


Lily was feeling weird with Jodie' stare, it was creeping her out of her skin, like little spiders climbing all over her body. she was sensing too much hatred from the woman, maybe I am just being too sensitive. she thought to herself, brushing away the thought.

Lily took a roll and placed it in her mouth, enjoying the creamy flavor that bursted in her mouth as she chewed on the roll.

Jodie looked at her in dismay and repulsion, "don't you have a diet plan? Why are you drowning the roll like a pig? Sorry if I sound offensive but if you are really Jack's date, you should know how to take care of yourself in public."

Lily snarled, "Are you a doctor? Do I look fat to you? What the hell is your problem? You have been giving me weird looks ever since you came to me, now you are having issue with what I eat?"

Jodie eyed Lily angrily, "I wonder what Jack saw in you, I don't see anything special that should attract Jack."

"This lady must be mentally unstable," she mumbled beneath her breath. She was taken aback by the lady's effrontery to judge when she doesn't even know who she was, "look here lady, I don't know what your problem is; but I should warn you, I don't know who you are to Jack, I don't care. Jack and I are in a relationship, deal with it." Lily felt proud of herself and walked away with her head raised high.

Lily came back to see Sam and Jack talking.

"So when is your fiance coming to greet me?" Jack asked, he was getting irritated.

Samantha hissed, "you can go to him," she shrugged her shoulders.

Just then a man, snaked his arms around Samantha and kissed her shoulders, "Hello baby; miss me?"

She turned her head and gave him full access to her lips.

Jack gargled at the two of them making out in his presence, "weird!" he muttered, it was strange seeing the lady he consider to be a friend kissing someone apart from Ben, of course.

Lily saw the expression on Jack's face and gave him a slight jab in his stomach.

The couple were lost in each other embrace, forgetting the onlookers around them.

Jack cleared his throat, getting uncomfortable with their public display of affection.

Samantha pulled away from the kiss, her eyes a bit glassy and her lips swollen, "Darling! Meet my friend Jack and his date Lily."

"Jack and Lily! Meet my fiance Griffin," she introduced.

Jack stared at Griffin, judging him, Griffin was tall but not as tall as he was, which he was smug about. He was built as if he spend most of his time in the gym, Griffin looked at Samantha with love in his eyes. He saw as Samantha glowed and he knew she was in safe hands.

Griffin brought out his hand to Jack and he reciprocated, "nice to see you too," they said to each other.

"How are you Lilly?" Griffin asked, trying to be jovial.

"I am good," she replied politely.

"Since we all have been properly acquitted," she turned to face Lily, "So what do you do for a living?" Samantha asked curiously.

"I work in J&J investment company, I work there as an investment marketer."

Lily was about to explain further, suddenly a lady bumped into her almost pushing her to the ground.

She turned to look at the prepertrator, it was Jodie and she was looking at her with an evil glint in her eyes.

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