyone nodded in understanding.

"But before we do anything, we should decide how we will distribute the spoils."

Liang's eyes flashed. That's what he was waiting for. He looked at her patiently.

"Well, the old geezer's name was a famous cultivator during the Heavenly Conqueror era. He is called Drunken Sword Lord.He has come out now to breakthrough."

Bai Shuan was the first to respond, "I will take his sword."

Yan Ming was the second to reply, "I will have his body."

Liangi's eyes flashed, "Then I think I will take his Nascent Divinity."

Then it was Li Wei's turn, "Whatever cultivation technique he has, I will have the right to choose first."

Everyone nodded, not minding that demand. Finally, it was Mi Ling's turn, "I want to choose something from his spirit ring first, then anything else we will split it equally among us, If any of you doesn't mind that, then let's go. Time is the essence."

Hearing this Liang sneered inwardly, just as he expected, the object that Mi Ling wants probably holds an enormous value.

Want to choose first ? Haha, let's see about that, Liang thought coldly, but outwardly he appeared to have no problem with her demand.

They all nodded in agreement before heading deeper into the Black Lotus Ground.

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