
dream come true 2

She giggled some more as she undid her bra and let it drop to the floor. Breathtaking, and definitely 'D'; I've seen enough porn to be sure. Speaking of porn, sometimes you see a gal with large breasts and tiny nipples, or small breasts and weird nipples. None of that was happening here. Melanie's full breasts sloped down to luscious globes, capped by perfect nipples. No tan lines marred her perfect sun-kissed skin. Her pink areolas were a good three inches across, and her hard nipples protruded proudly from the center. I felt completely out of my element here, staring at the most gorgeous person I've ever seen in my life. Melanie chuckled at me, and lasciviously nibbled her own finger. Her glorious, pendulous breasts shook and trembled.

I stood there holding my daughter, dumbfounded, just staring at Melanie for the second time in less than five minutes. My cock had worked its way out of the slit in my boxers and stabbed Alice in the kidney. That shouldn't happen.

Fatigue set in, I had to set my daughter down. I brushed past Melanie and carefully set her down on the built-in seat in the corner of the shower enclosure. As the hot water sprinkled on me a little bit and part of Alice, her limp body started to slide, the only way I could hold her up was to push against her chest, which I did. I had to. It wasn't my fault.

I tried not to think about where my hand was. I really, really tried. I called for Melanie to come and help me. And she didn't help at all.

What she did, though, was kneel kind of behind and beside me. That way she could lean her exquisite breasts against my back and side. Like I said, not helping.

Melanie then slipped past me and reached for Alice's tiny underpants and started tugging them off.

"Wait!" I cried out. "What are you doing?"

"Silly! She can't sleep in these wet things!"

Right. Of course she can't. What was I thinking? I'll tell you what I was thinking. No! I won't tell you that. This was my daughter. This was not a sexual situation. She was sick and needed my help. I can't betray her! What kind of a sick fuck am I?

I lowered my head down so I wouldn't see anything, but still had my hands on her chest to maintain her upright position. I helped Melanie shift Alice's weight so we could remove her panties.

"The bra, too, Daddy-oh!" Melanie seemed awfully cheerful about this whole situation. "And uh, nice hard-on you got there! Is that for her or me?"

I just shook my head, I didn't have a free hand yet to try and put my cock back inside my boxers. I let Alice tip forward a bit so Melanie could unhook the back of Alice's bra. Fuck.

"Okay," I said to Melanie. "You take it from here. I'm going to go get you guys some dry clothes."

Melanie propped up Alice as I let go and quickly turned my head to get out of there.


Except there was a fleeting glimpse. A flash. Just a moment, really. But I'm sure I saw this lovely, pink, gumdrop-shaped nipple. Just out of the corner of my eye. This nipple was at the tip of Alice's delicate but delicious-looking breast.


I moved the shower head over them so they both got sprayed as Melanie rubbed and scrubbed Alice, then I stepped back into my bedroom and shut the bathroom door. I was fairly wet by now, too, but forgot a towel. Fuck it, I thought, and I tucked my rager back in my boxers. I went to Alice's messy room and found two pairs of sweat shorts and a couple of T-shirts.

As I walked back into my room, I checked that Suzie was asleep. Dead to the world, just like her daughter.

Suddenly, a loud booming, crashing sound rang out from the bathroom. The kind of sound one makes when they fall in the tub. What the fuck happened?

I ran into the bathroom to see that Melanie had slipped back off her feet and had fallen back onto her butt. However, she took Alice with her, as now my daughter lay face down on Melanie's chest.

"Goddammit is she alright? Are you alright?"

Melanie nodded and laughed. I told her to hush up, to which she quieted for a moment and tried to look scared, but then she only laughed more. Damn drunks! My house is full of drunken women!

I turned off the water but got soaked in doing so. They must have gotten most of the gunk off by now.

"Hey look!" Melanie touted. "She's almost sucking my tit! You want my tit, sweetheart?"

Melanie grabbed her left boob and placed it on my daughter's face, rubbing her glorious, rigid nipple over Alice's lips.

"Knock it off!" I harsh-whispered to Melanie. She laughed, of course.

I grabbed a towel and laid it over my daughter's back. I glared at Melanie as I tried to pat my daughter's back down. Melanie tried to be quiet, but she could only hold still for a few moments before bursting out in giggles again.

My thinking at this point was that I needed to get Alice up and sit her down in Suzie's makeup chair at the bathroom vanity counter. Then we can blow-dry her hair and get her to bed and this horrible, awful, yet cock-hardening experience can be over with.

As the poor Hebrew slaves must have said to the Egyptian pyramid designers, "Easier said than done."

I couldn't figure out how to get Alice up. I couldn't really roll her over and pick her up like normal because, well, that would just break all of the rules to hold my naked daughter in my arms. I couldn't pick her up by her stomach because that would induce more puking.

Oh well, there's nothing for it. I forced my hands under her so they were at her chest. Her… soft chest… Fuck! Anyway, I lifted her somewhat upright, then slid one arm under her bum and hoisted her up. Yes, her naked bum.

I staggered over to the chair and sat her in it. I looked pleadingly over at Melanie who seemed to grasp the situation. She rose up fully and walked over to me. As a reminder, she is completely naked and wet at this point. I could see that she didn't have a single hair anywhere on her body except her head. She grabbed some towels off the rack and started rubbing myself and Alice down.

At this point, I could only hold up Alice by kneeling behind the chair she sat in and supporting her with my right arm and hand across her chest. Her head lolled forward too much, so I used my left hand to try and hold it more upright. My right hand, or more specifically, my right pinky finger, seemed to be dangerously close to Alice's nipple.

