
Another Player

'How in the Laws did he unlock three Major Authorities!?!' Leon cried in his thoughts.

'This is freaking witchcraft! I refuse to believe he is this powerful!' Jnneyo remarked.

Instead of taking pity on themselves for their miserable status, the two were too caught up in the amusement of Vlovnir's ridiculous achievements.

The rest were also stupefied by the scene in front of them. The scenery of Vlovnir being revolved around by stormy clouds filled with lighting, appearing as though he was a deity of storms, was something they could never forget. 

Even Lea could not find any solace in the status of his elder brother, whom she envied very much because that was just how powerful Vlovnir was.

The only sane people remaining in the vicinity were Ahelia and Z. However, a look of admiration can still be seen on their faces. After all, it is not every day one can see a 20-year-old man having three Major Authorities. 

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