

The mirror was about the size of his palm, and it had a black, polished surface that shone with an eerie glow. Its edges were adorned with intricate patterns that looked like they were etched into the glass using runic symbols. The frame of the mirror was made of a dark metal that looked like iron, but it held an otherworldly essence. If any other expert was here, they would be able to feel the spirit qi dispersing around the mirror as if it was rejecting it, making it clear that it was something out of this world.

A rare hint of excitement appeared on Liang's face. He recited a chant in an ancient and unknown language, and soon a dark devilish qi began to surround him. As the chant reached its climax, he pointed his finger towards the mirror, and a black beam of energy shot out from it, hitting the mirror with a loud clang.

The mirror shook slightly, the outlines of five figures began to appear one after another, their forms blurry and distorted at first before becoming clearer as they solidified.

The first one was tall and muscular, with fiery red skin and blazing eyes that seemed to glow with an inner flame. He wore a crown of horns on his head and wielded a massive sword that crackled with energy.

The second was much smaller but no less intimidating, with jet-black skin and a face that looked like it had been carved from obsidian. He had a pair of razor-sharp claws for his hands, and his eyes glowed with a malevolent intelligence.

The third one was the most beautiful of the group, with long flowing hair and a lithe, elegant form. But there was a coldness in her eyes that made it clear she was not to be trifled with. She wore a black dress that seemed to shimmer and move of its own accord, and she carried a long staff that pulsated with dark energy.

The fourth one was covered in spikes, with sharp teeth and a snarling, animalistic face. He moved with fluid grace, and his every movement seemed perfectly calculated. He carried a whip made of flames that he cracked with expert precision.

Finally, the fifth was a massive, hulking brute, with grey, rock-like skin and a pair of curved horns that sprouted from his forehead. He wielded a pair of massive hammers that glowed with unearthly energy and seemed almost too heavy for any mortal to lift.

Liang smiled, looking at them. He cupped his hands, "Welcome again to our world, devil kings. Since you called me, that means our plan should be ready now."

The devil kings nodded in unison, their eyes fixed on Liang with a cold intensity. It was clear that they were not here to make small talk, and Liang knew that.

"Yes, our plan is ready, but it will not be easy," the fiery red devil king spoke first,"We needed more power, more souls to fuel our devilish qi, so it took us a long time of preparation. Also, making a contract with mortals seems insignificant, but with the right numbers, it wouldn't necessarily be any worse than cultivators' souls."

" Liang, Are you sure you don't want us to convert you to a pure devilish cultivator?" Said the devilish woman with an enhancing laugh.

Liang looked at her with a strange smile and shook his head. "My cultivation technique is a bit special. It won't work."

The devilish woman didn't seem to be satisfied with his answer. She knew that he was just making excuses. "Hmph, with that mindset, it's not surprising why you're still at the Nascent Soul Realm."

"Enough with the bullshit, let's get down to business," said one of the devilish kings.

Liang nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "I have been preparing for this, gathering the necessary resources and recruiting the right people. But we need to be careful. We cannot let anyone know about our plans."

The devil kings laughed, a chorus of dark, menacing voices that sent a chill down to the spine of the bravest warrior "We do not fear any spirit cultivator or their pitiful tricks. We will destroy anyone who stands in our way."

Liang nodded, knowing that the devil kings were right. They were powerful beyond measure, and with his guidance, each one of them had the power of a Dao Integration Realm, the Realm that came after the Spirit Severing Realm.

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