Now, if there was a video replay, the referees might argue that my pinky finger seemed to move slightly in a back and forth rhythmic fashion, which would cause severe stimulation to that poor nipple. I would argue that if there was any movement of said pinky, that it was involuntary movement caused by Melanie drying us off with towels. I would argue that all fucking day. And if that nipple hardened, I mean 'when' that nipple hardened, I would also argue that I felt only the normal fatherly concern for my daughter Alice and that I didn't feel that nipple harden under my finger. I would also argue that my once-again full hard-on was the result of seeing Melanie only, not Alice.

Speaking of Alice, she happened to stir right at that moment and lifted her head up a bit.

"Daddy?" she asked in that little sweet drunken voice. "Whass happening? I can't move very well."

"We're going to dry your hair and put you to bed."

"Daddy? Are you holding my boobs?" Terrific, I'm so busted now.

"Yes honey, so you won't fall over."

"Iss okay Daddy, feels kinda nice."

I felt her head bob forward again as she slipped back into her stupor. Good, I thought. She won't remember any of this.

By now Melanie had gotten out the blow dryer and began drying Alice's hair. For some reason, Melanie seemed to think she didn't need to put on any clothes yet. And as she and I moved around to try and get all of Alice's hair dry, she seemed to be bumping into me and leaning against me a lot. At one point she leaned hard against my shoulder to bend over Alice's hair.

There's no other way to say this. Her pussy ground into my shoulder and her boobs dragged on the top of my head. She stayed that way for longer than I thought necessary. My fully hard cock, of course, had already noticed that we were fondling Alice. Fondling? No! Accidentally touching! It was just incidental contact! 'He' also noticed Melanie's boobs and pussy touching us. I didn't think my cock would go back down for a week.

Melanie turned the hair dryer onto my hair and slowly ran her fingers through it.

Sensually. She sensually ran her fingers through my hair and massaged my scalp, as the warm air flowed over my head. Goddammit Melanie, I'm supposed to be mad at you for letting my daughter get so stupid-drunk in public. But the anger lessened.

Melanie set the dryer down and together we managed to get Alice's dry shorts and T-shirt on that I had brought in earlier. At this point, we just did whatever was necessary to accomplish the task, me being unmindful of the softness of her firm buttocks, her delicate breasts, or the gentle rise of her shaved mound. I didn't even think about them. At all. Not even a passing thought.

I continued to hold Alice in the chair as Melanie dried her own blonde hair. She seemed to need to stand, still naked, right beside me. I caught a whiff of her sex as she separated her legs slightly. The whiff turned into a scent and then turned into an honest-to-God aroma. My already ragged breathing became rougher as I shook my head, trying to figure this situation out. Melanie finished drying her hair. I pointed at the dry clothes sitting on the counter.

"Put 'em on," I whispered.

She gave me an exaggerated pouty face. I almost laughed, but I couldn't do that now!

"Put, them, ON!" I hissed.

She stuck her tongue out at me, but grabbed the shorts and struggled into them.

Melanie is NOT fat or big in any way. But Alice's clothes are made for a tiny peanut girl who's a size Zero. Melanie was maybe a Four or Six, which is perfect for her height. But not perfect for these little stretchy pants. She only got them on with a lot of side-to-side effort. Her gorgeous tits bounced and jumped around as she did so. I should have looked away, it wasn't decent of me to ogle at her. But I think I hurt my neck a little bit from carrying Alice around, so I left my head facing Melanie's direction.

Melanie had the same issue with Alice's T-shirt; it was too small. Somehow she got the shirt over her breasts, though, and the ultra-tight shirt seemed to magnify her breasts and made her look even sexier than she did a minute ago. Like that was even possible! Of course, being probably 6 inches taller than my daughter, a fair amount of skin showed between shirt and shorts. But it was like Melanie didn't even try to cover up her breasts; she displayed plenty of 'neathage'. (Similar to cleavage, but just the underneath of the breasts is visible when the shirt is too high.)

Fuck, me. This was getting to be too much. I'm just a man, after all.

She grabbed Alice's stuff and opened the door for me out to my bedroom. I checked on the drunken wife; she had moved from her back to now laying on her side, and she snored softly. Okay then. I scooped Alice up and away we went.

I tiptoed to Alice's room while Melanie tromped hard behind me. She slipped past me in the hallway and went ahead to turn on the lights and turn down Alice's bed. I gently laid her down on her side in what is called "The Recovery Position". That's so that if she throws up in her sleep, it will go forward onto the bed. You don't want to lay a catatonic drunk on their back. Lots of dead rock stars know about that. I propped up a bunch of pillows so she couldn't roll over on her back.

"Daddy?" Alice surprised us as she whispered.

"I gotta headache."

I told Melanie to stay with Alice while I went back to my bathroom to get a plastic cup and some ibuprofen. Wife was still asleep. But when I returned to the bedroom I was in for another shock.

Melanie was kneeling at the foot of Alice's bed, talking softly to her, but she had removed the too-tight shorts. Her ass stuck out suggestively. Her bare ass. I had seen it before, of course, but it was always doing something necessary. Now it just stuck out there, like it wanted something.

In a very suave and debonair fashion (or is it swave and deboner?) I somehow didn't spill the water or drop the pain pills. I roused Alice up and she managed to swallow them down. I kissed Alice on her forehead and told her I loved her. My raging cock clearly stood out in my shorts. With any luck on my part, she won't remember any of this.

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